Arturo Vidal


New member
I think another issue is that if it was one of us who got into that accident, we'd be more likely to go to jail (whether you agree with that punishment or not). But Vidal is a famous footballer, so it won't happen. Of course this is far from the first time a celebrity has gotten a lighter punishment for doing something illegal, but still.

Also, even in the context of footballers, if it was some Chile bench player, he would certainly be more likely to be kicked out of the squad as punishment, but since Vidal is such an important player, they were more lenient with him.


Senior Member
Nobody defended Vidal here. Everybody here thinks he should be punished and that what he did was dumb and irresponsible. However, some comments were over the top, as if Vidal is a devil in human form and as if people knew him in person and knew for a fact he is a shit human being. DUI is a serious offence, but people can make mistakes without being purely evil. The reactions here reminded me of people calling "die witch!" in the 15th century when they burned people alive in public for witchcraft.
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Senior Member
I have seen tragedy, I see it on a daily basis. I had a friend drive into a light pole and die about two years ago due to drunk driving.

To me though, everything isn't black and white. If you've had a lot to drink or are drunk, don't drive, period. If Vidal's level was a bit higher I'd be more critical of him though. Everyday people are negligent while driving. Texting or speeding to me are just as bad- everytime you do it you are putting yourself and others on the road at risk.

There are assholes who drive drunk on a consistent basis then there are people like a different friend of mine who got a DUI simply because some cop saw him pulling out of a bar/restaurant and he blew a 1.0. Other than my best friend, this kid is the most genuine person I know and I would never call him the scum of the earth or wish his sports career to be ended abruptly because of it.

Should he have driven, no. People definitely need to take a breath though and stop acting like they shit skittles.


Senior Member
I think another issue is that if it was one of us who got into that accident, we'd be more likely to go to jail (whether you agree with that punishment or not). But Vidal is a famous footballer, so it won't happen. Of course this is far from the first time a celebrity has gotten a lighter punishment for doing something illegal, but still.

Also, even in the context of footballers, if it was some Chile bench player, he would certainly be more likely to be kicked out of the squad as punishment, but since Vidal is such an important player, they were more lenient with him.

Don't agree with the first. If you are a first offender and you didn't hurt anyone you won't actually go to jail for DUI most likely.

Agree with the second. If he hadn't been one of Chile's most important players he would've been sent home from Copa America. Since they think they need him, he was given a pass.


I've read in the past that this guy is quite the party animal,

I don't think so.

Nobody defended Vidal here. Everybody here thinks he should be punished and that what he did was dumb and irresponsible. However, some comments were over the top, as if Vidal is a devil in human form and as if people knew him in person and knew for a fact he is a shit human being. DUI is a serious offence, but people can make mistakes without being purely evil. The reactions here reminded me of people calling "die witch!" in the 15th century when they burned people alive in public for witchcraft.



Devil May Cry
Well at least we dropped our interest in him, some sources were reporting that we were thinking about buying him.


In every society there's ppl eager to play the moral compass role. Their characters traits are pretty visible, they dont attack the issue just the person behind it because they think their shit don't stink.

You can post a long diatribe filled with cocodrile tears & narrow unenlightened self-interest, its not gonna impress anyone with the smallest dose of critical thinking.

If you take away the absolutist judgement, there's just one person who made a mistake. Only difference he is on the public spotlight, vulnerable to be sanctified or demonized by the mass.
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President of FC Barcelona
This and going by the media reaction it seem like most of Chile want Vidal out of the squad.



New member
"could" key word.

It doesn't make reckless driving and/or driving under the influence less bad or dangerous just because he didn't injure or kill someone though, he got lucky on that part. It's not like he could control the accident in a manner to be 100% sure that no one would be hurt. So I don't understand why some people are sticking up for him because of that.

His apology seemed very sincere though, have to give him that much.

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