9 - Robert Lewandowski


Well-known member
Flick's gonna have to decide at one point, does he want the pressing and a mobile team with 11 players playing or is it only important that this has-been doesn't cry? He can't have both.
Football isn't the olympics. You don't get trophies by running faster than your opponent, you need to score goals. As long as there isn't a player in the squad who can score more goals than Lewy, who has a better finish, he is still gonna play and rightly so.


Active member
You seem to care far too much about a footballer.

If Lewandowski is indeed finished (as I have suspected he is for a while) then life will go on. It won't make your life any worse that a random footballer - who is a stranger to you - was finished at the grand old age of 35/36. You will still go to work, date (I presume), spend money on your essentials and things you like.

It's certainly not worth making it your 'life's mission' to embarrass people on a forum over it.
That is too funny, when everybody in barcaforum have seen you camping 24/7 in the forum, trying to convince mainly yourself that Jude is not great 😀


Well-known member
That is too funny, when everybody in barcaforum have seen you camping 24/7 in the forum, trying to convince mainly yourself that Jude is not great 😀
I haven't posted in his thread for ages :lol:

I also didn't post on the forum at all for 9 days. Find me any other regular who goes that long without making a post (including you).

Either way, your post is irrelevant. I certainly wouldn't chase down people to prove them wrong on Bellingham, as others have.

And Bellingham isn't great anyway - he's technically and in controlling a game, first touch etc, very mediocre, as Spain showed him up to be. You think he's great because you have an inferior way of thinking about football and think 'arriving in the box, goals and moments' equal greatness. He's a 21 year old kid with LOADS to do before he proves he's anywhere near great. He's good, no doubt, but you jump the gun too much. You're the type who thinks he's better than Rodri because you have likely never ever played football.

You daft joker :lol: Nice to see I am on your mind though and you're stalking my posting habits :cool:
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Active member
I haven't posted in his thread for ages :lol:

I also didn't post on the forum at all for 9 days. Find me any other regular who goes that long without making a post (including you).

Either way, your post is irrelevant. I certainly wouldn't chase down people to prove them wrong on Bellingham, as others have.

And Bellingham isn't great anyway - he's technically and in controlling a game, first touch etc, very mediocre, as Spain showed him up to be. You think he's great because you have an inferior way of thinking about football and think 'arriving in the box, goals and moments' equal greatness. He's a 21 year old kid with LOADS to do before he proves he's anywhere near great. He's good, no doubt, but you jump the gun too much. You're the type who thinks he's better than Rodri because you have likely never ever played football.

You daft joker :lol: Nice to see I am on your mind though and you're stalking my posting habits :cool:
I read posts in Real Madrid section and there were mainly your posts about Jude for a month, its not that hard to see your posting habbits.

You are getting triggered really easy, probably because you are really low on confidence. It is hard to imagine how a grown man is counting the days that he has not post in some football forum, really pathetic. You came to barcaforum to find some people that won’t be laughing at your dumb posts. But you know that even they are not laughing at you just because it feels nice for them to read bad things about RM players.


Senior Member
I read posts in Real Madrid section and there were mainly your posts about Jude for a month, its not that hard to see your posting habbits.

You are getting triggered really easy, probably because you are really low on confidence. It is hard to imagine how a grown man is counting the days that he has not post in some football forum, really pathetic. You came to barcaforum to find some people that won’t be laughing at your dumb posts. But you know that even they are not laughing at you just because it feels nice for them to read bad things about RM players.


Well-known member
I read posts in Real Madrid section and there were mainly your posts about Jude for a month, its not that hard to see your posting habbits.

You are getting triggered really easy, probably because you are really low on confidence. It is hard to imagine how a grown man is counting the days that he has not post in some football forum, really pathetic. You came to barcaforum to find some people that won’t be laughing at your dumb posts. But you know that even they are not laughing at you just because it feels nice for them to read bad things about RM players.
It's not about being triggered - I tend to do people the service of replying to everything in their posts so it doesn't go unanswered. You aren't special.

