Cesc Fàbregas


New member
ha ha! Come on guys! thiago vs fabregas! it's really most laughable thing i've heard in comparisons threads! Thiago is far far away than fabi! center midfield is fabi's right place but we put him in the false 9 position and he was very very good there! can you dare to do this with thiago? thiago still isn't a mature player! just look at the previous game, he didn't know what must to do, always replacing his place with alves or song else play-making!
we must use fabregas as a false 9 just if leo messi or alexis are on the pitch! because they find each-other very good! and if we are playing with villa as a center forward,( like levante), fabi must be in his favorite place, in midfield line!


Spring: I'd rather not put Thiago down to that extent. The kid has loads of talent & is one of the future hopes for Barça. That's not the issue here. But saying Thiago has been as good as Cesc this season is just utterly disrespectful to Cesc. And I won't stand for it!


New member
Spring: I'd rather not put Thiago down to that extent. The kid has loads of talent & is one of the future hopes for Barça. That's not the issue here. But saying Thiago has been as good as Cesc this season is just utterly disrespectful to Cesc. And I won't stand for it!

yes, it's the point! thiago is for the future! and i said - immature player - , becuase he is talented but needs more exprience!
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New member
I literally wrote in the very next line what I meant by good/great game. Considering what my original point was (Thiago could've replaced Fab) - I think it's reasonable to say that if Cesc was not even in top 3 for a game, then it wouldn't have been a huge difference if Thiago had played.

If that's your criteria, then none of Thiago's games were average, if you consider that his job is not to score goals.

I don't understand your point. I checked the MOTM thread and according to this forum (where there is a lot of Cesc hate), he is the 5th most valuable player in the team, on par with Alves at 17 (?) points. Only a little less than Xavi who has 22 points. I, for one, find that incredible. But, tbf, the MOTM thread is not the best judge, since according to the thread Thiago and Alba are equal. IMO, Alba has been more valuable this season (probably as much as Cesc and Alves).

Also, to your argument x can be replaced by y and we would have the same result. I think that point can be made for MANY players in Barca. For example, the team now has won many games without Xavi / Iniest / Busi / Messi. That's not really an argument.


Senior Member
Atleast Thiago has a spot he can fill and do well, Fabregas is a worse playmaker then Thiago, and a worse false 9/striker then Messi and Villa. Hes 50/50 of each, which theres no spot for really.


Calma, calma
I don't understand your point. I checked the MOTM thread and according to this forum (where there is a lot of Cesc hate), he is the 5th most valuable player in the team, on par with Alves at 17 (?) points. Only a little less than Xavi who has 22 points. I, for one, find that incredible. But, tbf, the MOTM thread is not the best judge, since according to the thread Thiago and Alba are equal. IMO, Alba has been more valuable this season (probably as much as Cesc and Alves).

And how many games has Thiago played to get to that position? Anyway let's not continue the MOTM argument.

Also, to your argument x can be replaced by y and we would have the same result. I think that point can be made for MANY players in Barca. For example, the team now has won many games without Xavi / Iniest / Busi / Messi. That's not really an argument.

Exactly! That was my point in response to the following post:

Adriano and Sanchez haven't helped us a lot. Any half-decent player could have done what they did

I think Thiago could've replaced Fabregas and we would still have been 13 points ahead of RM. I'm not dissing Fabregas in any way, he was important like i said.

The thread became Thiago vs Fabregas when I made that statement.
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New member
I think next season we will see the emergence of Fabregas in the midfield much more often. His direct style can really add something different that we lacked against Bayern.


New member
It's time to start getting back that Arsenal Cesc. Xavi was completely shut down today and didn't look like he was up to the game...

Blaugrana dude

New member
No hate for Cesc tonight?

In my opinion he could have used at least 20 minutes on the pitch...

The fact that he wasn't even brought on shows how much the coaching staff have confidence in him for big games. Then again, they only tossed on Villa after 4-0, so who knows what they are thinking.


my problem with fabregas is that pep bought him only because he was at la masia and that really is the only reason i see.

this guy is to good to be on the bench and we dont really need him because i think thiago is better


New member
Remined me again what thiago has done in the footballing world to be better than cesc, because last time i checked cesc was one of the world top midfielders till he joined barca. Conistantly getting top assist in europe for many years at arsenal yet thiago who has done not much is better than cesc. Is it me or people's logic seems flawed. If you can show me stats and footage that shows thiago is better I'll change my view till then I'll just see this view as ridiculous

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