9 - Robert Lewandowski


Active member
Nobody knows atm,Dortmund said they wont sell him to Bayern this summer.And there is interest from United,Chelsea,City all the know


New member

Lewandowski will stay at Dortmund.

He said that "he has to accept his fate and wait for next year to move to bayern". He has a contract and so plan to respect it since his club doesn't want to sell him.

Dortmund's president and coach said they always trusted him and that he's the most professional player they know.

It rings a bell. People say a lot that when a player wants to leave, no club can stop it. Well, Lewandowski proves that this is wrong to think it's always the case. Some football players just respect their contracts and clubs. Even if said players are rare.
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New member
After Bayern shoved their wealth into Dortmund's face last season and stole Götze this season and have Lewan wanting to go for them, too, this was the only thing Dortmund could do to save face; now they have an unhappy striker at their hands :D


Active member
Its worse giving him for free,but just kept him to show they have dignity...But from the moment they got Gotze and Lewandowski wanted to get there too,why not getting the money and finish the story.One season wont make the difference if Lewandowski doesnt give 100 %

Still i dont believe he is that kind of character,he may keep his word.But thats words that anybody would say.We will see on the pitch,but saying that he doesnt smile or look doesnt happy right now doesnt make too much sense.Its just some friendlies,you dont need to go crazy if you score a goal
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Active member
What,does what i say look ironic because i have Gotze as signature in a Dortmund shirt?I say what is better for them


New member
I did not refer to you or your sig, I referred to the measuring being done between Bayern and Dortmund ;)


Well-known member
Dortmund should destroy this guy, either dont play for a year, extend your contract or move to another club.
They should not let him go to Bayern, no matter what. If he is willing to do nothing for a year so be it, it wont help his career at all.
Remember when Joaquin tried to pull this shit to go to Real, Manual Ruiz de Lopera said "you either extend or you will be playing in Siberia next season"!
Thats the right attitude for these career driven snake in the grass type players (Lewandowski more than Joaquin was obviously)

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