Arturo Vidal


Senior Member
Do people not realise people react different to alcohol he would probably have had less than 3 beer or perhaps a few glasses of wine with his meal. More than likely the drink didnt even effect his judgement etc


Senior Member
A blood alcohol level of 1.2 is really not that much at all like I said previously. Two glasses of wine with dinner could achieve that. Last night I had a patient at 4.5 and he was walking around without assistance however slurring his words- should the person be driving, hell no...but he also had almost 4x the alcohol level Vidal did.

If I were Vidal I wouldn't take the chance given his lifestyle as a footballer and basically his life of luxury.

A lot of judgemental people here, some saints supposedly. Never drank, even a beer or two, and drove before? The halo is beaming ever so brightly.


Devil May Cry
A blood alcohol level of 1.2 is really not that much at all like I said previously. Two glasses of wine with dinner could achieve that. Last night I had a patient at 4.5 and he was walking around without assistance however slurring his words- should the person be driving, hell no...but he also had almost 4x the alcohol level Vidal did.

If I were Vidal I wouldn't take the chance given his lifestyle as a footballer and basically his life of luxury.

A lot of judgemental people here, some saints supposedly. Never drank, even a beer or two, and drove before? The halo is beaming ever so brightly.

Yeah,plenty of bullshit around here. I'm assuming he drove too fast, I don't really care that he drank a glass or two of wine/beer. He's a grown-ass man, that wouldn't affect him.


A lot of judgemental people here, some saints supposedly. Never drank, even a beer or two, and drove before? The halo is beaming ever so brightly.

No never. What's your point? If he gets in an accident that involves other people and turns out he was drinking before.. try your "haven't we all done this before? No? Oh halo beaming blabla saints" talk on the family members.
Can't believe some people. If he wants to drink, drink, but don't get behind the steering wheel afterwards.


President of FC Barcelona
Sorry for being blunt, but take those '1.2 is not much' and 'everyone does it' and stick it far up your backside.

I don't think you know how "little" it takes to lose control. It's a reason for why so much alcohol in your blood level is not allowed, because it affects your driving ability and you therefore put other people under danger.

Say those things to the face of people who've suffered just because a SOB couldn't control himself and "only" had 1.2. I bet you wouldn't. If I had known someone who had been a subject to having his life set on stake because a guy who had 1.2 drove and someone said that to me then I would have punched and kicked him in the face.
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This is getting way OT.

Everyone has their own argument.
Drinking and driving doesn't match.

People make mistakes and things happen, what more can you say. Be anti alcohol or whatever, doesn't change anything. Vidal got away with it, noone got hurt and all is good.


And you've never done anything wrong when you were young. Such a sweetiepie you are.

The worst I've done is shoplifting from a corner store. Not risking the lives of myself, my wife, and anyone unfortunate enough to be driving on the same street as me. That isn't just "Wrong", it's highly dangerous and the only reason it's not so much worse is down to pure luck.


Senior Member
Sorry for being blunt, but take those '1.2 is not much' and 'everyone does it' and stick it far up your backside.

I don't think you know how "little" it takes to lose control. It's a reason for why so much alcohol in your blood level is not allowed, because it affects your driving ability and you therefore put other people under danger.

Say those things to the face of people who've suffered just because a SOB couldn't control himself and "only" had 1.2. I bet you wouldn't. If I had known someone who had been a subject to having his life set on stake because a guy who had 1.2 drove and someone said that to me then I would have punched and kicked him in the face.

You're not sorry, otherwise you wouldn't have said it. However, no offense taken- some people control their emotions better than others.

I don't think anyone is saying drinking and driving is a good idea. My problem is that some people are painting Vidal as some super irresponsible anti-Christ who is a terrible person when realistically judging by the guys serum alcohol level he probably had two glasses of wine with dinner, played some blackjack then drove home.

I'd be more afraid of some asshole texting while driving.

In the end, people need to calm down and maybe have a drink or two.


Senior Member
If I'm not mistaken, than it's about 4 beers?
It's one 0.5 can/bottle of beer. Or 50g shot of vodka. Maybe more or less depending on one's weight. Where i live the legal limit is also 0.8%%. Wanting to jail someone, because he went over it by 0.3% is insane.
That said, it is perfectly ok to punish harshly for reckless driving regardless of sobriety and something tells me Alex is just the type. He should be banned from having fast cars instead. :lol:
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Calma, calma
A blood alcohol level of 1.2 is really not that much at all like I said previously. Two glasses of wine with dinner could achieve that. Last night I had a patient at 4.5 and he was walking around without assistance however slurring his words- should the person be driving, hell no...but he also had almost 4x the alcohol level Vidal did.

If I were Vidal I wouldn't take the chance given his lifestyle as a footballer and basically his life of luxury.

A lot of judgemental people here, some saints supposedly. Never drank, even a beer or two, and drove before? The halo is beaming ever so brightly.

My uncle got into an accident 5 years ago when a drunk guy (not super drunk either) who was speeding rammed his car into my uncle's bike. My uncle has since lost all memory, cannot walk, cannot talk and needs full-time assistance from a helper for doing the most basic of tasks. He has had close to 25 operations in the past 5 years to try and fix his brain injuries and the resulting complications arising from them, all to no avail or to simply maintain his current miserable condition or to prevent him from dying.

I had never had a drink prior to that incident in my life and since that day have sworn off any and all alcohol for the rest of my life. I really have no sympathy for people who drink and drive and I don't think I'm being judgmental at all here. You seem like a doctor/nurse based on your posts so I'm surprised you hold such an opinion. Have you not had patients who, like my uncle, have had their lives destroyed by other people's carelessness?

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