Cesc Fàbregas


New member
Sadly i am one of those who wanted absolutely Fabregas... after 2 years i must admit that my opinion was completely wrong :bruise:

He's not a false 9, he can't replace Xavi or Iniesta... he can't even replace Thiago.
There is no place for him in the starter 11.

The next season acquisition campaign will be crucial, we can no longer afford to fail again. Fuck off, how many millions we have thrown away in the last few years....

I agree... if we sold Cesc we could get Isco (Iniesta) & Gundogan (Xavi). Along with Thiago (Xaviniesta), Sergi Roberto & Song we'd have a solid new generation of midfielders.


How does he go from best in the EPL to one of the worst in La Liga?

Because he's being played as a striker when he's clearly a midfielder. Play Xavi, Thiago, Iniesta, Song or Busquets as a "false nine" or whatever it is you people like to call it and they'd struggle too.

I can guarantee you if it was Thiago being played as striker and not doing so great, instead of hating on him and saying he should be sold like they do to Cesc, certain posters on here would be licking his ass saying "At least he tries hard!!!" or saying ''He's being played out of position!!!". Oh f*** off, not his fault he's been mismanaged the second half of the season. To even suggest that he should be sold.....ridiculous.


New member
Fabregas needs a string of games playing in midfield, in fact he deserves it.

We need Dailtis back to even out this thread :lol:


New member
Cesc has had his chance in midfield...

He neither distributes the ball/pulls the strings like Xavi or drives the entire team forward with dribbling to lay off a killer pass or shot like Iniesta. We could try him at DMF but I doubt he'd like or excel at that.

It's honestly not Cesc's fault. He is a quality player and when given the opportunity he tries his best. But it was very foolish to think that after spending most of his career in England/Arsenal he could just walk back into our style of play. He may have grown up in Barcelona but he was molded at Arsenal. It was a romantic thought to come back to your hometown & club but he just doesn't fit into the system without putting another player out of position i.e Iniesta to LW or Messi not at False 9.


Mike the Knife
In the current setup and formation, Cesc has no true position nevermind starting role...There is quality there, of course, but he doesn't fit anywhere for us with any sort of consistency...I never wanted him back for a variety of reasons but mostly I didn't want him returning at the expense of Thiago's development which we're already seeing is an issue

Unless the tactics are changed to accomodate his inclusion, this struggle to fit in will continue...Otherwise, he's a fairly expensive bench player for Barcelona
In the current setup and formation, Cesc has no true position nevermind starting role...There is quality there, of course, but he doesn't fit anywhere for us with any sort of consistency...I never wanted him back for a variety of reasons but mostly I didn't want him returning at the expense of Thiago's development which we're already seeing is an issue

Unless the tactics are changed to accomodate his inclusion, this struggle to fit in will continue...Otherwise, he's a fairly expensive bench player for Barcelona

I think we need to keep him on the bench for now. Which I don't think is a particularly bad thing, while he was expensive, he does give us depth.


World Champion
:pep: should bought a new cb instead of another midfielder

I totally believe that he realized his mistake and wanted to get rid last season just like with Zlatan. I absolutely believe the FIFA agent who claimed that Pep wanted to sell Villa, Cesc, Alves and Pique. It makes too much sense with all of them.

Fabregas is a world class player but it's impossible to fit in Messi, Iniesta and Cesc into the same lineup. Pep tried it with the 3-4-3 and it was too unstable defensively. Tito tried it by shunting Iniesta out wide and it made the team impotent upfront with no genuine forward on the left wing, especially in big games. So where do we go from here? Iniesta is just 28 and Messi is 25. Did we really buy a € 40 million midfielder for the bench so he can play against La Liga scrubs? Thiago doesn't provide enough depth for that? Because against proper opponents he's benched anyway. The management is rather playing Xavi on painkillers than trusting Fabregas when shit hits the fan. So what's the point of Fabregas then?

If we could sell him, we shouldn't hesitate. He'd bring € 40 million. For that money we can strenghten the team where it needs strengthening. Which isn't the attacking midfield position.


New member
Cesc has not been given many opportunities to player alongside Xavi yet where he could excel, but of course with Iniesta at just 28 he won't be going anywhere for a while. For Fabregas to work he needs to figure how to make the Xavi position his own or else we need to stick him back on the wing and make that work.


I think the fans and the players wanted fabregas more back then Pep in my opinion. At the wc celebration they put a barcelona jersey on him and xavi called him the lost son or shome shit.


New member

his reaction to messi's goal :worthy:

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