Andres Iniesta


San Claudio Bravo
Lucas blocked me on twitter because I told him to stop his constant whining and bitching. In the midst of Barca's revival after the Sociedad game, this guy couldn't stop his complaining because yes we were winning but it wasn't "pretty enough."

We should take all his opinions with a grain of salt because firstly, they're just opinions, he doesn't know more than anyone else though he sure pretends to; secondly, because he is highly biased and highly infatuated and nostalgic with the Pep era of this team; and thirdly, he is just too arrogant and conceited to look at things with any kind of fair perspective or balance. He wants it one way, and anything else outside of that is not acceptable to him.

Lucas and his followers are too caught up with the past and trying to replicate it again, which is both highly unrealistic and somewhat unappreciative of the uniqueness of that period. Team needs to transition and evolve out of their golden era because it's just not feasible to expect to repeat it, after all it was the golden era for a reason. The combination of players, of circumstances, are simply not realistic to expect to replicate. You can carry on the philosophy, the playing style, but you must also take into account your current players and your current capabilities. Hanging on too tightly to the past just makes you lose sight of the present and future.

He also can claim that the way the team plays is ill suited for Iniesta all he wants, that's fine, but to claim that Iniesta hasn't regressed at all and it's all just down to tactics is just inaccurate. Iniesta's game has been declining going back 2 seasons, and just not a product of this year alone. Team should be planning more around the slowly phasing out of Iniesta so that he doesn't become another Xavi situation where at 35 the team still has no natural replacement for him, rather than changing tactics and molding play around a 30 year old midfielder who has not been playing at his peak for some time now.


Active member
Coutinho playing deep? Are you sure about that?

when a capable player replaces iniesta and starts performing better than his predecessor you all will start come up with a new name for that position as it won't seem so deep after all. anyone here would take isco and play him instead of iniesta in current barca but when it comes to coutinho he isn't fit for that mysterious role


of course he will as iniesta's performances are MOSTLY utter crap

The point is Iniesta's performances are in part due to him playing out of position and you are suggesting an inferior replacement who will also be required to play out of position.


when a capable player replaces iniesta and starts performing better than his predecessor you all will start come up with a new name for that position as it won't seem so deep after all. anyone here would take isco and play him instead of iniesta in current barca but when it comes to coutinho he isn't fit for that mysterious role

There's nothing mysterious. Iniesta is not playing as an AM currently, and that's Coutinho's position. I don't think he'd be any better.


Active member
The point is Iniesta's performances are in part due to him playing out of position and you are suggesting an inferior replacement who will also be required to play out of position.

oh yeah, the superior iniesta was so good last year, or a year before that while playing in his natural position. iniesta hasn't been himself since pep's last season and he's been degrading, but let's not argue about it. right now in any position coutinho > iniesta. i understand why most of barca fans dont share the same opinion


oh yeah, the superior iniesta was so good last year, or a year before that while playing in his natural position. iniesta hasn't been himself since pep's last season and he's been degrading, but let's not argue about it. right now in any position coutinho > iniesta. i understand why most of barca fans dont share the same opinion

That's not true. Iniesta was very good during Tito's tenure. Best player of that season, after Messi. And even declining as he is, Coutinho is not better than him.


President of FC Barcelona
An Iniesta in decline is better than Coutinho who seem to disappear more often than he actually performs in the end to end PL with much more space on offer, in his favoured position!

And a couple of wonder goals doesn't mean much.


San Claudio Bravo
You guys are talking about Liverpool's Coutinho? That's another Rafinha type of player. Not a CM, but an offensive midfielder/winger. That's not what Barca should be looking for.


New member
Nah, Coutinho played most matches at CM last season. He's very comfortable there and comparing him with Rafinha is ridiculous.


San Claudio Bravo
Nah, Coutinho played most matches at CM last season. He's very comfortable there and comparing him with Rafinha is ridiculous.

Coutinho is a CAM/WAM not a CM. If played at CM for Barca, he'd be in the exact same position as Rafinha, simply not suited to his skillset, hence why I mentioned him. I did not compared them talent-wise.


New member
Fair enough. Of course if he came here he would have to play the offensive CM part, which he can do very well.

Btw what is Rafinha's role anyway? I never really figured.

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