9 - Robert Lewandowski


Shevchenko hands the Ukraine armband over to RL9 so that he can wear it in the upcoming World Cup. Great gesture!!


PS: Palestine sympathizers calm down. This isn't the thread for that.....

"Palestinine sympathizers" like they're the ones that aren't being oppressed and are having their land eroded on a daily basis. Why mention it at all and in that manner? if not wanting people to mention it and the general hypocrisy/double standards of football and the west in general.


Well-known member
"Palestinine sympathizers" like they're the ones that aren't being oppressed and are having their land eroded on a daily basis. Why mention it at all and in that manner? if not wanting people to mention it and the general hypocrisy/double standards of football and the west in general.

Because whenever someone mentions these gestures of solidarity towards Ukraine, automatically some pro Palestine folks like you come in with these token comments of "Western Hypocrisy" and what not(like you did)......I just read the room and predicted those responses so.......


Because whenever someone mentions these gestures of solidarity towards Ukraine, automatically some pro Palestine folks like you come in with these token comments of "Western Hypocrisy" and what not(like you did)......I just read the room and predicted those responses so.......

Why don't like the hypocrisy being called out? teams fined and punished previously for making any political statements yet look at what's happening now lol.
Also you didn't predict shit, the manner in which you made the comment was what I'm more so responding to but we can keep going if you want.


Well-known member
Mention topic > get response on said topic > "i predicted this will come up"

Amazing read of the room right there.


Senior Member
Staff member
How is your Spanish?
Slowly getting better. I am learning, my understanding is improving. I try to talk in Spanish, I think with some time it will not be a problem.

What is the language of Barca?s dressing room?
Spanish, but of course there are a few players who do not understand it and speak mostly English. It is not an issue, because the coach and the staff all speak it. There are maybe 2-3 players who do not speak a word of English, like Gavi. If I want to explain something quickly, I try to do that in Spanish. When I am in a new country with a new language, my approach is to speak it a lot, even if I do not make a lot of sense in the beginning.

Full interview here

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