Cesc Fàbregas



I think Cesc has to get the Premier League out of his system. He needs to stop playing like a Gerrard or a Lampard and start playing more like a Xavi or Iniesta. If he's eventually gonna replace Xavi (or Iniesta) he needs to be more disciplined in his defensive responsibilities (positioning & pressing). Alternatively we play with a double-pivot and let Cesc have a free role, or go 3-4-3, but you need three really good defender's for that :shakeshead:

But give him his due, he does bring goals and assists to the team.


New member
I almost never talk about cesc or discuss his situation, Because it's so complicated my heads starts to hurt, Tito is getting paid millions of euros every season to worry about this, Why should i?, I'd rather chill out and watch a messi video instead.


New member
I totally believe that he realized his mistake and wanted to get rid last season just like with Zlatan. I absolutely believe the FIFA agent who claimed that Pep wanted to sell Villa, Cesc, Alves and Pique. It makes too much sense with all of them.

Fabregas is a world class player but it's impossible to fit in Messi, Iniesta and Cesc into the same lineup. Pep tried it with the 3-4-3 and it was too unstable defensively. Tito tried it by shunting Iniesta out wide and it made the team impotent upfront with no genuine forward on the left wing, especially in big games. So where do we go from here? Iniesta is just 28 and Messi is 25. Did we really buy a € 40 million midfielder for the bench so he can play against La Liga scrubs? Thiago doesn't provide enough depth for that? Because against proper opponents he's benched anyway. The management is rather playing Xavi on painkillers than trusting Fabregas when shit hits the fan. So what's the point of Fabregas then?

If we could sell him, we shouldn't hesitate. He'd bring € 40 million. For that money we can strenghten the team where it needs strengthening. Which isn't the attacking midfield position.

+1 Great post!

It only seems complicated if you want to FORCE Cesc into the lineup. He is a quality player so he does manage to score and assist but he doesn't fit into the team. He should be happy and go back to Arsenal

Haruko The Goon

I think Cesc has to get the Premier League out of his system. He needs to stop playing like a Gerrard or a Lampard and start playing more like a Xavi or Iniesta..

I genuinely feel Cesc is 'too English' for Barcelona.

Barcelona like to move forward en masse, a wall of blaugrauna that advances as a triangle playing pack so they can overwhelm the opposition with weight of numbers and attacking options.

When you're a Fabregas, looking for the defence spliting pass to the man on the shoulder of the last defender, your game can play against that. Fabregas will bank on his ability to play the ball forward when Barcelona don't have weight of numbers on their side, he'll back himself to put it on a plate for a runner even if that runner is alone and outnumbered. Having played with Henry in his heyday and Van Persie as he was hitting his peak Cesc appears to feel that players of the quality of Alexis, Villa, Pedro and Messi etc. should be able to run onto those kind of passes and convert. Fabregas doesn't have the conservatism of Xavi, he plays a lot of passes that if they don't come off mean the team surrendering possession and Barcelona's style militates against surrendering possession.

Because Cesc makes 'risky' passes by Barcelona standards they have pushed him into advanced positions, so he can take 'risks' in areas of the pitch that aren't so dangerous to the unit, but he doesn't thrive as a forward. Fabregas is a midfielder. Simple as. Fabregas might score goals when played as Messi or Iniesta's understudy but he isn't that kind of player. Cesc is a centre midfielder and that's where he thrives provided he has the outlets for his vision and passing ability to make the best of these. Barcelona's rigid and unbending adherence to the tiki taka template isn't bringing the best out of him. Had Cesc been thinking with his head and not his heart when he left Arsenal he would've gone to Madrid where the long passing of people like Xabi Alonso plays a key part of their counter attacks. Barca ain't set up for Cesc.

Haruko The Goon

Oh, and we (Arsenal) have 30% sell on clause if sold within 4 years.

So if you HAVE to sell him, please either return him to us. Or Sell for 45m+ Thanks!!! :D


Senior Member
I genuinely feel Cesc is 'too English' for Barcelona.

Barcelona like to move forward en masse, a wall of blaugrauna that advances as a triangle playing pack so they can overwhelm the opposition with weight of numbers and attacking options.

When you're a Fabregas, looking for the defence spliting pass to the man on the shoulder of the last defender, your game can play against that. Fabregas will bank on his ability to play the ball forward when Barcelona don't have weight of numbers on their side, he'll back himself to put it on a plate for a runner even if that runner is alone and outnumbered. Having played with Henry in his heyday and Van Persie as he was hitting his peak Cesc appears to feel that players of the quality of Alexis, Villa, Pedro and Messi etc. should be able to run onto those kind of passes and convert. Fabregas doesn't have the conservatism of Xavi, he plays a lot of passes that if they don't come off mean the team surrendering possession and Barcelona's style militates against surrendering possession.

Because Cesc makes 'risky' passes by Barcelona standards they have pushed him into advanced positions, so he can take 'risks' in areas of the pitch that aren't so dangerous to the unit, but he doesn't thrive as a forward. Fabregas is a midfielder. Simple as. Fabregas might score goals when played as Messi or Iniesta's understudy but he isn't that kind of player. Cesc is a centre midfielder and that's where he thrives provided he has the outlets for his vision and passing ability to make the best of these. Barcelona's rigid and unbending adherence to the tiki taka template isn't bringing the best out of him. Had Cesc been thinking with his head and not his heart when he left Arsenal he would've gone to Madrid where the long passing of people like Xabi Alonso plays a key part of their counter attacks. Barca ain't set up for Cesc.

Excellent analysis.


