9 - Luis Suárez - v1

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New member
Would depend on the evidence at hand I would guess, its one mans word against another and with them taking both statements 8 games is absolutely ridiculous. Now Suarez supposedly admitted to using the word, which is where he went wrong really, should have denied it, because that word can be used towards a friend or towards a person you hate so they have no option but to ban him.

Context is everything which is why most smart people chose not to use racial words, especially in the position he is in, with this they have made it clear nobody should do anything which could reference a guys skin colour.


New member
Suarez is no stranger to controversy.

Let's see... He blatantly handballs in front of billions of people, he bites people, dives constantly, and is also a racist? Is there a more disgusting player in modern football?


Dr. Raed St. Claire
I know for sure he said "por que, negrito?"

which, if he was in Latin America, or speaking to a Latin American, would not be offensive at all.

but he was in England speaking to a Frenchman of African origin.

the idea that he gets to decide what is and isn't offensive in a foreign country is laughable. that's not how it fucking works. I'd like to see him go down to Hackney Marshes to play some 5-a-side, and then call some black guys "negrito." see how they react to his explanation that in South America it's a term of endearment.

and that's if we assume he didn't mean to offend, which given Suarez's history of being a dick, is highly unlikely.

England has a real problem with racism, that much has been evident for a while. but this & the John Terry issue have really brought to light just how serious and deeply embedded the problem is. the attitudes towards race of otherwise reasonable people is quite shocking and saddening. but thankfully those in charge and parts of the population (I would have said large parts, but I'm not sure anymore) are attempting to fix this.

all in all, despite Suarez's ban, I'm not happy. today has revealed an ugly side to people I really respected.


Can't pass a judgement on the details of the incident as it is still hidden. So when they are made available we will see if this holds up. However I really like the length of the ban, it seems excessive at first, until you realize what is at stake here. La Furia can explain it, and he is not far from the truth, but what he explains is another deep tragedy that is outside England. Now, if the FA did have every reason to ban Suarez and did so by giving him an 8 match ban, like 2 months, then that is a fucking solid approach. Congratulations England, very good first step. Not like the wankers in Spain. If somehow, by someway, the decision have been swayed or the whole issue has been fabricated, then those few people you are congratulating, Meta, could be ten times worse than you think and that means the EPL is nothing but a stinkhole.

So at the expense of a footballer I hope to god that this is not fabricated, because I wouldn't mind seeing him made an example out of. And I would like to see players get even heftier bans from now on. Though if Terry gets away with what he said, or gets anything less than what Suarez got, then this ban is entirely useless. Not only useless, also a scam.


New member
If Suarez' ban sticks, then it's guaranteed that Terry will get the same length. The FA are trying to set precedent here.


Dr. Raed St. Claire
If Suarez' ban sticks, then it's guaranteed that Terry will get the same length. The FA are trying to set precedent here.

And what if Terry doesn't get the same? The whole thing would blow up in the air, I mean it won't because everyone would have been paid and england's captain will carry on. But it would scream a massive farce.

Like I said, I congratulate BPL on this move if they provide evidence so everyone can understand, but if not then the BPL is as rotten as...


New member
Terry isn't captain anymore, he doesn't have the immunity or favoritism he used to get because of the armband. He's old and on his way out, and the FA need to prove a point


New member
The RAWK forum is amazing :worthy: they're planning on sending Saurez supportive christmas cards and rigging a sky poll :lol:

I have just re read the offical statement re Luis on the FA website and noticed you can "like" the page....which I dont think is correct or appropriate...
Accordingly I have now sent the following meesage to the FA on their contact link on the same web page....thoughts? (unfortunately you have to become a register "fan" to post something on their contact link...)

I think it is totally inappropriate for people to be able to "like" the press statement on Luis Suarez on your offical FA webpage. On such a sensitive issue regarding disciplinary matters, being able to "like" a statement/outcome on social media such as Facebook trivialises the whole matter. This is not reality TV, this are serious issues affecting peoples lives and careers.
Please remove
Rob Blackwell
Liverpool FC Fan

:lol: :lol: :lol:

It does seem a bit odd that the FA have no other evidence against Evra's word so I can see why Liverpool fans are upset. But they've pretty much admitted that he did say it and Saurez has been in Europe long enough to know that you don't say that. They're original statements was brilliant "Saurez can't be racist, as we speak he's sitting here eating jerk chicken and listening to Bob Marley. He doesn't even know what racism is!"

I love that the game he'll return could be Man United away, football :worthy:
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Hatem Ben Arfa

New member

what do you think that word was FFS.

he should have kept his mouth shut, I bet you admitting to that is something that weighed heavily against him in this case and led to his subsequent ban, so people need to stop crying over a GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY scumbag.


Kid? I'm probably older than you. Can you even grow a beard?

I'm not English. I'd rather die than live there.

Racism exists everywhere. Some countries at least make an effort to solve this problem.

Thank goodness. We've enough people like you as it is living here quite content to take the financial benefits while continually denigrating the country while residing here.

There has been more than a concerted effort to tackle the issue of racism so you haven't got a clue either. Oddly enough stories like these as in Scandinavia don't get reported though:


New member
Thank goodness. We've enough people like you as it is living here quite content to take the financial benefits while continually denigrating the country while residing here.

There has been more than a concerted effort to tackle the issue of racism so you haven't got a clue either. Oddly enough stories like these as in Scandinavia don't get reported though:

I'm not a chav. My famiy are rich. Very rich in fact.

I didn't say anything about England, so what the hell are you talking about?


Visca El Barca
The crazy thing is, he only got a seven game ban for biting someone one the pitch, yet he gets an eight game ban for a racial slur? The EPL is shit!


New member
The crazy thing is, he only got a seven game ban for biting someone one the pitch, yet he gets an eight game ban for a racial slur? The EPL is shit!

That's kind of what I was thinking. In the EPL, its a 3 game ban for breaking someone's leg and potentially ending their career but an 8 game ban for using a racist term? I think its great that they're trying to completely stamp racism out of football but they should concentrate more on stamping out bad tackling which happens all the time.


New member
That's kind of what I was thinking. In the EPL, its a 3 game ban for breaking someone's leg and potentially ending their career but an 8 game ban for using a racist term? I think its great that they're trying to completely stamp racism out of football but they should concentrate more on stamping out bad tackling which happens all the time.

Because the racism shit need to be cut off? Cunts like Shitzares must be punished heavily to prove a point. Racism is not acceptable and very harmful subject.
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