Adriano Correia Claro


New member
Adriano is admitting that he still needs to improve and get used to the team's rythm:

“I personally am beginning to get into the rhythm of the games and I hope to reach the level of my teammates”.


He wasn't good again, but better than the last game. It's ok to take some shots, but he wasted some good opportunities, when he should had passed the ball, instead of sky-rocketing it.


New member
He really got on my nerves at few times, I can't deny it. Even when I'm trying to be as much positive as possible about our players.

Bravo Alves for choosing the correct time to get injured, before the big battles to begin :D


I thought Adrii played ok. Not good but ok.

His work rate was good but his end product, especially those long shots he had, were bad..

Once he's settled in though, i can see him being a good sub for Alves or whoever is playing RB next season.


Those shots he attempted are the complete antithesis of what Barca tries to accomplish on the pitch. Such stupidity can never go unnoticed.


Those shots he attempted are the complete antithesis of what Barca tries to accomplish on the pitch. Such stupidity can never go unnoticed.

Spot on. Pretty annoying that he keeps doing it, I would've assumed he knew by now. Guess not.

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