Arda Turan


Senior Member
He seems confused about his place in the team. Let's hope he'll improve and help the team for next season. Right now, he hasn't showed he can be more than a sub. His confidence needs to improve as well. I know it's hard when you see what Messi, Neymar and Suarez can do, but you need to bring your contribution. 10m players can pass sideways or backwards. You don't need to pay 40m for that. It's still too early to jumpt to conclusions though.


Senior Member
How long did it take neymar to fit into our team. How long even did it take iniesta to integrate into luchos tactics


Barçapocalypse NOW!
With neymar it took near a full season. Basically same with iniesta to adjust to luchos system so we just need to give arda plenty of time to adjust to our style the quality is obviously there as we know from his atletico days

Are you crazy? He deserves no time! Besides, don't you know we just lost a game and the world is going to end! Madrid will catch up on us in La Liga and win the 11th CL... Doooooooomed!


Senior Member
Yeah, the red card that shortly preceded us conceding a goal and losing the game while Arda jogged around in midfield.

He wasnt any worse than a number of Barca players and was not at fault for any of the goals or Bale chopped off goal.

Trying to pin the blame on him for anything more than a fairly ineffective performance is just clueless.

He never caused that defeat and was not even close to the most culpable.

Alves used to get it every defeat, Masch used to get it, Suarez used to get it now the target seems to be Arda.

Jamie Cal

We were beaten all over the pitch at that point, that's true, but between his position play and his workrate to get back was appalling. And this is the guy who should be freshest after only coming on. Fine if you don't want to blame him for the losing the game, but he did nothing to be defended either.


New member
He did nothing wrong IMO and had a great chance which got blocked at the end, if that had gone in everyone would be loving that sub. Our attack was non-existent before he came on we were happy to sit back and pass which was the problem not him.


Previously known as Mehssi
He wasn't the problem, but he sure as hell wasn't the solution ... in any game he played so far for that matter.

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