He's a scumbag Liverpool player who got involved in a fight again?What was with the black eye?
he's MUCH BETTER than people hating on him are saying.
so villa deserves the hate, but people should lay off carroll. yh carroll is doing so much for liverpool, david villa's crucial goals in cl, and liga are no where close to the 5 goals in 1 year scored by carroll
yes anyone who dares mention David Villas form, even daring to mention the number of games he's played and the number of goals he has scored is so OBVIOUSLY HATING!
Andy Carroll is was a 21 year old boy signed because of his huge potential as well as the fact that he was banigng them in for Newcastle. David Villa is a 30 year old MAN that has been doing the biz for Valencia for years. It is certainly fair game to keep on brining up how his lack of goals is not good enough based on his career, not just his price tag.
I only mention Villa every week because of the number of people that have had their heads in the sand with regard to his form.
As for Carrolls form, he's been coming off the bench a lot and not playing at all due to Suarez being the more skillful and dangerous player.
You lay into Carroll all you want though, I will laugh in your face when he comes good and doesn't turn out to be as bad as the haters are saying.
that's abit of hateYES it'ss all my fault because Villa's
this is just...the odd customary goal against Man Utd or Real Madrid...
To build a team around Carroll, you would need to play hoof ball football, constantly kicking long balls into the box. I know we're talking about England but in 2012 even English teams (bar Stoke City) don't play like that anymore. Having said that. At Stoke, he'd probably become Premier League's top scorer.![]()
If you watch all of his goals from 2009 / 2010, you'll notice that 80 % are headers from set pieces or hoof balls where he just uses the fact that he's 6.3 ft. tall. The guy is not even a footballer.
To build a team around Carroll, you would need to play hoof ball football, constantly kicking long balls into the box. I know we're talking about England but in 2012 even English teams (bar Stoke City) don't play like that anymore. Having said that. At Stoke, he'd probably become Premier League's top scorer.![]()
you are severely underrating him if you think that he can't play Futbol on the deck just because he's score a lot of goals with his head.
The boy has decent feet for a big man, is deceptively fast with ball, and has a rocket of a left foot.
If you are basing your negative opinion of him on 2 minutes and 23 seconds of youtube, you would be wrong to do so. I will also laugh in your face when he comes good in the near future.
also do headed goals not count or something? Just because he is the best header of the ball in the Premier league does not mean he is not good with the ball at his feet. He is going to prove a lot of his critics wrong in the the near future.
also....are you counting crosses as long balls in to the box now and therefore it being = to hoof ball?
and on another post yous said.when in actual reality he's nothing like how he perceives himself, because his form and wastage of so many key chances and 1 on 1's is abysmal:
Andy Carroll >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> David Villa
i used to look at your villa hate and just say hey you can't make everyone happy. but now your saying carroll's underrated wtf dude no. just no.
and on another post yous said.
carroll is a good for nothing waste of space with no potential. villa is spainish nt's top scorer and one of the best.