Andres Iniesta


Like vs RM Copa final, Atletico second leg and last Liga game, Bayern etc.? Or vs Chile and Netherlands?

I see you're new here so I'll let this slide for this time but in the future, sensible and accurate posts are not welcome on this forum. Instead we like to label our players as either the greatest players to have ever played in their position or the worst depending on how they performed in the last game. Enjoy your stay.


New member
Conveniently forgetting the WC Final and the semifinal against Chelsea, aren't we?
You really had to dig deep for those two games. I mean, 2009 and 2010, shit. And you didn't even get my point.




Calma, calma
If the same would be true for Messi, everyone would have agreed that Messi was great last season. I mean, 44 goals and +10 assist is statistically better than almost any of the greatest player's best season, yet everyone say that Messi was bad.

Nobody said Messi had a bad season, and if they did you shouldn't be listening to them. Most people say Messi had a bad season by his standards, and it was levelled against Ronaldo too at the end of 12/13 season when he ended up with 55 goals and 12 assists. In both cases, if they had played the exact same way and their respective teams had won trophies, most people would be singing a different tune. Such is human nature.

Regarding the MVP. Messi had a better WC than C.Ronaldo had a euro in 2012, yet people seems to think that C.ronaldo had a great euro while Messi a bad WC. And don't give me that BS about C.ronaldo having worse teammates. Atleast his teammates created chances for him. Remember the Portugal vs Denmark game? In just that one game, his teammates created more chances for him than Di Maria & co created for Messi at this WC..

What people are you talking to? Who says Messi had a bad World Cup, most people I know only dispute whether he deserved the 'best player' award, they have no problems in saying he's in the top 3-4 players of the tournament. And nobody I've talked to says Ronaldo had a great Euro worthy of deserving the player of the tournament award over Iniesta/Pirlo.

Kind tough to give it to anyone else though being that James was out in the last 8 and Neymar was injured. The Germans were great but had no real stand out star.

I don't disagree with Messi getting the MVP (it was a hard choice and for me it was between Messi and Robben). I'm talking about people's perceptions and the poster's claim that if Ronaldo had done what Messi did, they would be clamoring for him to be MVP.


Conveniently forgetting the WC Final and the semifinal against Chelsea, aren't we?

Also to note that your point has no relevance to the discussion; Iarwain simply disputed the ridiculous notion some people have about Iniesta that he always plays well in big games so we don't need to worry if he performs poorly in minor games by naming big games he didn't show up in.

He didn't say he never shows up in big games which you seem to have interpreted it as.


I was simply pointing out the reason as to why he (Iniesta) has developed such a reputation.

And he never questioned that reputation so no need to defend it. I repeat, he just disputed the notion some people have that Iniesta ALWAYS play well in big games.


Calma, calma
First, I have to dispute that Messi had a lot of subpar games in the first half of the 12/13 season. Not my experience. Secondly, not all assists are created equal. Messi creates chances for others. Lobs. through balls. Many of Ronaldo's on the other hand were simply passes within the penalty box. Third, you can't say Messi had a poor game because he didn't have any assists. I can't remember how many times his pass or the chance he created was wasted. Just because his teammates couldn't score, it didn't mean Messi was poor.

This post seems so misguided. Firstly, I never said Messi was poor (re:your last sentence), I said his overall game was subpar, which means below what is expected. He was scoring a ton of goals at an incredible rate but his overall game was below what is generally expected from Messi. The first half of 12/13 was when the first murmurs of 'Messi is being lazy/not moving around' started. Yet he was being praised like never before (when he actually deserved it more), because he was scoring a ton of goals and chasing a great record. This is not too different from what happens with Ronaldo. The reason being there are a lot of people in the media who don't have the opportunity to watch all the games of all the teams, which can sometimes lead to people making judgments off the scoreline. Note, this doesn't happen for international tournaments when theres nothing else to watch.

And I don't understand how what youre saying about assists is relevant to what I was saying. I pointed out that his assist stat was not very high to show that that particular stat was not the reason he was getting so much praise. I understand that not all assists are the same, or that they don't fully describe the extent of a player's involvement in the game.


New member
I see you're new here so I'll let this slide for this time but in the future, sensible and accurate posts are not welcome on this forum. Instead we like to label our players as either the greatest players to have ever played in their position or the worst depending on how they performed in the last game. Enjoy your stay.

Iniesta is the greatest though :lol:, he could have the worst game ever and he'd still be to me.

But i suppose my earlier statement was somewhat hyperbolic but all i'd say is that if he was given a goal scoring opportunity in a clutch game im 90% certain he'd bury it.


Senior Member
I see you're new here so I'll let this slide for this time but in the future, sensible and accurate posts are not welcome on this forum. Instead we like to label our players as either the greatest players to have ever played in their position or the worst depending on how they performed in the last game. Enjoy your stay.

:lol: +1 #BiPolarBarcaForum
(actually, more like Borderline personality disorder, but I sure 90% don't know what that is)


New member
Like vs RM Copa final, Atletico second leg and last Liga game, Bayern etc.? Or vs Chile and Netherlands?

You can't blame Iniesta for those games where the whole team was shit, is he supposed to single-handedly win games?
Nobody ALWAYS performs in big games, but looking at Iniesta's career and the countless amazing performances in big games( both Euros, World Cup in South Africa, CL finals, that goal against Chelsea, the 4-0 against Milan, Supercup against RM, league games against RM, etc.) you can say that most of the time he brings his A game to important matches.

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