Alex Song


Senior Member

What a player :worthy: . Don't think we could have signed a better player for 19 mil .


Barçapocalypse NOW!
Cool your jets everyone, while I agree he's been pleasant to see in his two cameos this season, it's still to early to tell if he's the beast we think he is... Remember our signings in the past seasons, great start but poor finish... I'm not wishing him a bad season, not at all, but we have to be more patient with our players, lately everyone's been so quick to pull the trigger, whether for good or bad, that in the end the disappointment is inevitable... So, just hope he can find consistency and continue support him...


Staff member
Sorry, where did I say that?

You do consider 90 mins. vs. 3rd strongest team in the league a cameo though.


Active member
its good tha tito trusted him against a tought opponent for the whole game in his debut in camp nou and he did it great


New member
Keita is actually a better passer than Song although Alex is more physical and a little bit better defensively. There's not a great deal of difference between the two. I don't think Song is worth 19 mil, especially for somebody who's not a starter when everyone is healthy.

A DM was not a priority for this squad, same as Cesc was not a priority for this squad last year. Both are not starters. A CB was more of a priority.


Keita is actually a better passer than Song although Alex is more physical and a little bit better defensively. There's not a great deal of difference between the two. I don't think Song is worth 19 mil, especially for somebody who's not a starter when everyone is healthy.

A DM was not a priority for this squad, same as Cesc was not a priority for this squad last year. Both are not starters. A CB was more of a priority.

I wish you could say the same for Alexis and Cesc who cost us relatively higher. Maybe we should have bought Song for 1.9 mil right? I bet that would have made you happy.
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New member
I wish you could say the same for Alexis and Cesc who cost us relatively higher. Maybe we should have bought Song for 1.9 mil right? I bet that would have made you happy.

I wish you could say the same for Alexis and Cesc who cost us relatively higher. Maybe we should have bought Song for 1.9 mil right? I bet that would have made you happy.

I never liked the Cesc signing no matter the amount. As for Alexis, I actually hadn't seen a whole lot of him playing in Udinese but he seemed like the type of player (an attacking pacy winger) that was a real need at Barca. As for signing SOng for 1.9 mil, that would make anybody here happy.

Look, we're not PSG or Chelsea, we have a limited number of funds available (as has been noted by more than a few people at the club) and I'd rather that we spent it to address areas of need, and for me that is the CB position rather than a DM,who let's face it is not going to be a starter once Busquets is fit and healthy.


New member
19. Million was market value for Song, it's not like we got a great deal or anything. Henry cost us sloghlty more with addons etc. We never really get a good deal with Arsenal. Anyway it's always the same with new players. Overhype to an incredible ammount then when they turn sour lots of disdain.

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