Cesc Fàbregas


Senior Member
Barcelona would've won against Bayern had Cesc played (the full 90).

At the very least he's guaranteed to create chances. It was criminal how Cesc was left out.

Messi should *not* have started, but whether Cesc should have replaced him is debatable. To be frank, I think he would have been far too slow in between the lines (where Messi *should* have been playing, but was not fit enough to do so). Cesc would have been the standard choice to replace Messi, but I think Thiago would have been a better (if unorthodox) choice). He is much quicker, both on his feet and in thought.

Come to think of it, though Thiago is always brought on as a Xavi-esque defensive/distributing CM, he really should also be played in a more attacking role- the reason he isn't is because Cesc has that bench seat. Thiago would be brilliant there, and needs some match practice to gain experience in that position, should the need arise.


do you guys think he regrets coming here?

I mean he sits most of thetime on the bench the manager who bought him left and he dont get the trust to start in big games.

he was captain for arsenal and played every game and was one of the best midfielders in the epl and he traded all that now just to sit on the bench and wait for xavi to retre

i think it was a big mistake

The biggest mistake was to bring him with a motto "next Xavi". He is a world class player however he is not a Xavi type midfielder.

I can not see a line-up Busquets Cesc Iniesta even if Xavi retires. We will need a deeply lying playmaker like Xavi and Pirlo after retirement of Xavi. Thiago can be a solution. Or maybe Samper? If we can't find this solution inside la masia, we need to buy Marco Veratti or Ilkay Gundogan for Xavi replacement. It does not mean that they are better than Cesc in all positions. But surely they are better that Cesc at Xavi role.

For Cesc, the biggest problem is that he should bench Iniesta or Messi in order to be a regular starter in big games. Unless a big performance drop or a career stopping injury from Iniesta or Messi which is not very possible, I think he will not be a regular starter in big games until Iniesta retires.

I think management also see this fact. So they are trying Cesc in Iniesta or Messi role more often. Because Xavi role doesn't only related with offence. Defensive positioning also very important in Xavi role. I watched Dortmund-Madrid match. Ilkay was really brilliant in the both side of the field. He had done many dirty jobs which Cesc does not do.


New member
Barcelona would've won against Bayern had Cesc played (the full 90).

At the very least he's guaranteed to create chances. It was criminal how Cesc was left out.

Im gonna add this as an example of a hyperbole on wikipedia...


Best midfielder around
Barcelona would've won against Bayern had Cesc played (the full 90).

At the very least he's guaranteed to create chances. It was criminal how Cesc was left out.
Youngie, is that you? You had two users all the time, didn't you?


New member
For god's sake he's not a false 9. I bet it will take Tito another 10 games to notice that as with Iniesta on the wing.


Best midfielder around
For god's sake he's not a false 9. I bet it will take Tito another 10 games to notice that as with Iniesta on the wing.
He was almost even worse when he moved down to midfield after Xavi was subbed off. This guy can only be used to score some goals against mickey mouse teams and give some easy assists.


New member
He was almost even worse when he moved down to midfield after Xavi was subbed off. This guy can only be used to score some goals against mickey mouse teams and give some easy assists.

You mean mickey mouse teams like Italy in the Euro final ?


He was horrible today, apart from one or two nice plays. And he got his 5th yellow card, and is suspended for the game against betis.

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