Alexis Sanchez


Staff member
Actually, Alexis disrupts our play with his poor ball control and below average passing. So no, he doesn't help the team stay in possession. And yes, his overall game is terrible. Pathetic diving, trampling over his own feet is only surpassed by the missed sitters. He doesn't have a ounce of Pedro's understanding with other players either and has become worse in time.
Pedro is a fit for Barca as he does pretty much everything Alexis does defensively while being in sync with our overall game. Plus, I'd think he earned a benefit of the doubt over past 4 seasons and he didn't cost us 35 million either.


Wow such hostility. I think you're exaggerating his control and passing, if you count Pedro's mistakes as fastidiously as you notice Alexis' then you could say the same for the current Pedro. I can't really be bothered to justify my opinion right now since I've explained this tens of times here before, Pedro 2 years ago would have wiped the floor with the current Alexis, but right now if you compare our forwards Messi is light years ahead of the rest and there's little to choose between Tello/Pedro/Alexis/Villa, at least less than some people here claim.


Staff member
I don't think I am. Pedro is better than Alexis in pretty much any aspect of the game you can name. Plus plays better with both feet and is tactically way smarter.


Mike the Knife
I concur with Bojan, Pedro is the model and just about anyone is going to fail by comparison - especially someone who came at Alexis' fee...Still, this wouldn't even be a discussion if Sanchez was more clinical in front of goal and getting past defenders like Di Maria, for example

Sunny called this early although I maintain he had all the attributes to be precisely what we needed here to pair with Pedro or Villa - he simply hasn't come good in the way we thought/hoped he would...No one to blame but himself and despite being a likable player (Clearly his teammates & coaches are consistently supportive) this isn't a charity - you perform or you pack your things

Let's not forget that we're talking about arguably the greatest team and collection of players/talents to have ever played the game - not everyone will fit in and rise to the high level of this special team...It's easy to get angry at Alexis for blowing some easy ones but it's not just his misses (And let's not forget, even Samu went through stretches where he missed easy ones too - the difference, of course, is that he never went this long like this)...It's the diving and inability to stretch the pitch when he's in possession...Sometimes I wonder if his time moving centrally both for Chile & Udinese screwed up his attacking game from the edges because he's a terrific passer, IMO

Whatever the reason/case, he's simply not been good enough or consistent enough to continue...At this point the only things he has going for him over Villa is pace and linkup with Leo


New member
Reminds me of Bojan's curse during his last season with us!

cmon bojan has never been so bad in his first touch on the ball... alexis is only looking on the ball and waiting like he has hours to take a bad how can he call himself a striker


New member
Alexis really does slow down our possession play, his movement and understanding is so mediocre compared to everyone else. It's not even like he's Pedro, who plays great all over the pitch except for his finishing. Alexis just slacks in all categories according to Barca's standards, and his finishing is laughably terrible. He just can't get it together... it's sad to see, but he just has to go, we can't be pitying him any longer while we have a treble and a historic season at stake.

I wish the guy all the well in the world, and I was trying to show more faith in him, but OVER and OVER and OVER this season he has done this to himself. This hole he's in is completely of his own making. It really doesn't matter that he can run a lot and hug the touchline... I could do that. What makes Barcelona the greatest team in history is their chemistry/understanding with eachother, their creativity in their movement and passing, and their brilliant playmaking and finishing. Alexis lacks basically all of those. When you are a front 3 player in Barca, regardless if you are on the wing or not, when you get chances in front of goal you HAVE to score, period.

When you miss the clear chances you get, and other team scores, you lose games, which we have seen multiple times both this season and last. It's just not excusable anymore. Sorry Alexis, you've been given plenty of time but time's just about up budd. Time to move on.


New member
This is a huge blow for the team, The two steps backward that happened yesterday shouldn't have happened, We're starting to enter the critical part of the season, Specially with Champions's league, And we need him now more than ever, Tello isn't someone to be relied on in CL, Villa is fine but isn't exactly in the form of his life, Now we better pray nothing happens to pedro, Yet i hope this is still reversible, For the sake of our team.
On a side-note, I couldn't overlook the herds that filled this thread after the match, Ripping apart sanchez which i'm certain they did it with a smirk on their face, Glad they're still 'Right' about him, Well i just wanted to say how F***ed up that is.


Dr. Raed St. Claire
Alexis recieves the ball too far up the pitch. Pedro likes it there, not Alexis.

Youssef Saif was ripping hard on him on Al Jazeera.


Staff member
Don't know where he would play there honestly. Lichensteiner, Isla and Pepe are their right midfielders. Maybe in attack as neither Giovinco nor Matri have been lighting up the show this season.


In Lucho we trust!
The idea is to play him upfront with Llorente. I'd be happy to have Bojan back as a sub. Pretty much on the same level as Alexis anyway.


Staff member
Wash your mouth!
Bojan was a deity adored even by the greatest like Henry and Piquenbauer. I have pics to prove it.

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