Alexis Sanchez

El Guaje

Yes, you can. One does not just become a shit player overnight.

Good goalscorers sometimes have non-scoring streaks. That shouldn't be a surprise to any football enthusiast.

I know what Sanchez played like in Serie A and still, Alexis at his best is nowhere near Pedro at his best. Arguably nowhere near an average Pedro, as well.

I don't agree. Most people wouldn't, as well.

Besides, you said it yourself, you can't argue that Alexis is better than Pedro, but he can do everything Pedro does, except score. Now tell me, how does that make him better overall?

But to make one thing clear, I'm with you regarding Villa. He should've played more, in some cases instead of Pedro, absolutely.

Earlier success is not what influences the players form of today and their future form.

Of course, but when it takes so long for him to score (and play good in general), he should not be in the starting XI. Notto mention hes been bad infront of goal for like 1,5 seasons now.

Theres no way you could have watched him back at Udinese if you say that. If you really did, youd say the opposite.

When did I say that Alexis doesent offer goals? Even tho hes not a goalscorer-type, he does score. And last season he scored more than Pedro with less games played. I just said that Pedro is the better scorer (when he is on fire).

Alexis does everything Pedro does + more.


New member
It's not what influences the player's form, but it is what gives the coach an insight into the player's capabilities.

The only reasonable argument against Pedro being a starter is one that would argue for someone else who's better than him (Villa) being there instead. And that's what I agree with. I reckon Villa would have been more useful than both Pedro and Sanchez in several games.

But Sanchez instead of Pedro I can't agree with. Not in principle anyway. Rotation, yes.

I can't see how someone can argue that Alexis does everything Pedro does + more. It just seems like a completely untrue statement to me. Of course, that's just my opinion, and yours is the opposite. I can't further argue against it as I've already said everything I consider to be relevant for the matter, and yet we haven't reached common ground. But I reckon that the majority of football fans, or at least Barca supporters would not agree with you. As we've seen in the last several pages of this thread.

I am not by any means a big fan of Pedro, I'm kind of slightly less than indifferent towards him, so for me it's not a matter of glorifying him in contrast to anyone else. It's just that I think Sanchez has not been as good so far, which I believe is the general consensus, as well.


Staff member
Clearly both Pedro and Alexis could be playing better. But if it'll come down to choosing one I will always support Tito if he prefers to select the home-grown and established player who has a history with us over foreigner who's yet to prove his worth. Unless, of course, Alexis steps up with his form. Tito just gave him a vote of confidence few weeks ago so everything is in Alexis hands now.


New member
Great assist for Messi's second. He clearly had a hard time with the pitch, but still looked promising during that half hour or so in the field. I'm looking forward to seeing him in action from the get-go soon.


New member
looked good,good touch and control on the wing,good assist,finally an encouraging performance from him


Senior Member
Finally a good game by him but probably he will do his trademark habit - play a good game and flop the next 3-4 .


Barçapocalypse NOW!
I always have the feeling our attack improves when he comes from the bench... Good performance and nice assist...



this is something only alexis can do at barca. how many goals has messi scored thanks to his runs? even the second goal came from his run, that made space for iniesta who then linked with messi. he has been very positive in his 2 games.

btw, having read this thread for the last week (though many post have been deleted) i was wondering i was the one who got banned...


New member
this is something only alexis can do at barca. how many goals has messi scored thanks to his runs? even the second goal came from his run, that made space for iniesta who then linked with messi. he has been very positive in his 2 games.

btw, having read this thread for the last week (though many post have been deleted) i was wondering i was the one who got banned...
I've actually seen Henry make that exact same space-making run. The thing is, Henry is dangerous and can lethally finish. (though perhaps you were talking about only players at Barca now)

I get that Sanchez has potential and has his up-sides. But it's not enough to be a forward for the best club in the world just to make runs and create space for one player to score. In the later part of the season, when it's rough, we're going to need players who can be deadly and FINISH the ball. That's what killed us last season. And SO FAR Sanchez really isn't fulfilling that role. We can't expect to have 80% of our goals consistently come through one player, that won't fly when it gets tough. Most every good chance our forwards get in difficult matches must be dispatched of lethally if we are going to win it all again.

I know definitely can be a lot better, but he's being held back by some sort of block. I think that when he breaks free of whatever's in his head that is limiting him and keeping him well below his potential (He even said himself recently he's been playing at 5/10 and hasn't improved much since) he will be very valuable. But until then I think until then Villa should always get the start over him... Villa adds a crucial 2nd goal-scoring threat up front.

That said, I definitely think Tito should keep showing faith in Sanchez and giving him playing time to prove himself and re-gain good form like Fabregas eventually did. But not in big games. This past game definitely shows he has the quality in him, and he does seem to be getting a little better. He just needs one or 2 games where he really breaks out and comes into his own.
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well, alexis was the 2nd best goalscorer with cesc last season, even with all those injuries. this season has been really fucked up for him because of even more injuries. he can't score 15 goals per season if he is a very bad finisher. it took cesc a lot of time (since january untill this, lets say after the sevilla game) to get into his top form. btw i have no problem if villa starts over him. nothing. but those talks that alexis is useless and should be sold are nonsense. he can still add a lot to this team. last 2 games he played 3 of the 4 goals scored by messi, came thanks to alexis who played a huge part of them. and he only played 105 minutes out of 180.

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