Alexis Sanchez


Super Saiyan
Everyone of them is able to press/work more in defence but they have to get their damn asses up. The coach has to introduce the pressing and the duties in defence back.

You really think Messi will bring the workrate? Forget it. Neymar can't run his lungs out everygame and Reus? Rarely tracks back in defence.. On paper it looks like an attack any team could dream of. I hardly think it would work.


You really think Messi will bring the workrate? Forget it. Neymar can't run his lungs out everygame and Reus? Rarely tracks back in defence.. On paper it looks like an attack any team could dream of. I hardly think it would work.

They are all able to do so, I believe in this, yes.


Senior Member
Marotta (director Juventus): "Alexis rumours? He's a great player but he's at Barcelona now and there's nothing more we can add." [sky]


Then you're deluded..

I'm deluded because I think that world class footballers like Neymar, Messi (who pressed well in recent years) and Reus (who plays for Dortmund where the pressing is immense) are not ABLE to work hard defensively? Okay.


Senior Member


Super Saiyan
9 - Alexis Sanchez

I'm deluded because I think that world class footballers like Neymar, Messi (who pressed well in recent years) and Reus (who plays for Dortmund where the pressing is immense) are not ABLE to work hard defensively? Okay.

They are able too, don't get me wrong. But try getting them so far. Maybe you could get Messi to press for one game, perhaps two, maybe even 5! But to think he will do it all season long.. It would be a dream come true though.


They are able too, don't get me wrong. But try getting them so far. Maybe you could get Messi to press for one game, perhaps two, maybe even 5! But to think he will do it all season long.. It would be a dream come true though.

Yes, I have to agree with you here but it's not impossible and I can see it working in the future.


Super Saiyan
Well then you're looking but not seeing. Reus has good workrate for the position.

He is very present in attack, making runs and providing that workrate mostly in attack. He rarely works out in defence. And he doesn't have the input that Alexis has. Going out 100% every single match.


San Claudio Bravo
He is very present in attack, making runs and providing that workrate mostly in attack. He rarely works out in defence. And he doesn't have the input that Alexis has. Going out 100% every single match.

That's the way an attacker should play. Barcelona does not need a defensive winger. Alexis has higher defensive workrate than Villa had, Eto'o had and Henry had, yet they were all better fits. Reus has enough workrate, and offers superior offensive threat.


Super Saiyan
That's the way an attacker should play. Barcelona does not need a defensive winger. Alexis has higher defensive workrate than Villa had, Eto'o had and Henry had, yet they were all better fits. Reus has enough workrate, and offers superior offensive threat.

When Henry and Eto'o were here our midfield provided the workrate necessary. But back then things were different.

Bringing Reus to Barcelona is not a guarantee of succes. He could succeed big time or fail miserably. Is it really worth the risk?


San Claudio Bravo
When Henry and Eto'o were here our midfield provided the workrate necessary. But back then things were different.

Upgrading the midfield is also in the to-do list. Because the midfield cannot provide workrate does not mean you have to cripple the offense, it just means you need to upgrade the midfield.

Bringing Reus to Barcelona is not a guarantee of succes. He could succeed big time or fail miserably. Is it really worth the risk?

This is true for every single future player for Barcelona. They might succeed or they might fail. The possibility of failure cannot deter you from getting talent. Lack of action due to fear of failure is far worse than acting, failing, and trying again.

I've maintained for over a year now, I like Alexis. He is a good player, good kid, awesome team mate and model professional footballer, however the team can and should upgrade on him. He is not what this team needs.

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