Alex Song


New member
He was very good again today. Has arrived at Barca. I really like his style, wins a lot of balls, makes clever passes and with his pysical presence he can keep defend the ball in dangerous situations against pressing opponents. perfect for our game!!!


New member
he was really good again tonight. i think he's played consistently well since he arrived to be honest.

:busquets: + :song: + :mascherano: = the strongest DM squad depth in the world.


New member
How about a double pivot with Busi and Song?


Allow Dani to bomb forward and basically utilize him as a winger while you have Song and Busi cover any space left open by Dani. Alba can do his overlapping runs down the left so that Iniesta isn't stuck on the wing.

That won't happen unless Messi does the defending work as well because once Dani and Alba are way out of position and Song and Busquets are covering up their positions, you will still have a huge gap in the midfield. Özil in the current deep lying 4-2-3-1 system utilized by Mourinho is also expected to defend and as Messi is at the moment not 100% conditional fit, Tito won't risk him in the one on one physical challenge. I think the only option Barca should try is using a 3-5-2 system with Messi and Villa as strikers and Song along with Bartra and Pique as center backs while Jordi Alba and Dani Alves operates as LM&RM who roll back to their old position when the situation is urgent and push forward on the wings when they see the opportunity and Sergio as CDM and Iniesta & Xavi as LCM and RCM and the focus must be dominating on ball possession and safe play rather playing the risky way.


Senior Member
The guy is an excellent passer, strong and decent in the air. He is no CB though. He should play in the more physical games imo. Sometimes Busquets gets outmuscled and overwhelmed. Song would probably be a better option in those g


New member
Song is not particularly physical, though. Well, he tried to be sometimes at Arsenal, and then he got carded because you have to know what you are doing when using your body for that.

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