Alexis Sanchez


New member
what's with all this talk that alexis cost us the game? he missed some sitters but we drew because we got complacent and too confident, we drew because thiago was caught out in possesion, we drew because no one was defending the set peice/ marking the man at the last minute, we didn't lose the lead because of some missed chances by sanchez, malaga had ten men aided with the fresh legs of pedro, cesc and xavi and we didn't take advantage instead we conceded and we paid for it, so I don't get all the hate on Alexis, he created those chances himself with those runs and that keeps defenders on their toes, they focus more on defending than attacking, plus he recovered balls and defended alot too so I give him credit for that, I'm glad the camp nou was more understanding than the bunch of so called fans here. fact of the matter is that away goals count alot and that's the fault of bad defending not missed shots by forwards. Messi was unsually selfish today, shouting at the ref and those freekicks were terrible. the player that was great as usual was Iniesta the rest of the team were hit or miss. fabregas should have started alongside sanchez, fabregas knows sanchezs runs and often does threatening throughballs fabregas isn't biased in passing the ball which I like, example away game to bayer leverkusen he always looks for the man attacking instead of xavi who is more converative and usually only threads the ball to Messi. I have faith that sanchez will bounce back and also the team will win in La rosaleda.

I agree we are very critical on Alexis and I for one do have lots of patience and appreciation of his talents. But c'mon those two tapins missed. those need to be criticized just as Thiago should be for his giveaway?


New member
This guy (Alexis Sanchez) is a real case on the field, a waste of money and a waste of opportunity for players who represent a far higher contribution to Barca’s game. Those who defend him no matter what are blind with desperation because his failure hurts them personally, so the first thing they do is to point fingers at other players, really believing that the rest of us are stupid enough to accept that childish excuse. He has been given more than enough chances to prove that he’s worth all that money that the institution sacrificed for him and all he has been able to do is to ridicule himself and his blind fan club.

Any of the rotating forwards are far better contributors in various degrees to the Barca cause. What Pedro, Villa, Tello have given and/or are giving to the club has been immense and I could itemize all those achievements. Conversely, Sanchez has had very, very limited success that really counts (the Madrid game comes to mind) and I could go as far as saying that his earlier days at Barca were better days, but nowadays this has become pitiful, and today it was the “crowning” of his Barca achievements. No, I’m not blaming the draw with Malaga on him, but having the, what, $35M in one hand and those two absolutely ridiculous misses in front of the goal, along with the embarrassing dives in the other hand show me that it is time to accept the mistake of bringing him in in the first place and the need to just close this horrible page by getting rid of the nightmare and move forward with what’s proven.

Yes, it’s true that several players were so-so today, but all of those players have been highly successful since who knows when and have given us years of pure joy; when you carry that history with you you’re entitled to an off day. But no, not Alexis because Alexis should, instead, be busy being the best of the game in those cases when the others are so-so, thus taking advantage of the opportunity. But even that would be too much to ask. It absolutely does not matter whatever he did in Udine or with La Roja. What matters is what/how he’s doing with the Blaugrana jersey and nothing else. Time to move on.


I usually don't talk about Alexis in his thread, but it's about time.

I always remember how everyone always praise how he runs and defends, but let's be honest, how many balls does he actually recover? stadistically, its usually between 4 or 8 max per game, and that's the same stats even Villa has. It's not that I don't appreciate his work for doing that, what I'm saying is that he's not a defender like Puyol, defending should be a bonus, but not all he does. He doesn't score, which is what he's supposed to do as a forwarder, and he doesn't even give assists. He also always dives, and doesn't even do it properly and he for sure doesn't make Barca's game gets better either, and it's been a whole half season like that. So what exactly he does? overall, nothing, IMO and that's like playing with 10 men. I always said that this guy had quality to shine here, and gave him time before being harsh on him, but I think it's been enough. A player that costs so much shouldn't be this bad. Did last game's tie was his fault? sure, why not. Thiago failed once, made a mistake that everyone have in a while, but Alexis failed a few chances, and it's been a few games like that. I seriously don't know what is wrong with this guy, I don't know if he's desesperate, or if his confidence on himself is barely at 1%, but the way he plays is just fun to watch, it's like watching a Teletubbie fall over and over.
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The Messiah
I'm really pissed at Alexis but when you come to think of it, he is still young. Not every player we get is going to be a Messi. It's frustrating but he must be backed no matter what as long as he is at the club. It's games like these that shape his mentality and remind him the importance of taking of chances. Hopefully, he is being scolded by Tito not for his missed chances as such but his diving, that is just throwing a bad image on our club and it cannot be tolerated. The funny part about his diving is that he has got a reputation now and even legit penalties are not given to him, he's fucking stupid that way.

