Alexis Sanchez


New member
If the team take a good lead, I want him to get a 2nd yellow for diving and be sent off so he learns his lesson.

thats not the point ... i think he cant compete with the barca standart and thats why he had to change his game totally.. here hes now a worker and he doesnt do the things he normally does... and here comes the psychological thing ... if you change and you dont feel right in your new role you cant find you old habbits so easy... its a mindgame and a question of potential he got..

although this diving im pretty sure all coaches and players told him he souldnt do this anymore.... but he does it as a expression of his habbits..hes working for the team and he doesnt know how to behave in an other situation so he dives


New member
How does such a player get to play in the best club football team in the world? Seriously, though. This is not even debatable anymore. He is terrible.

If the team take a good lead, I want him to get a 2nd yellow for diving and be sent off so he learns his lesson.

I want him to get punched in the face.

Now, that was a hateful statement.


Mike the Knife
Nice to see the crowd support Alexis, hope that helps...But otherwise, I gotta believe he's on a 5 month audition to see whether he should be kept or sold


New member
we could have so many other skilled players but inestead we get a player with a mental problem so he cant play anymore...

very bad transfers in the last years... the best was alba,adriano,alves

chirgirnski,afellay,ibra aaahhh tooooo many bad transfers .. anyone remember keirrison ????? he is still under contract and did cost 15mil..


Special 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...


I think it's pretty obvious now that his problem is not talent or ability, so you can't really say "How is he playing at the best club in the world?" He definitely had something for Barca to splash 30 million out on him, and has shown some of his potential throughout his career. His problem is obviously a psychological one, hence the pathetic diving and and the open goal misses, but I somewhat agree, he has to get his shit together. There's only so long that this could go on. He's gotta show the courage to overcome whatever mental block he has.


New member
DAT touch. :lol:

And DEM dives. :lol: FFS, this is getting ridiculous. You can see the exact moment when he decides to dive. He just puts his arms right up front and free falls.


New member
Constantly misplacing passes, constantly losing possession on 1v1 chances... come Alexis get it together man. Time is running out fast

Yugo Count Dante

New member
The hate is ridiculous.

Yes it'll be better for him to leave since he'd be good in most top clubs.

Everytime he's in a good position they don't pass to him and everytime he has a chance to pull a individual action he passes to.... Messi

do the math and stop whining

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