Alen Halilović


New member
If it happens then I hope we can at least include some 1st option on couple of their players
They have many interesting players tbh Mustafi,Rodrigo,Bakkali,Cancelo,Gayà,Danilo etc .such clauses could make future deals easier

I think we should buy Gaya regardless. Alba needs some competition and Gaya is quality, plus has the potential to become better than Alba. Oh, and he can actually cross.


Staff member
There should be a clause on his playing time. If he doesn't play we get him back for free in January and Valencia pays penalties.

10,12,15 mil. in next 3 seasons means nothing if he doesn't play.


New member
"Alen wants to return to Barça" :) and what would he do here? Replace Messi? Kid needs to realize that he still has to grow and show more. If you miss this Valencia train, you might never come back to wear blaugrana.


Senior Member
I like Sporting and wish them the best but I don't think Alen should stay there if we want him to continue his development. I hope he proves me wrong but at the same time I also doubt he's mature and/or good enough to play regularly for a team like Valencia right now. As someone mentioned he'd also be under a lot of pressure at Mestalla and they already have a very young team with not a lot of veterans who he can learn from. We also don't know who Valencia's coach will be so I hope we don't close any deal before knowing that. The last thing we want is that he gets some similar treatment that both Denis and Deulofeu got in Sevilla.

I know latest rumours are that they don't want to include players in a possible deal but If we could somehow include his loan in Lemos deal I really think Las Palmas could be a good team for Alen. Sure, on the paper is not much of a step up from Sporting, but they play more possesion based football and are also solid defensive structured so he could improve both on and off the ball.

Jamie Cal

Valencia would definitely be better than Sevilla, but I'd echo those concerns about too many young players. It could just as easily turn into another season where Valencia are constantly chopping and changing because the older guys have no backbone/are terrible. They already have plenty of depth (mostly), so I'd be inclined for whoever to come in as manager to make the decision. It would be a good level with plenty of potential, but also liable to go straight down the toilet and ruin his chances here.

El Flaco

Active member
"Da mi je netko rekao da ću odigrati 36 od 38 utakmica, ne bih vjerovao, ali eto ispunilo mi se. Imao sam odličnu sezonu, puno dobrih poteza, asistencija i golova ali najbitnije je što sam osjetio pravi podražaj. Sazrijevam kao igrač i mislim da je ova sezona bila odlična", rekao je Halilović koji će napuniti 20 godina 18.lipnja, tri dana uoči susreta između Hrvatske i Španjolske na Europskom prvenstvu.

"Odličan je osjećaj biti dio A reprezentacije. Sretan sam što su se moje dobre igre isplatile, i u konačnici što sam imao uspješnu sezonu. Sada se želim nametnuti i pomoći reprezentaciji na Europskom prvenstvu. Želim prenijeti svoje igre iz Španjolske na Euro", izjavio je Halilović nakon svoje prve sezone u prvoj španjolskoj ligi.

"Trener nam je uoči utakmice rekao da smo čitavu sezonu naporno radili za ovo, da smo u zadnjih mjesec dana bili odlični, te da vjeruje u nas. Da samo igramo kao što smo uvijek igrali pa će sve biti dobro", prisjetio se. Sporting je poveo u 7.minuti a opstanak je potvrdio u 79.

"Bili smo dosta nervozni, bilo je napetosti uoči i tijekom utakmice, no odigrali smo odlično. U zadnjih mjesec dana smo pokazali da zaslužujemo ostati u ligi", rekao je hrvatski reprezentativac. U svibnju je Sporting pobijedio Eibara s 2-0, odigrao 1-1 s Getafeom te svladao Villarreal, polufinalista Europske lige koji će iduće sezone igrati kvalifikacije za Ligu prvaka.

"Čitav grad je bio uz nas, navijači su utrčali na teren, cijelu noć se slavilo. Vidjelo se koliko to znači ljudima ondje, koliko su živjeli za ostanak Sportinga u prvoj ligi. Stvarno sam sretan što sam dio te priče i što sam pomogao", istaknuo je.

"Imam ponuda, puno klubova zove i zanima se, ali ja sada razmišljam samo o Euru. Želim ondje igrati s Hrvatskom, pružiti dobre partije kao u španjolskoj ligi te svojom igrom pokazati gdje pripadam", izjavio je.

"Da, cilj mi je igrati u Barceloni. Dat ću sve od sebe i truditi se, ulagati u sebe, kako bi mi se taj cilj ostvario", poručuje mladi vezni nogometaš nakon 2.390 minuta provedenih na španjolskim travnjacima, među najboljim igračima svijeta.

[MENTION=2]Bojan[/MENTION] [MENTION=16775]dakt[/MENTION] [MENTION=12202]Stric[/MENTION] [MENTION=16942]BBZ8800[/MENTION] [MENTION=19742]vlad[/MENTION] [MENTION=20802]MasChe[/MENTION] [MENTION=18748]blaugrana1987[/MENTION] [MENTION=14062]Gaudi[/MENTION] [MENTION=19453]MaxY[/MENTION]

I'd really appricate if someone could translate the quotes.
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Senior Member
In short:
He liked his time in Gijon, he thinks he learned much and played a lot of games.

He wanst to stay in national team and go to euro

Then back to Sporting staying in the league, he says they were nervous before the game but managed to get the result...enitre city celebrated at the end.

And then he says he has offers but now he's concentrated on Euro but his main club goal is to play for Barca and he'll do everything to achive that.


Senior Member

"If someone said to me that I would play 36 out of 38 games I wouldn't believe him but it happened. I had a great season with a lot assists and goals but the most important thing is that I had a great support. I'm maturing as a player and think this season was great".

"It's great to be part of senior NT. I'm happy that my good games have paid off and that I had a successful season. Now I want to help NT in Euro. I want to transport my good games from La Liga to Euro."

"Coach said to us that we had work all season for that and that we've been great over the last month and that he has faith in us. He also said we should play like we always have and everything will be good."

"We were nervous ahead of and during the game but we played great. In last month we showed that we deserved to stay in La Liga."

"Whole city supported us, fans have run onto the field, we celebrate the whole night. It showed how much that means to the people here, they lived for Sporting to stay in La Liga. I'm really happy that I'm part of this story and that I helped them."

"I have offers, a lot of clubs are calling me but for now I'm only thinking about Euro. I want to play there with Croatia and have good games like in spanish league."

"My goal is to play in Barcelona. I will give my everything to reach that goal."


Senior Member
Sold to Valencia according to croatian media

A 5 year deal.

Price is 7M (and 10 or 12M according to other reports).
Barca will have a buy back option during all 5 years.
Buy back option will be higher each year with 12M in the 5th year.

Halilovic's manager confirmed this news for Cadena ser, official reports from Croatia say...


Improvin' Perfection!!
Hope we are getting Mustafi.... Or at least this deal makes that negotiation easier and Mustafi plays for us next season

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