Bojan Krkic


Fireman Sam
Peps press conference yesterday....

he’s got a long future at this club. You know what I think of him. He scored a great goal and worked really hard. He’s always sharp in front of goal and I’m very happy with his hard work - he deserves what he got”.
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Cardenal de Catalunya
One funny thing about our sad brows: In the last 8 games he has played, he has scored 6 times and given 3-4 assists. Wonder what those stats would be like if he'd be starting.


Senior member
One funny thing about our sad brows: In the last 8 games he has played, he has scored 6 times and given 3-4 assists. Wonder what those stats would be like if he'd be starting.

Yeah i agree with you. His statistics are really impressive, they would put him as one of the most on-form strikers in Europe at the moment :lol:
Unfortunately he has to warm the bench a lot and so those 8 games haven't been consecutive.


Cardenal de Catalunya
Peter: That's my point exactly. If he'd be playing constantly I believe he'd be even sharper in front of goal than he has been on those scarce occasions he has played this season.

9 goals and three assists in overall isn't bad when considering he has played merely for a minute or two in some of the games, which still count as played games vexing the overall stats.


New member
whats the email of Pep?

I wanna convince him to pick Bojan tommorow :p

Why not bojan and ibra in one team :)?


They don't answer anyway. Emailed uefa, although didn't expect them to answer since I wrote alot of swear words.


Staff member
Philip has a good point. One can only guess what strike rate Bojan would have had he been playing constantly. Playing an occasional match or getting some garbage time when everyone expects you to be the next best thing isn't exactly a great confidence booster for any youngster. But Bojan has been very solid nevertheless.


New member
The club can't let him go, who will model all of their new equipment and website photos? I feel like every time I'm at the official site theres 20 logos with Bojan's face :lol:


Anxiously waiting for the next match
His gol against Villareal was so nice... He lazy cowed (that is what they call it here when u place the ball around one side of the defender and run around the other) the last defender made him look so foolish


Cardenal de Catalunya
You can only assume I guess, you can't really play with probability. Stats are against you just like the odds are.

I believe that it would be a wide assumption basing it only one season, but ever since his first season he has scored nearly every time he has played a full game, and that alone is rather impressive given that he has been played inconsistently here and there.

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