Alexis Sanchez


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Alexis: "Did I get offers from other clubs? Sure, many, from important clubs... I lost count (laughs)" #fcblive



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Just like when he called himself a jugadorazo and said he had always been among the best players in the world, right?


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Jokingly, when he has been questioned about how many teams were interested in him, tocopillano replied "there are so many, I lost count," he said, laughing, after detailing that they were all European clubs, none of Spain.

Despite finishing with a good taste in your mouth the season, Alexis has admitted he expects much more than it has given. "My intention was to stay here, I'm a player who does not give up easily and I want to do better next year. "I'm Calmer now," he admitted. Recognizing that play at the club is "learn to play football again," Alexis explained that this year, "I have learned to open the field, creating spaces and escape markers, now I have to finish more."

"There are many great player like Villa, Tello, Pedro, but Neymar would bring a lot to this team,"

I'm glad he's staying. I think he'll improve next season.
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Just like when he called himself a jugadorazo and said he had always been among the best players in the world, right?

Oh yeah sorry he should've kept a straight face and said nobody wants him instead of making a joke. Stupid me.
Some of these comments about our players are getting out of hand, if they fart there's always someone to make a big deal out of it.


New member
Oh yeah sorry he should've kept a straight face and said nobody wants him instead of making a joke. Stupid me.
Some of these comments about our players are getting out of hand, if they fart there's always someone to make a big deal out of it.

Sorry for recognizing vanity when I see it.


New member
I guess that means Villa is leaving. :(
Well.., as for that right flank... I still prefer Alexis over Pedro. At least Alexis gets into chances to miss them.

I'd prefer Cuenca on tha flank tho. He is unselfish and a great passer. Which is important when you have to feed the balls to :messi: and possibly Neymar. Plus he is good one on one as well.


We should sell Sanchez as early as possible because he is not a good forward, He always misses easy chances to score goals. and Most importantly he dives always, sometime he could have scored goals with ease but instead of opting to score he dives, That is why we should buy a decent striker.

King Leo

I think this is the year alexis shows his true talent

This is gonna be one strange attacking lineup with Neymar's arrival and Villa's departure. Don't want Alexis to stay. And if he shines this year is only because Neymar will have high expectations among many and fail to impress. Alexis then will shine in comparison.

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