9 - Luis Suárez - v1

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New member

See the video, Evra didnt want to shake hands too, he just played it well

That's what I thought as well to be honest. He was gonna pull away and got pissed off that Suarez did it first.

Though to be honest, I couldn't really care less if they were shaking each other's dicks, hands or whatever. Who gives a fuck?


Senior Member
Deary me. I can't believe people are still peddling this nonsense. If Evra wasn't going to shake his hand, it would have been down by his side, not a few centimetres lower than it was a couple of second prior.


Active member
oh wow this is now degrading into people measuring how far their arms were and whatnot. put your hands to good use and go take a wank guys, this discussion is fucking retarded

La Furia

Legion of Doooom
Lugano :wub:

"Everyone in football knows it is a big circus. Take into account that England is historically a colonial country and racism is a sensitive subject, but we all know it has nothing to do with what happened between Luis and the Manchester [United] player [Evra].

"It's a football argument, and many false moralists and hypocrites have profited, and Luis is the only innocent party in this situation."

"You have to have balls to do what Luis did on Saturday."

Though as far as serious, mature comments go, Steve Mandanda wins.


previously known as Jonathan28
I agree. I'm sorry, but if someone accussed me of racism and made an enitre nation hate me, I wouldn't shake his hand either. In fact I would have knocked him out on the spot.

Hatem Ben Arfa

New member
Lugano is an idiot!

this has nothing to do with England's colonial past.

Suarez racially abused Patrice Evra to wind him up on the pitch, and that is not on. It may be ok to do to players of darker skin in Uruguay but not here the ignorant oaf.

Next thing we are going to here is that Uruguay has no problems with Racism from Lugano and co. IDIOT. Every country in the world has problems with Racism.

and 'Suarez the only innocent party'?? Give me a freaking break. I have just lost all the respect I had for Diego Lugano as a player and captain of his country.

Some people just don't get it do they.
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La Furia

Legion of Doooom
Uruguay does have racism, but as a country without a history of institutionalized racism in the form of colonialism, slavery and racial separation laws (well there was slavery there at one part, but Uruguay was such a backwater in Spain's empire that it never was ingrained) it tends to be a lot less overt and is more about associating darker skinned people either with other countries or with the lower classes in a more subtle way, without the history of dark skin itself being considered a negative thing. It's often in South America that race is incorrectly considered a non-factor, and so casually talking about skin colour isn't really viewed as a big deal.

Uruguay has traditionally been progressive compared to some of its neighbours (they played black players on their international team far before Brazil and Argentina did) but there's still some element of race-denying. Afro-Uruguayans are actually very well integrated and you don't get the race-separation you do in the US or Europe, but because of that individual claims of discrimination are often not taken seriously.

That's why Suarez and the countrymen defending him are so defiant, there really is a lot of genuine ignorance here and no condescending Englishman is going to convince them otherwise.

Racism is everywhere sadly, but how it manifests itself is very cultural and Suarez's actions still to me sound more like Suarez being Suarez than anything racially motivated.

Hatem Ben Arfa

New member
Uruguay had no history of institutionalized racism???

what would you call all the blacks that fought and died in the wars for Uruguays independence???

funny how a lot of them made up the Uruguyan army back then and a almost a third of Uruguays population back then was black, no?

anyway, there is too much ignorance in the world. It's sad to see it from players that you admire/used to admire.

La Furia

Legion of Doooom
Uruguay had no history of institutionalized racism???

what would you call all the blacks that fought and died in the wars for Uruguays independence???

funny how a lot of them made up the Uruguyan army back then and a almost a third of Uruguays population back then was black, no?

anyway, there is too much ignorance in the world. It's sad to see it from players that you admire/used to admire.

Well no history of institutionalized racism against blacks. In fact a lot of black Uruguayans moved up the ranks in the army, and if anything the army was more racially progressive in those days than the Europhile political elite.

Both Argentina and Uruguay became "whiter" by giving Europeans incentives to immigrate. The black populations never actually declined, they just got absorbed within the immigration boom. There was certainly a racial element to this and both countries attempted artificially to build their national identities on a European identity. It was more directed against the indigenous population. Though the black population has remained large and influential enough in Uruguay that it's existence was never denied like it has been in Argentina.

Hatem Ben Arfa

New member
I'm sure they were happy for blacks to move up the ranks in the army, dude most the blacks died fighting in the war of independence for Uruguay. of course the black populations actually declined, and significantly so I would say.

yes they gave incentives to Europeans to immigrate, but come on. Seemed rather fishy that a huge chunk of black uruguayn population would fight the war for independence and also die in the process, thus decreasing the black population of a country that wanted to give incentives to white Europeans to come over.

anyway, that is my view on that point in history. Feel free to disagree with it.

I can't be ar$ed to get into a long discussion about it as if I'm back in my Latin America class years ago in uni.
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