Alexis Sanchez


New member
I hope Tata works on his confidence and overall game, he can offer so much


New member
Posts disappearing? Anyway, that gif was bs. For Udinese he played 112 games and scored 21 goals. For Barcelona he played 87 games and scored 26 goals. Those numbers were made up. But anyway, it's not only about the number of goals and number of games. Sure 26 goals in 87 isn't the worst thing ever, but when you consider how many much he could have scored, that's a different story altogether.


New member
Sure 26 goals in 87 isn't the worst thing ever, but when you consider how many much he could have scored, that's a different story altogether.

When you also consider he's got 18 assists as well you get a better idea of his effectiveness. Then add the goals he's helped create with his movement, then consider his defensive contribution and you very clearly have a good player.


New member
Sorry but no numbers will ever convince me Alexis was a very good player for us. He was very good in the last month or two of the season, I'll admit that, but that's about it as far as I'm concerned. Everything before that was very disappointing for me, stats or no stats.


People got hope over some decent performances at the end of last season in matches that no longer mattered.

In pretty much all meaningful game's he's been shit. Not to mention missing sitters my mom would've scored.


Senior Member
Such a controversial player. I swear Barca fans are always split 50/50 on this guy.

The reason it's controversial is because people have ridiculous expectations for him. He's a 10 goals a season MAX player with a few assists here and there. What he brings to the table is his workrate and his ability to create space for Messi and others, AKA things that aren't noticeable.


Every1 can stand on the touchline and run a lot. If that's what you pay 37M for then you could've signed me for far less :lol:


New member
well atleast he doesnt dive as much looking at the bayern game , so maybe thats an indication of him trying to change. Maybe he needs someone to send him a you tube vid of his days in italy so he can remember how good he was .


New member
Such a controversial player. I swear Barca fans are always split 50/50 on this guy.

Even if you ignore the goals and assits, even then he is an incredible player solely on his off the ball movements and intelligence.

>. next time just watch him creating space for others solely by himself. he just knows where e.g messi will move, he takes one defender out of the way. (an example.

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