La Furia
Legion of Doooom
Woah there, comparing them with American southern whites? 
I have no doubt Suarez and his defenders are racially insensitive and selfish. The lip service might sound similar, but whites in the South were using that as a way to deprive blacks and keeep them separated. Until Suarez requests separate bathrooms for his black teammates that's ridiculous hyperbole, and I think you know it.
Uruguayans are a lot like Argentinians, they are notoriously ignorant and insensitive to racial differences, Uruguay has a higher proportion of African ancestry than Argentina, but it's still a case where race is taken as something of a joke issue, which is definitely a bad thing. If Suarez said "negrito", it was as a wind up, but it's the same association as calling Ronaldinho "gordo" would be a wind up. It's likely he was making fun of the way he looks, not necessarily racial undertones - pure, dumb, ignorance.
This is a fucking stupid thing to defend, I completely agree with you that "ignorance is not an excuse", but you might as well be calling Suarez and the nation of Uruguay nazis while you are at it, because I'm sure white nationalists would say something similar - that doesn't mean their grounds for doing so are the same, at all.
Though at the same time while I wonder if you would be less upset about this had the teams been reverse, you are one of the few consistent people here in taking a stand against racism. A lot of the same people cursing Suarez now were defending Sergio Ramos for wearing blackface, when it's remarkable how similar the situation is.

I have no doubt Suarez and his defenders are racially insensitive and selfish. The lip service might sound similar, but whites in the South were using that as a way to deprive blacks and keeep them separated. Until Suarez requests separate bathrooms for his black teammates that's ridiculous hyperbole, and I think you know it.
Uruguayans are a lot like Argentinians, they are notoriously ignorant and insensitive to racial differences, Uruguay has a higher proportion of African ancestry than Argentina, but it's still a case where race is taken as something of a joke issue, which is definitely a bad thing. If Suarez said "negrito", it was as a wind up, but it's the same association as calling Ronaldinho "gordo" would be a wind up. It's likely he was making fun of the way he looks, not necessarily racial undertones - pure, dumb, ignorance.
This is a fucking stupid thing to defend, I completely agree with you that "ignorance is not an excuse", but you might as well be calling Suarez and the nation of Uruguay nazis while you are at it, because I'm sure white nationalists would say something similar - that doesn't mean their grounds for doing so are the same, at all.
Though at the same time while I wonder if you would be less upset about this had the teams been reverse, you are one of the few consistent people here in taking a stand against racism. A lot of the same people cursing Suarez now were defending Sergio Ramos for wearing blackface, when it's remarkable how similar the situation is.