9 - Robert Lewandowski


Well-known member
Lets hope dude, i hope it doesnt end like Cristiano at Manu in 22/23 😰
Lewy said he doesn't feel a physical change to 2 years ago and I believe him. He looks extremly fit in his videos and I think if he doesn't feel discomforts, it's gonna be a good season from him.
He said several times he wants to play until 38 at least, so he knows he needs a good season for Barca extending his contract for one more year. He'll definitely try to achieve that.
He just needs a bit more pauses. And under Flick, I expect him to get more more passes than under Xavi, which should result in more goals. Flick knows how to use him.

El Ilusionista

Active member
This guy is sooo bad at this point I’d rather start Ferran as number 9 start of the season. This guy is beyond finished. Why does he always drop deep like he is Messi?


Senior Member
One of most pathetic parts of half was instance him constantly backing in to Real player acting the hard man with a smirk... there was an easy 5 yd lay off to free player.

Lewa just wanted it to be all about him.


Senior Member
I get the scene he's just fucking around this pre season and trying not to get injured, thinking he can turn it on when the serious stuff starts.

I kinda get it, but also at his age, have to keep the gears going.

If I could I would keep both roque and Victor, rotation party, maybe Pau has a break out year.


Active member
He did great got one assist.
Lewandowski will be at Barcelona for a very long time.
He deserves a contract extension.

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