Bojan Krkic


Improvin' Perfection!!
Some critics say Bojan had been the better player, yesterday, for the role that Villa is assigned in this current Barca team.... fuck I'd LOVE that!!

Der Kaiser

New member
his head smashed against the body of a kazan player. his nose was bleeding and it looked like he had a concussion.

looked gnarly though.


Bomb Dropper
poor kid. he can't catch a break re: injuries. last season he was set to burst into the team, then he got injured and Pedro took his spot and ran with it.



New member
From barcastuff twitter:

"medical report bojan: examined in hospital and will stay there for the night, it's not bad, just a precaution"

"last report bojan: his parents are on their way to the hospital, he has to stay 6 hours under observation, standard procedure"

Still pretty cryptic...


Win. No more crappy Krkic and his sadbrows screwing up our chances. Not Barca standard, gtfo.

poor kid. he can't catch a break re: injuries. last season he was set to burst into the team, then he got injured and Pedro took his spot and ran with it.


Why :(? Pedro took his spot and god damn flew with it, he's been more awesome for us than Bojan will ever be, he did so well he even got into the World Cup winning first 11, scored 20+ goals for us last season and scored the crucial second goal in the Clasico last year and this year. Fuck Bojan.


Staff member
Win. No more crappy Krkic and his sadbrows screwing up our chances. Not Barca standard, gtfo.

Why :(? Pedro took his spot and god damn flew with it, he's been more awesome for us than Bojan will ever be, he did so well he even got into the World Cup winning first 11, scored 20+ goals for us last season and scored the crucial second goal in the Clasico last year and this year. Fuck Bojan.

That's the spirit. Bash Barca kids. I would hate to see your comments if Barca went few seasons without a trophy.


That's the spirit. Bash Barca kids. I would hate to see your comments if Barca went few seasons without a trophy.

I'm not bashing Barca kids. I rate them all extremely highly, Fontas, Thiago, Muniesa, JDS etc. But I've never bought into the hype of Bojan, I think his finishing-considering he's a striker, is absolutely shocking, regardless of his age, and imo he's had his chances to prove he can do it and has proved that he cant. I think my comment about Pedro was pretty justified aswell, he's done more than Bojan would of done, he was absolutely brilliant last year and therefore in my mind that makes Bojan's injury last season more of a positive, it gave Pedro a chance to shine and boy did he shine. If we went a few seasons without a trophy then it woudlnt make a difference, I just dont rate Bojan. The majority of people who arent Barca fans dont either.

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