Arda Turan


New member
Quote one person blaming him for the result.

Just ONE.

And while you're at it, go find someone who blamed him for the loss to RM.

Just ONE.

Just because we're able to recognize he sucks doesn't mean we're blaming him for the results!

he should play more selfish and with more direct dribbling.. or he ll get fucked soon .. so much hate ı see ..


Active member
arda doesn't suck. he may not suite us or it might be that lucho isn't using him well, but he certainly doesn't suck. he isn't given a role he had in atletico, when he plays he plays just to fill in for the player that is not playing and i dont expect some magic from him when he is used like that. i remember how absolutely horrible was iniesta and he needed time to adjust. arda is top class so he will either suit us or won't, but it doesn't mean he sucks.

God Serena

New member
arda doesn't suck. he may not suite us or it might be that lucho isn't using him well, but he certainly doesn't suck. he isn't given a role he had in atletico, when he plays he plays just to fill in for the player that is not playing and i dont expect some magic from him when he is used like that. i remember how absolutely horrible was iniesta and he needed time to adjust. arda is top class so he will either suit us or won't, but it doesn't mean he sucks.

He doesn't suck in general, he just sucks for us.


He's been above okay, some nice flashes and hard work. Not perfect, but no player is! Could he be better? yes if his given a role that suits him, and let's him to be "free". Add to that the fact that his been what, like 3 months back to playing competitive games after a half year of sitting with the crowds!
So chill out dudes and stop trying to make a problem from none.


New member
He's been above okay, some nice flashes and hard work. Not perfect, but no player is! Could he be better? yes if his given a role that suits him, and let's him to be "free". Add to that the fact that his been what, like 3 months back to playing competitive games after a half year of sitting with the crowds!
So chill out dudes and stop trying to make a problem from none.

Sure, now Lucho only needs to convince Messi or Neymar to cover Arda´s back and do the defensive work while Arda is being "free"


Active member
I would start Arda this weekend alongside Roberto and Busquets, I would trust that midfield to get the job done.


Sure, now Lucho only needs to convince Messi or Neymar to cover Arda´s back and do the defensive work while Arda is being "free"

Dont suffocate on your laugh pal. What i meant by free, is what i said clearly: give him a role that suits him! Not to run where ever he wants and to do whatever he wants. Jeez dude, atleast try to read all of the sentence, not only one word, that ive also put in scare quotes (or whatever you call it in english) for loose use of the word. As a attack minded midfielder, "free" means that he can be more offensive and do his sparking moves all the time. By this defenition Iniesta is given "free" hands and so was Xavi. If people want to see Arda playing like he used to play in ATM then this is the solution.

God Serena

New member
Dont suffocate on your laugh pal. What i meant by free, is what i said clearly: give him a role that suits him! Not to run where ever he wants and to do whatever he wants. Jeez dude, atleast try to read all of the sentence, not only one word, that ive also put in scare quotes (or whatever you call it in english) for loose use of the word. As a attack minded midfielder, "free" means that he can be more offensive and do his sparking moves all the time. By this defenition Iniesta is given "free" hands and so was Xavi. If people want to see Arda playing like he used to play in ATM then this is the solution.

We are not Atletico Madrid. We're not going to adapt our system to one 29/30 year old player so he can perform better for us when we have no less than four midfielders (Five, when Denis returns) who can fill his role without needing to do that, who all happen to be younger than him with the exception of our captain.

And really, Xavi and Iniesta *were* the system, there wasn't much adapting they needed to do.


New member
It was obvious from the start the midfield would be stacked, and he now has less time to show he deserves to start regularly. With Rafinha who can fill the same role, and is much younger, and Iniesta still going somewhat strong, I don't think he will adapt quickly enough to secure a starting spot. That being said, I like his character, and I hope he steps up. With so many young midfielders, his experience is certainly useful, and the potential is there.
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We are not Atletico Madrid. We're not going to adapt our system to one 29/30 year old player so he can perform better for us when we have no less than four midfielders (Five, when Denis returns) who can fill his role without needing to do that, who all happen to be younger than him with the exception of our captain.

And really, Xavi and Iniesta *were* the system, there wasn't much adapting they needed to do.

There's no need for the team to adapt new system, we can operate with both Turan and Iniesta pretty nicely if Arda was playing less defensive and more offensive way. It's not like a wierd concept for this club.

Xavi and Iniesta were not the system, take Messi, Eto etc out and the system would've been broken, same have to be said vice versa on almost every player of that era. Yes they were very important part of that system, but they were only one part of it, not the hole system. Atleast this is my opinion.
But yeah, your comment has nothing to do with my statement, I said he can perform even better than what he has, if he can play in a different role, that doesn't mean the system is going to be changed. But even If that was the case, then yes team needs plan c - fellow guardians knows the reference ;)- having only one way to play is what made us vulnerable in the last days under pep and after him.

And in the end, if you buy an high caliber player, then you better have good plans for using him, not just take risks and play him out of his "natural habitat".

In the end, Ill say again, that Arda have been above okay in general and by looking to the circumstances. I enjoy seeing him in the field and I enjoy his passion.


New member
His first half-season hasn't even finished yet, so it is too early to say that he can't step up and play a role in this team. I'm willing to give him more time, rather than just selling him this summer, but his role as a sub, who also start in the easier games, when rotation is needed, is not likely to change. I don't think he was bought as Iniestas replacement anyway.


Culé de Celestial Empire

Waaaaaaaay too early. We need at least one more season to see how things turn out with Arda.

Unless of course, if that Chinese team is willing to pay 100m for Arda so we can buy Pogba, I am all for selling him.

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