Bayern München


Going to jail helps no1. He should just return all the money and on top of that a huge fine.

A fine so huge that Bayern goes bust would be nice :)


New member
Bayern president Uli Hoeness has been sentenced to jail for 3 years and 6 months.

Bayern is going to buy Hans Joachim Watzke, I presume.


Lemon curry?
Its sad to see Messi and Barca escape tax fraud with a fine while Uli goes to jail. But who ever said the world is supposed to be fair....

Messi was cleared of the charges. And DennyCrane got it spot on, there is little ground for anyone to talk about injustice in this case considering A) he committed the crime, b) the system in Germany is rather flawed as it is and thus makes it rather easy for tax evaders to escape any form of punishment but c) he even failed to use that system correctly. As the judge said, Hoeneß had more than enough time to set things straight but he didn't. His fault.

On top of that, Hoeneß has made a habit of publicly acting like the voice of the little people, giving his take on a fair social system and critcising others (especially left-wing politicians like Lafontaine, Kipping), something which he has done with a passion over the last decade and what makes it hard for me to comprehend how people buy into that "poor victimised football hero" narrative. Some quotes by our dear Uli:

"I know that's stupid, but I pay full taxes!"

"Gambling should be banned. I call the government to action."

(On tax evasion) "It makes no sense to do that whatsoever, as it will come out one day. Going to prison to save a bit of money can't be the point!"

"[With higher taxes] entrepreneurs will move to Switzerland with their money and nobody will be helped with that. Introducing a wealth tax will not help the little men"

"[At the] Starnberger See (...) nobody pays their taxes, because they have ships or real properties they can set off against tax"

"Lafontaine (co-chairman of the left-wing party "Die Linke") owns a castle in the Saarland that makes my house look like social housing. That's what I call preaching water and drinking wine"

"I would be willing to pay higher taxes but only if I know exactly what they will be used for"

"At some point I noticed that getting more and more and more does not fulfill you. I noticed that it feels much better to share what you have with others."

"I have donated more money than I evaded. I'm not a social parasite"*

*He donated 5m. He evaded 28.5m.

Actions speak louder than words, and in this case his actions would not have been taken so badly by the public had he not acted like the eternal moraliser.
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"It makes no sense to do that whatsoever, as it will come out one day. Going to prison to save a bit of money can't be the point!"

My favorite from those quotes :VdB:

Ryu Hayabusa

He´s just butt hurt for Hoeness the scum of the earth. As dirty as they get.

Well, I can certainly think of a couple of folks who deserve the name-calling a helluva lot more than Hoeneß.

Ryu Hayabusa

Bayern president Uli Hoeness has been sentenced to jail for 3 years and 6 months.

Bayern is going to buy Hans Joachim Watzke, I presume.

Nah, we hate Fratzke's guts. But I understand what you did there, don't worry.


Culé de Celestial Empire
Sadly Uli had to put himself in this situation and justice was delivered. His loss is a big one for Bayern Munich.

Its sad to see Messi and Barca escape tax fraud with a fine while Uli goes to jail. But who ever said the world is supposed to be fair....

Neither Messi nor Barca has been convicted of tax fraud. In the case of the former, he was completely cleared. After all, how can you expect a young (19-20 years old at the time I believe) and aloof boy like Messi who knew nothing other than football to know anything about taxes, let alone deliberately, knowingly orchestrating schemes to evade taxes? Worst case scenario he can only be accused of being negligent. In the case of the latter in the context of the Neymar transfer, the investigation is still on-going but so far they have not found anything illegal done by Barca.

Hoeness on the other hand, deliberately and knowingly evaded taxes in such a big magnitude and he had the nerve to be so hypocritical about it before he got the winds of being caught. That's what's so sickening about him.


Its no secret Germany is one of the strictest nations regarding tax fraud compared to other countries

What is this? Are you a Bayern supporter or something? Why dont you rather use your time debating which dortmund player to steal next.


Culé de Celestial Empire
What is this? Are you a Bayern supporter or something? Why dont you rather use your time debating which dortmund player to steal next.

Don't be an ass, voodoomaster. There is no need to mock him or anybody because of the team one supports.

AfricanBavarian is a very good lad!


There is no need to hate messi and Barca neither. Bayern is a Nice place by the way,they have good milk and beer. Too sad they are ruining Bundesliga with their Madrid like spending policy.


It's hardly stealing when you pay the money :xavi:

No? Anyone? Oh piss off, you are not my audience!

Serious, what kind of volkisch humour is this? I never adressed you in the first place and Its interesting that a Bayern fan comes to a Barca site and tell the Barca fans to piss off. Jeez, go ruin Bundesliga or something.


New member
Serious, what kind of volkisch humour is this? I never adressed you in the first place and Its interesting that a Bayern fan comes to a Barca site and tell the Barca fans to piss off. Jeez, go ruin Bundesliga or something.

Barca and R.Madrid have been sucking other la liga clubs for decades of players and tv money so much that many of them are dropping like flies so you really sound like a kettle calling the pot black :p

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