I haven't been on that thread for ages. I posted a bit during the Euros. What a braindead low IQ imbecile like Jude Bellingham does with his life matters little to me. He's overrated but he's a stranger and what he does won't affect my life for the better or worse.

I wasn't 'counting the days' - I seen I posted on a Friday then my next post was the next Sunday. It's pretty easy to count. If I had counted for about 40 days you would have a point. Either way, you invited the response by lying that I was here 24/7.

It is true that Bellingham lacks technique, first touch, ability to control the game. The fact that you don't understand that AND think a player can be a great at age 21 is laughable. You also said he was the most talented of all the current young players, which is a moronic opinion.

Think what you like. Yours are fucking awful mate :lol: It's so obvious that you're new to football and don't know much about it, have likely never played the game and have latched onto Real Madrid in the last decade because they win stuff. Frankly you're clueless and should be following another sport. Imagine talking about being low on confidence when you 'support' RM because they win the CL all the time.

I will just ignore and laugh off your attempts at amateur psychology.

I think anyone with half a brain would say I know significantly more about football than you do. Like I say, you're clueless about the game and I have never seen you say anything intelligent about tactics, stats, anything :)
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Active member
Bro is basically only shiting on RM players and waits for Barca fans to approve that he knows more about football than a madridista?! 😀 I thought you cant be more pathetic, but you always find a way. Anyway, I will wait for 1/2 more 45 IQ guys to join Messigician and you and when the sum of your IQs is close to mine the discussion could continue. Just let me know when you are ready.


Active member
Also, this doesn't matter and is called an appeal to authority. Hansi Flick is not infallible - he isn't right about everything, and has - in fact - been wrong about plenty in the past.

You might as well shut down the forum or any forum if only people in positions of power opinions should be voiced.

Hansi Flick rating Lewandowski (if he does) doesn't mean Lewa is still class. He could be misjudging or have a blind spot.

Like I say, maybe Lewa will surprise us all and be brilliant this season - but if so it isn't because Flick said so. It will be down to action, not talking in the press before a competitive ball is kicked.

Everyone has the right to present an argument and debate.

The problem is, none of these criticisms here are even valid, as I have shown.

They are just Lewandowski haters, and probably Polish haters too.

They are implying they know better when they can't even come up with a legitimate criticism/argument.

Lewandowski involved in 2 of the goals in the last game against RM, and what do the brain dead clowns here have to say:

"he's slow holding up play, he's finished, done"

I'll take Hansi Flick's consideration over the dumb morons here, how about that?
An appeal to authority is better than this SHITE


Well-known member
Everyone has the right to present an argument and debate.

The problem is, none of these criticisms here are even valid, as I have shown.

They are just Lewandowski haters, and probably Polish haters too.

They are implying they know better when they can't even come up with a legitimate criticism/argument.

Lewandowski involved in 2 of the goals in the last game against RM, and what do the brain dead clowns here have to say:

"he's slow holding up play, he's finished, done"

I'll take Hansi Flick's consideration over the dumb morons here, how about that?
An appeal to authority is better than this SHITE
I am not saying they're right, or that you are wrong.

Just that everyone has their own view, and we have to wait and see who will end up being right.

You were talking like it is definitely gonna happen that lewa is gonna be great this season. You can't know that.

Even if he is past it, is that a bad thing? The guy is 36, it's no shame in it. He was a top striker for many years at Dortmund and Bayern. If he is well in decline it is natural.


Active member
There is a ton of legitimate criticism for Lewandowsi.. if chose to ignore it that is another matter.

There is a ton of criticism against many players.

Mbappe hasn't won the UCL with world class players including Messi around him.

Yet he's considered the "best player in the world".

He's a coward that moved to RM to increase his chances.

Now, that's a legitimate criticism


Senior Member
Haha.. no not that type of criticism... legitimate criticism of what he brings to team.

So brave of Lewa to come to Barca at 34 for 32m contract this season.. so so brave.

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