Cesc Fàbregas


New member
Slow, Static, easily hassled off the ball, doesnt press and track back. The complete antithesis/murder of Barcelona philosophy

Oh please and what did xavi do? inesta? thiago? thats right nothing. since coming to barca cesc has become slower thats for sure. Oh a playmaker cant do jack in there is no runners in space. someboday has said this


Best midfielder around
Oh please and what did xavi do? inesta? thiago? thats right nothing. since coming to barca cesc has become slower thats for sure. Oh a playmaker cant do jack in there is no runners in space. someboday has said this
Thiago played very well.


New member
Never in a million years can he play in the number 9 role, needs to be in the center with xavi, bus, song, etc. Played there for arsenal and was fantastic. He is a very good player but like with a lot of the other players he is played out of position and you don't get the best out of him.


Anybody that criticizes Cesc and doesn't mention Iniesta or Xavi .. shows that they just don't like Cesc because he wasn't part of the Pep era


New member
poor,just like the rest
play him for the remaining games,let him just play his game and next season I hope the new coach finds a way the get the best out of him,he is still a great talented player

Mr Hulot

New member
Anybody that criticizes Cesc and doesn't mention Iniesta or Xavi .. shows that they just don't like Cesc because he wasn't part of the Pep era

Of course Cesc is not liked by almost anyone yet, because he always fails in the important games and that is a somehow understandable reaction. After all the amazing performances of Xavi an Iniesta and everything they have offered to this club, what cule in his right mind will think to doubt them or boo them. Of all the players that played tonight, only Cesc was booed in the Camp Nou...


New member
Slow, Static, easily hassled off the ball, doesnt press and track back. The complete antithesis/murder of Barcelona philosophy

100% agree.
I know I will be called a ''hater'' and people will ask me to stop bashing him, but I couldn't care less.


New member
Unbelievable hate around here, seriously. There's probably no other place where he's hated more than among Barcelona supporters. Disgusting. Why am I not surprised? I'd bet anything that many people who criticize him like that nowadays honestly want him to do badly, just so they could say "see, I told you we shouldn't have bought him". Talk about support...

He was infinitely better than Iniesta tonight, yet he gets all the shit. He was no worse than any of our other players except for Bartra and Pique. He worked his ass off and did well, considering the circumstances. The only thing you could hold against him was his dive (although I didn't quite get a good look at it, it might have been a collision with Pedro) and lack of good finishing. Yet, the best Spanish striker of all time was playing right next to him and didn't do any better. So cut the crap, FFS.

Wtf, i din't even see Iniesta do anything significant throughout the match, infact he had a golden opportunity to let pedro through on goal but took an awful shot which was always going to get blockedd. I don't see any tantrums thrown at him. Im not trying to defend Cech here, but i think he was as useful/useless as xavi and inieta.
Fabregas would thrive if there players offering movemnt ahead of him, like sanchez, Tello and ofcoure Messi. Villa did't offer much at all today, which then reflects on a poor game for him. People just need to calm down with all the hate.



New member
you dont expect Tito to stay do you?
if it is the treatment that has taken his toll then he should resign,if not he should be sacked


New member
you dont expect Tito to stay do you?
if it is the treatment that has taken his toll then he should resign,if not he should be sacked

I don't particularly want him to stay but I expect him to, simply because he said he wouldn't resign and Rosell is too blind to do anything other than business.


The Culest
Iniesta and Xavi were poor too. Cesc gets most hate is because he hasnt performed in a single big match, cost 40m and was an emotional transfer , upset the balance of the team earlier(Iniesta LW and contiuing to play him as false 9 instead of trying Sanchez.Tito being partner in crime) and stopped us from getting ozil. Iniesta and Xavi being poor is no excuse for Cesc. Two wrongs dont make a right. Its time for him to step up especially when others are not performing. Sadly i dont ever see us changing our style to get the best out of him.


New member
I'd bet anything that at some point, someone will blame Fabregas for us not advancing to the final. Wait and see.


New member
I'd bet anything that at some point, someone will blame Fabregas for us not advancing to the final. Wait and see.

Well Hes blamed for Chelsea last year despite setting up a hat full of chances in both games and winning the penalty that Messi missed.

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