9 - Luis Suárez - v1

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New member
Because the racism shit need to be cut off? Cunts like Shitzares must be punished heavily to prove a point. Racism is not acceptable and very harmful subject.

So is breaking someone's leg or seriously injuring them....

I'm not saying that racism isn't a serious issue, I'm half black so obviously its important to me. But if its 8 games for being racist then it should be the same for seriously injuring another player by putting in a reckless tackle (eg Shawcross, De Jong) The FA are right to hand him a massive ban though and I admire them for completely showing that racism will not be tolerated.


I am Leg End
The FA's credibililty will be shot to pieces, if Terry, who's evidence is more clear cut, does not get the same ban.

Or is it a case, like it usually is of blaming the "foreigners" for all the wrong doing in england?


Senior Member
I'm not sure how many times this needs explaining, but the FA will not be responsible for find either guilty or innocent. The Suarez case was dealt with by an independent commission, and the Terry incidence is being dealt with by the police. All the FA do, is decide what the punishment is going to be. Obviously if Terry is found guilty, then the FA will have no choice but to impose the same ban, or perhaps even a bigger one. I don't see any way around that for them, and they will know it. If the evidence for Suarez was really so thin, and the desire to keep Terry in the game so great, then why would they back themselves into a corner by giving Suarez the 8 match ban? It makes no sense, unless you're a rabid Suarez fanboy.

Also on a side note, racism isn't wrong because it's 'offensive'. Suarez should have been making any reference to Evra's race to begin with, which he has admitted to doing.


Bomb Dropper
So is breaking someone's leg or seriously injuring them....

I'm not saying that racism isn't a serious issue, I'm half black so obviously its important to me. But if its 8 games for being racist then it should be the same for seriously injuring another player by putting in a reckless tackle (eg Shawcross, De Jong) The FA are right to hand him a massive ban though and I admire them for completely showing that racism will not be tolerated.

tackling is part of football, though. so bad tackling is almost an occupational hazard. players will hurt each other, even if they don't intend to (the Rambo/Shawcross incident saw both guys leap in recklessly for a 50/50). that's why the bans are "small" in comparison to what Suarez has been given.

obviously there are players who take advantage of these rules and play to hurt the opponent, but while it can be "obvious," it can't be proven. and how do you judge how bad a tackle is? by the severity of the injury?

Silva Lining

Let me make my stance clear.

IF Suarez is found guilty then I support a long ban for him. So if that happens you have in writing what I think should happen, thus I cannot back out of it.

But he is innocent until proven guilty. He has been charged not convicted.

The FA's credibililty will be shot to pieces, if Terry, who's evidence is more clear cut, does not get the same ban.

Or is it a case, like it usually is of blaming the "foreigners" for all the wrong doing in england?

You are obviously not a man of your word.

You should be supporting his ban as you said you would, you absolute joke of a person.


he talks so much and is so opinionated he often forgets what he supports or stands for.


New member
That is no way to talk about your fellow Geordies......

Stop embarrassing yourself. The guy is a cunt and is dragging your club's name through the mud yet all you lot do is try to defend the indefensible. This whole 'world is against us' nonsense is cringeworthy to the extreme, too.

Give the conspiracy theories a rest, get over the fact your best player has been given the correct punishment and move on with dignity. The whole club has been an embarrassing mess over this incident. From the original act, the supporters reactions, the manager playing the victim card and that awful club statement that looks like it was written by the work experience kid.
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This is not the first time Suarez has demonstrated his character. Can anyone be surprised that he adds racist to worst cheater ever and cannibal? When Liverpool brought him in, they knew the guy has extremely serious on-pitch behavior problems. This is the wrong guy to defend. The club press release was shameful, I'll root for Liverpool's opponents from now on.


I am Leg End
This is not the first time Suarez has demonstrated his character. Can anyone be surprised that he adds racist to worst cheater ever and cannibal? When Liverpool brought him in, they knew the guy has extremely serious on-pitch behavior problems. This is the wrong guy to defend. The club press release was shameful, I'll root for Liverpool's opponents from now on.

I'm so heartbroken.....

Hatem Ben Arfa

New member
Stop embarrassing yourself. The guy is a cunt and is dragging your club's name through the mud yet all you lot do is try to defend the indefensible. This whole 'world is against us' nonsense is cringeworthy to the extreme, too.

Give the conspiracy theories a rest, get over the fact your best player has been given the correct punishment and move on with dignity. The whole club has been an embarrassing mess over this incident. From the original act, the supporters reactions, the manager playing the victim card and that awful club statement that looks like it was written by the work experience kid.

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