I think Villa should come into the team once fit again and put pressure on Alexis, that is if Tito is willing. Hopefully that will force him into action.

As mentioned earlier we drew the game because we slacked off in the second half, not only because of Alexis.


"With Alexis, the thing to do is to try to help. He's a
young player and has all the talent in the world.
"We must protect him, and to help him do all that is
possible within football. Football has already
swallowed hundreds of players and we have to take
care of our own."


New member
He always gives 110% on the pitch and that's why he gets playing time. Just like pedro he's an inredible hard worker and does countless runs to drag defenders out of position. What he clearly lacks atm is a clinical finsihing.


The Culest
Lets see Pros and cons of Alexis
Pros- Gets into goalscoring positions(maybe because opposing team doesn't think of him as a threat) and tracks back
Cons-Dives and falls over all the time, Competes with Torres at finishing, cant dribble or beat defenders, takes away playing time of Villa & Tello, messes up many attacks

It doesn't take a genius to figure out what to do
Short term strategy-- Don't play him in important matches, prefer Villa and Tello, Give him minutes in unimportant matches in the League for eg.
Long term strategy-- Make him work hard in training, counsel him to help him gain confidence. If he doesn't improve sell him

PS- If he's played over a fit Villa or Tello in important matches than Tito can't be defended
Lets see Pros and cons of Alexis
Pros- Gets into goalscoring positions(maybe because opposing team doesn't think of him as a threat) and tracks back
Cons-Dives and falls over all the time, Competes with Torres at finishing, cant dribble or beat defenders, takes away playing time of Villa & Tello, messes up many attacks

It doesn't take a genius to figure out what to do
Short term strategy-- Don't play him in important matches, prefer Villa and Tello, Give him minutes in unimportant matches in the League for eg.
Long term strategy-- Make him work hard in training, counsel him to help him gain confidence. If he doesn't improve sell him

PS- If he's played over a fit Villa or Tello in important matches than Tito can't be defended

Tito's done pretty well (though he does have great players), but I agree that he needs to stop starting Sanchez over Villa and Tello. The pecking order should be Pedro -> Villa -> Tello -> Cuenca -> Sanchez imo.


Flair Trait
Tito should encourage him to put his foot through the ball more, his finishes are hesitant and sometimes he just needs to trust the swing of his foot and put it into the back of the net.


Yesterday after his first miss he didn't even work as hard as he should have, that's what worries me. His confidence is totally shattered, by playing extremely poor but perhaps mostly by training day in day out with players who are better than him at the Barça-game. I think that he's trying to find different ways of contributing but at the same time he's forgotten what his game is all about. He should step it up and bring out his own personality and his own game. What a difference this guy is to the player that I've witnessed on the world cup 2010! That player took on the full back every single time and got past him on a consistent basis. Such a dribbler we can use but unfortunately that player appears to be dead - at least in blaugrana anyway.


New member
Was disappointed when a section of the fans whistled Alexis as he came off. You just don't treat one of your players, who's been working extremely hard lately, like that. To me, it seems as if some of us have been spoiled by all the recent success the club has had and as a fan, it was a real eye-opener for me.

Fortunately, both Pep and now Tito, give more importance to hard work than anything else. :O

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