Cesc Fàbregas


Senior Member
Remined me again what thiago has done in the footballing world to be better than cesc, because last time i checked cesc was one of the world top midfielders till he joined barca. Conistantly getting top assist in europe for many years at arsenal yet thiago who has done not much is better than cesc. Is it me or people's logic seems flawed. If you can show me stats and footage that shows thiago is better I'll change my view till then I'll just see this view as ridiculous

Beeing good in Arsenal or in EPL means nothing. Cesc is to good to sit on the bench, yet hes not good enough to start in Barcelona either. He wont take Messis spot, he wont take Iniestas spot, and hes not replacing Xavi as the playmaker, Thiago is a better playmaker but hes not at Xavis potential either.


New member
Beeing good in Arsenal or in EPL means nothing. Cesc is to good to sit on the bench, yet hes not good enough to start in Barcelona either. He wont take Messis spot, he wont take Iniestas spot, and hes not replacing Xavi as the playmaker, Thiago is a better playmaker but hes not at Xavis potential either.
Show me the proof of this so called better playmaker that thiago is than cesc then it's lip service with no facts behind it. For instance you can say xavi is a better passer than cesc there is loads of proof. there is also loads of proof thats says messi is a better goal scorer than cesc there is proof, but again i have seen nothing that suggest that thiago is a better playmaker than cesc as you and others are touting. Oh and being good at arsenal and the EPL was the reason he was bought, because his form there made him a world class player at a young age. Again i ask what has thiago done to be better than cesc?
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New member
Thiago worshipers are the greatest. :lol: I love Thiago, but apart from how pretty his playing looks, he's miles behind Fabregas. Don't be ridiculous.


New member
Remined me again what thiago has done in the footballing world to be better than cesc, because last time i checked cesc was one of the world top midfielders till he joined barca. Conistantly getting top assist in europe for many years at arsenal yet thiago who has done not much is better than cesc. Is it me or people's logic seems flawed. If you can show me stats and footage that shows thiago is better I'll change my view till then I'll just see this view as ridiculous

Cesc was so effective in Arsenal because the entire squad was built to get the most out of him. Put Thiago in the same situation and you'll get similar numbers. The reason Cesc isn't doing so well at Barca is because the situation is reversed; instead of having the squad built around him, he is now part of the squad of another club. He may have come from La Masia over a decade ago, but now he's an outsider.


Active member
I just never see him fulfilling that awesome potential at FCB. He's a true playmaker. You don't use a true playmaker/have a God like version in Iniesta.


do you guys think he regrets coming here?

I mean he sits most of thetime on the bench the manager who bought him left and he dont get the trust to start in big games.

he was captain for arsenal and played every game and was one of the best midfielders in the epl and he traded all that now just to sit on the bench and wait for xavi to retre

i think it was a big mistake


New member
Absolutely not. He's probably sad that Pep left, as everyone, but that's it. He's been playing a lot this season, and if he's benched, it's usually the CL, where we're playing our best XI and there's usually no room for him in there yet.


New member
Barcelona would've won against Bayern had Cesc played (the full 90).

At the very least he's guaranteed to create chances. It was criminal how Cesc was left out.

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