Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain


New member
Where do I mention Deulofeu or compare him with Oxlade-Chamberlain?

I just found it funny that he gets a lot of praise based on a single performance against an abysmal Milan team while a proven world class defender such as Thiago Silva is described as overrated and nothing special by certain members.

He's actually been brilliant on most of his appearances for us. How about his performce vs Man United, his first ever league start, where he brilliantly assisted and gave United a torrid time. He's fantastic, although I reckon some people won't want to praise him because he's English.


Senior Member
He was influential, but his all-round play really wasn't that great. He made loads of mistakes.



He's actually been brilliant on most of his appearances for us. How about his performce vs Man United, his first ever league start, where he brilliantly assisted and gave United a torrid time. He's fantastic, although I reckon some people won't want to praise him because he's English.

Don't listen to Ducde, he's racist.


New member
Haha so not licking the ass of everything that is English (like you do) makes me a racist?

Then I guess 99,9% of this forum are racists.

And a person with my multiethnic background can hardly be called a racist. It's actually the last thing I can be called. And sorry to disappoint you but I have very distant English/British ancestry as well.

But funny that comes from the guy that openly states he hates France and Italy.

BTW: I thought that you were not English?


Read my post again. I was reacting to some people exaggerating his performance/potential based on very few games while a proven world class defender as Thiago Silva was called overrated and nothing special by the same members.

I already wrote that I consider Oxlade-Chamberlain as a very talented player and much more proven than Deulofeu.

In fact he is the biggest English talent since Rooney in my opinion (not that this says much) but he surely has football intelligence/technique unlike the usual English talent (Walcott being a good example).

I wish him well since he also appears to be a good kid.


Senior Member
And a person with my multiethnic background can hardly be called a racist. It's actually the last thing I can be called.

Probably the dumbest thing I've seen posted on this board. And yeah, you do seem to have a creepy kinda chip on your shoulder when it comes to anything remotely English.
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New member
First of all I am not a racist you dimwit. And do never insinuate that again.

Second of all it makes sense since people brought up in different cultures/from different ethnic backgrounds tend to identity with more cultures at once which should make them more open to diversity. It's not often you find a mulatto as the spokesmen of a white or black right-wing movements is it? Wonder why that is....

And yes I dislike English weather, cuisine, their women, their football, the mentality, many cities, the architecture (mostly copied from France and Italy) and the average English football supporter (there is a reason why the biggest idiots on this forum tend to be English football fans) etc.

Just as I dislike some French, Italian, German etc. habits.


Senior Member
Second of all it makes sense since people brought up in different cultures/from different ethnic backgrounds tend to identity with more cultures at once which should make them more open to diversity. It's not often you find a mulatto as the spokesmen of a white or black right-wing movements is it? Wonder why that is....

I always kind of just thought you were feigning stupidity for the sake of trolling, but this - wow.


New member
I already wrote what I dislike about England. If that makes me a Anglophobe in your definition then I guess most Europeans are Anglophobes especially those from France/Italy/Germany.:lol: If not most members on this forum. And there is always some historical rivalry with England due to my background (Bourbon etc.).

Jenks you are a well-known dimwit/troll so your opinion does not really count but you know as well as I do that it should and with all probability is the case for most people brought up in an multiethnic enviroment. It would not make sense otherwise.


Senior Member
Jenks you are a well-known dimwit/troll so your opinion does not really count but you know as well as I do that it should and with all probability is the case for most people brought up in an multiethnic enviroment.

Straw-man argument designed to distract from your original, embarrassingly dumb assertion.

"And a person with my multiethnic background can hardly be called a racist. It's actually the last thing I can be called. And sorry to disappoint you but I have very distant English/British ancestry as well."

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New member
I already wrote what I dislike about England. If that makes me a Anglophobe in your definition then I guess most Europeans are Anglophobes especially those from France/Italy/Germany.:lol: If not most members on this forum. And there is always some historical rivalry with England due to my background (Bourbon etc.).

Jenks you are a well-known dimwit/troll so your opinion does not really count but you know as well as I do that it should and with all probability is the case for most people brought up in an multiethnic enviroment. It would not make sense otherwise.

The Webster dictionary might as well put your name under examples of Anglophobia:

Definition of ANGLOPHOBE
: a person who is averse to or dislikes England and things English
— An·glo·pho·bia \ˌaŋ-glə-ˈfō-bē-ə\ noun
— An·glo·pho·bic \-bik\ adjective

England is a nation of millions upon millions, and their culture has as much good as bad. You need to get over yourself and stop using this forum as a platform to spread your views


New member
Straw-man argument?:lol: It's how it is for obvious reasons. Go figure out why.

Yeah you have surely been able to counter that claim very well with solid "arguments":lol:

Go troll somewhere else dimwit.


It's non of your business really. I reacted to an outrageus claim of racism from an well-known idiot/troll on this forum who himself has been racist towards France and Italy several times.

An Anglophobe is a person who dislikes everything English. I am not such a person although I dislike aspects of England that the majority of people do as well (and that will not change regardless of some trolls crying about it/not being able to admit it). Just as I dislike aspects of countries I share ancestry from as I have already wrote.

Now let's get back on track which is discussing Oxlade-Chamberlain.


Senior Member
Straw-man argument?:lol: It's how it is for obvious reasons. Go figure out why.

Yeah you have surely been able to counter that claim very well with solid "arguments":lol:

Perhaps you don't understand what a straw man argument is, and that's why your response is unintelligible. I never said someone of multiple ethnicities isn't less likely to be racist, that's an argument you've invented because you know you can try and refute it, rather than addressing the point that actually was made - that's what's known as a straw-man argument. What I did do, was laugh at your assertion that a 'racist' is the last thing you could call someone of multiple ethnicities, as if they were somehow mutually exclusive. That was an utterly moronic thing to say I'm afraid.

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