Nepali Cule
ain't the whole fcuking team in turmoil? i don't know how xavi or thiago deserves the starting role in the mid before him?? xavi hasn't played anything like he used too n well thiago has been poor more than brilliant.
we should really play him in the mid more than now. xavi is the one who should be dropped IMO. he has been pretty useless in the big games we have played this season. he might be legend in the club but so was pep.


ain't the whole fcuking team in turmoil? i don't know how xavi or thiago deserves the starting role in the mid before him?? xavi hasn't played anything like he used too n well thiago has been poor more than brilliant.

but thiago does stepovers and has swag so he's god and deserves to be starting every game :rolleyes:

we should really play him in the mid more than now. xavi is the one who should be dropped IMO. he has been pretty useless in the big games we have played this season. he might be legend in the club but so was pep.

not that I don't agree with you but prepare to get eaten alive by some posters on here :lol:


New member
I genuinely feel Cesc is 'too English' for Barcelona.

Barcelona like to move forward en masse, a wall of blaugrauna that advances as a triangle playing pack so they can overwhelm the opposition with weight of numbers and attacking options.

When you're a Fabregas, looking for the defence spliting pass to the man on the shoulder of the last defender, your game can play against that. Fabregas will bank on his ability to play the ball forward when Barcelona don't have weight of numbers on their side, he'll back himself to put it on a plate for a runner even if that runner is alone and outnumbered. Having played with Henry in his heyday and Van Persie as he was hitting his peak Cesc appears to feel that players of the quality of Alexis, Villa, Pedro and Messi etc. should be able to run onto those kind of passes and convert. Fabregas doesn't have the conservatism of Xavi, he plays a lot of passes that if they don't come off mean the team surrendering possession and Barcelona's style militates against surrendering possession.

Because Cesc makes 'risky' passes by Barcelona standards they have pushed him into advanced positions, so he can take 'risks' in areas of the pitch that aren't so dangerous to the unit, but he doesn't thrive as a forward. Fabregas is a midfielder. Simple as. Fabregas might score goals when played as Messi or Iniesta's understudy but he isn't that kind of player. Cesc is a centre midfielder and that's where he thrives provided he has the outlets for his vision and passing ability to make the best of these. Barcelona's rigid and unbending adherence to the tiki taka template isn't bringing the best out of him. Had Cesc been thinking with his head and not his heart when he left Arsenal he would've gone to Madrid where the long passing of people like Xabi Alonso plays a key part of their counter attacks. Barca ain't set up for Cesc.

Top post. This Fabregas problem is frustrating, it's the equivalent of a square peg in a round hole. We have to give him a string of games in Midfield next season. He'll never be Xavi, he's too different so he needs a chance to adapt as well as he can and then add his own style to the midfield.


New member
I genuinely feel Cesc is 'too English' for Barcelona.

Barcelona like to move forward en masse, a wall of blaugrauna that advances as a triangle playing pack so they can overwhelm the opposition with weight of numbers and attacking options.

When you're a Fabregas, looking for the defence spliting pass to the man on the shoulder of the last defender, your game can play against that. Fabregas will bank on his ability to play the ball forward when Barcelona don't have weight of numbers on their side, he'll back himself to put it on a plate for a runner even if that runner is alone and outnumbered. Having played with Henry in his heyday and Van Persie as he was hitting his peak Cesc appears to feel that players of the quality of Alexis, Villa, Pedro and Messi etc. should be able to run onto those kind of passes and convert. Fabregas doesn't have the conservatism of Xavi, he plays a lot of passes that if they don't come off mean the team surrendering possession and Barcelona's style militates against surrendering possession.

Because Cesc makes 'risky' passes by Barcelona standards they have pushed him into advanced positions, so he can take 'risks' in areas of the pitch that aren't so dangerous to the unit, but he doesn't thrive as a forward. Fabregas is a midfielder. Simple as. Fabregas might score goals when played as Messi or Iniesta's understudy but he isn't that kind of player. Cesc is a centre midfielder and that's where he thrives provided he has the outlets for his vision and passing ability to make the best of these. Barcelona's rigid and unbending adherence to the tiki taka template isn't bringing the best out of him. Had Cesc been thinking with his head and not his heart when he left Arsenal he would've gone to Madrid where the long passing of people like Xabi Alonso plays a key part of their counter attacks. Barca ain't set up for Cesc.

Couldn't have said it better. :goodpost:
Cesc is a #10 on a team that doesn't play with a #10.

ain't the whole fcuking team in turmoil? i don't know how xavi or thiago deserves the starting role in the mid before him?? xavi hasn't played anything like he used too n well thiago has been poor more than brilliant.
we should really play him in the mid more than now. xavi is the one who should be dropped IMO. he has been pretty useless in the big games we have played this season. he might be legend in the club but so was pep.

Yes the whole team hasn't been very good lately but I'd trust Xavi, Iniesta, Sergi Roberto & Thiago before Cesc because they've been molded to play the 4-3-3. From back to front: we don't have a solid CB pairing, our mids are fatigued and have nobody up front to provide for, upfront we have no goal scoring threats.

I think back to our Henry-Eto'o-Messi days and back then it seemed like they were in it for themselves. Meaning all 3 of them would play a pass if it was there, but most importantly they all wanted to score goals. Now it seems all our forwards are instructed to look for Messi at all costs. The 1 forward who deviates from that a bit is Tello. He gets very little time and to me looks like he's always trying to show what he can do. So he bombs forward and attacks the goal or plays the pass. We need that kind of mentality again.


New member
Cesc is probably leaving for England. His wag has 2 kids in London and I bet it would be easier to live there.


Let's sell him and make everyone happy. Win-win situation.

More playing time for Thiago, money to buy 1 quality CB and Ilkay Gundogan, no more Cesc discussion -> Barcelona is happy

A club legend is back -> Arsenal is happy

Being a starter again -> Cesc is happy

So let's do it.

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