Arda Turan


New member
Said it a few weeks ago, but we were winning then so it didn't matter, right?
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President of FC Barcelona
The Arda brigaaaaaaaade :lol:

ElDiaDespues video of LasPalmas game showed him in terrible light for me already, add to that his attitude yesterday, he's already in the red zone of my heart.

May be next season he'll show up.

What video and what did it show?

@DonAK @God Serena

Your defensive stand wasn't needed. I meant to criticize Iniesta's play in the last couple of matches, especially this match. I think Iniesta is one of the best MC's "ever" and Arda will never be at his caliber. But his play in the last games haven't been good enough. He's showing the signs of his age already. However, some people here turn blind eye on Iniesta's play in this match and make Arda the scapegoat. I used "living in the past" phrase for the reason that Iniesta hasn't been getting needed criticism and Arda was blamed for living in the past. This is not justice.

Also, I'm not an Arda fan. It's not even close. I don't like him personally and I don't consider him a €41M-player at this age for Barça. I don't like his playing style either. On the contrary I have been a fan of Messi and Iniesta for years.

Alright, I get it.

I myself wasn't convinced by this transfer, especially how Arda seemed to struggle physically last season, and while Simeone's Atletico is intense and demanding to play under, Barca isn't any less. Add to the fact that Arda has not played as a CM, and even in Iniesta's position, he has to do a lot of defensive work. It took Iniesta some time last season to adjust to his new role with more defensive responsibility too.

I preferred a midfielder like Gundogan instead, but now that we have Arda, we just have to wait and see if he can adapt and improve. Still only a few months in his Barca career. There's not much else we can do anyway.


New member
What video and what did it show?

Alright, I get it.

I myself wasn't convinced by this transfer, especially how Arda seemed to struggle physically last season, and while Simeone's Atletico is intense and demanding to play under, Barca isn't any less. Add to the fact that Arda has not played as a CM, and even in Iniesta's position, he has to do a lot of defensive work. It took Iniesta some time last season to adjust to his new role with more defensive responsibility too.

I preferred a midfielder like Gundogan instead, but now that we have Arda, we just have to wait and see if he can adapt and improve. Still only a few months in his Barca career. There's not much else we can do anyway.

Only problem with players like Gundogan he be another Nuri sahin had superb season or two at Borussia Dortmund made it to RM now back to Borussia Dortmund , i'm not sure why they don't travel well.


President of FC Barcelona
Only problem with players like Gundogan he be another Nuri sahin had superb season or two at Borussia Dortmund made it to RM now back to Borussia Dortmund , i'm not sure why they don't travel well.

Sahin had one good season. Gundogan has had at least three great seasons where he's been among the very best CMs in the World. Not to forget Gundogan is arguably the German NT's best CM too.

That's the difference between him and Sahin.

The difference between Gundogan and Arda is that the former is actually a CM, box-to-box midfielder, that is capable of that extra defensive work, as well as starting plays from the midfield, and dictate the tempo. In that sense the BVB player has always been the far better fit for us.

But to be fair then it was a risk to sign him last summer as there were doubts about whether he'd return to his old self, but this season he definitely has returned to his best.


New member
Sahin had one good season. Gundogan has had at least three great seasons where he's been among the very best CMs in the World. Not to forget Gundogan is arguably the German NT's best CM too.

That's the difference between him and Sahin.

The difference between Gundogan and Arda is that the former is actually a CM, box-to-box midfielder, that is capable of that extra defensive work, as well as starting plays from the midfield, and dictate the tempo. In that sense the BVB player has always been the far better fit for us.

But to be fair then it was a risk to sign him last summer as there were doubts about whether he'd return to his old self, but this season he definitely has returned to his best.

I remember I kept on arguing how he was absolutely worth the risk for, what, 20 or so million EUR last season? Not pushing for his signing was a big mistake I think. Gundogan would probably fit perfectly here.


New member
barca already was bad in second half, but real just couldnt score.. ref didnt give real s second goal, all you know this.. no one say anthing about messi or neymar
or suarez who were alldead inside match..
and did anyone watch how did begin ronaldo s goal??
it camed after losing fucking ball..
if all team lose balls and after it you got a goal, is this arda s fault?? injustice ...


New member
Sahin had one good season. Gundogan has had at least three great seasons where he's been among the very best CMs in the World. Not to forget Gundogan is arguably the German NT's best CM too.

That's the difference between him and Sahin.

The difference between Gundogan and Arda is that the former is actually a CM, box-to-box midfielder, that is capable of that extra defensive work, as well as starting plays from the midfield, and dictate the tempo. In that sense the BVB player has always been the far better fit for us.

But to be fair then it was a risk to sign him last summer as there were doubts about whether he'd return to his old self, but this season he definitely has returned to his best.

Have to see how the rest of the season pans out , can Arda adopt to our system or not early to say yet as same goes for Vidal, but definitely need new blood soon as Don is not getting any younger , lets concentrate on rest of the season we have to do it with this squad.


Senior Member
All that money spent on him, just not right. Should've been put into our Pogba budget. Just thinking that he cost almost half of what a world-class youngster like Pogba, that we so desperately needs with our 29 year old average line-up, will be going for makes me want to throw up. Can't wait for us to renew this squad in a couple of years with our bad economy and the Espai Barca project going on. Milan 2.0 waiting to happen.

Pogba budget?lol come on now man .
I've been rooting for us to go for Pogba all last season ,but let's face the reality here .there was never gonna be a real chance of bringing him .last year we brought Vidal & Arda while selling Pedro for 30M and we found ourselves with no money for Nolito or any january signings.
If anything ,it seem that the whole Pogba chase was either a publicity stunt by the board or just a pipe day dreaming that they should have known better it would never happen .
We had no money to pay what Juve wants for Pogba ,what his agent wants for him .Arda or not Pogba wasn't coming here with this crazy demands .

I remember I kept on arguing how he was absolutely worth the risk for, what, 20 or so million EUR last season? Not pushing for his signing was a big mistake I think. Gundogan would probably fit perfectly here.

We have paid only 10M for Vermaelen (he didn't met any of clauses for the adds on that could have put it up to 19M) and FIFA even paid us 2M because of his injury .yet this deal is the laughing stock of the club
Gundogan injury might even be more risky at that time ,back injuries is no joke for athlete and could have its long term implications (even right now he isn't risk free) and after the Vermaelen deal I can understand why the club would be cautions with deals like this .


he used to fuck rm before .. lol

His role for Atlético was quite different. He played as an attacker there. It seems Enrique signed him to play similarly to Rakitic, and that makes no sense so far. Arda is much better in the final 3rd.


New member
Arda didnt play any more attacking role than Rakitic did for Sevilla. He was a right midfielder in a team that focuses on the system, not individual brilliance. Atletico is much better as a unit than their individual parts, thanks to Simeone. He has never been a world class midfielder and never will be. He will struggle to get minutes with Denis and Rafa next season.


President of FC Barcelona
It showed lack of understanding be it language or attitude.

From 0:25 to 1:00



Dude seriously need to hire a tutor and learn the language. He was in Madrid four years.


Previously known as Mehssi

Dude seriously need to hire a tutor and learn the language. He was in Madrid four years.

Indeed, it's unacceptable that he still can't speak spanish ffs.

Even that aside, what the hell is he arguing about ? Listen to jefecito and fucking obey !

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