Cesc Fàbregas


New member
Does anyone believe that he can play well if he doesn't score or assist?

I did wonder at the time when we signed him, where he was going to play. When we still had X&I in their prime and Thiago and Sergi Roberto coming through. And such a large financial outlay as well. He just seems to slow the play down too much and I don't think his ball retention and distribution has improved either.


Anxiously waiting for the next match
please sell to united for 25 mill... would make my summer...

if we could sell him and then villa to tottenham we would be set with money to get a proper defense


New member
cesc is soooo gifted but yet sooo slow with the ball he would be so much better if he had some pace in his game however he is running very much i respect his style but its not perfect for barcas fast brakes in attack


New member
Its not Cesc's fault that the coaches have not fully integrated him into the team with a role in which he can flourish and excel. Barcelona has ruined his career just like the way they did Overmars, Petit, Hleb, Song and even Super Cesc. I don't know why these dumb Arsenal players don't learn. Look at an oaf like Song. The clown was nothing without Wenger, who was once told that Song was his worst signing ever. After one break out season, the oaf gets full of himself and all he succeeded in doing is making himself a laughing stock at Barca.

If a true blooded Catalan like Cesc cant make it, what kind of misplaced ego makes others think so? Come back home Cesc. You are still loved in North London!!! Like the Bionic man, we can rebuild you into the Galatico you once were


Senior Member
would be epic if we could get rid of cesc and get gundogan, cesc is by far our waekest midfielder, even busi would be better as false 9, mascherano maybe too, pique 4 sure.


High Definition Member
Not his fault he's forced to play false nine whe he clearly doesn't belong

Give him a run of games in midfield and hell adapt and become the world class player he really is


New member
After 2 seasons here I think I can safely say that this was unnecessary signing and that Barca should have used the money elsewhere. And I was actually a fan of his. I mean he has good games here and there, doesn't look bad statistically.. but he just doesn't fit. Either simply can't fit him among Xavi-Iniesta and thus pushing him forward or just looks out of sync.
agree but because he is a cantera boy and xavis age i have a feeling that the team will build-invest on him and his style the years to come.
that will work? im not sure, future will show as ,but i dont feel good at the time.


High Definition Member
Before Xavi there was deco running the midfield. There's life without Xavi you know

A new type of play with cesc will improve our chance of winning. Everyone is used to the slow tempo Xavi uses now.


Mike the Knife
Before Xavi there was deco running the midfield. There's life without Xavi you know

A new type of play with cesc will improve our chance of winning. Everyone is used to the slow tempo Xavi uses now.

Ahem, before, during and after Deco there was Xavi actually...not the other way around


Ahem, before, during and after Deco there was Xavi actually...not the other way around

They are turning around history just to make Cesc look better. They're already saying Xavi wasn't important before & while Deco was here.. can't imagine how people will talk about this team in a few years.


High Definition Member
Ahem, before, during and after Deco there was Xavi actually...not the other way around

I know that. But deco could take over the reigns. A lot of the fans here were here recently when we started becoming really successful and have only seen Xavi, and think nobody else is capable of replacing him, even when it's easily possible

Edit. Second half of the season we won the cl without xavi as he had his injury. Deco van Bomme, and edmilson in the midfield. Sometimes iniesta. So we can win without him, as great as he is/was
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Senior Member
Okay, a lot of people here apparently have only seen Cesc once he was here and didn't see him when he was with Arsenal so I am going to make a case in defense of this guy:

I think one of the biggest reasons why he has struggled particularly here is because he tried pushing him forward when in reality, we should have been pushing him back. The guy has a number 4 for a reason and I would like to propose the "false 4" if you will:

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Cesc is a deep lying playmaker, he just doesn't realize it yet. He worked his magic at Arsenal by starting the play from deep in the midfield and pushing the team forward from there. His long passing was fantastic at Arsenal as he would make amazing 45-50 yard long balls over the top from very deep in the midfield. Those goals when you see him hitting 32-35 yard screamers (remember his beauty against Milan, then reigning CL champs?) came from him making bursting runs from deep into the attacking area. So I think he would best be used here as a false defending midfielder of sorts.

He has the grit and the tenacity to be a decent tackler, at least be able to disrupt the play. This is why I put Song in, as he will need another CM who can defend as well as surge forward, a true box-to-box midfielder. Song and Cesc linked up very well at Arsenal before and I think Barca would be wise to try to rekindle that connection they have. The remaining midfield spot should go to either Thiago or Iniesta imo and we should only run this if Xavi needs a rest.

But this would be a fresh take to our midfield game as we need to start looking beyond Xaviniesta and to how this team is going to evolve when they are gone and I think this could really work. Cesc flourishes offensively when he is the 2nd wave of attacks and the focal point in midfield and this system would work perfectly to exploit his strengths. He must be willing to do more of the dirty work defensively tho, but with that comes the freedom to attack whenever he sees fit. This could be a "Plan B" for us as well as it would completely disrupt how teams mark us in the midfield, add Messi in the mix and the DMs won't know who to pick-up. If anything, this will help make Cesc truly a complete midfielder who could do it all and as long as he is willing to play deeper and have more defensive responsibilities, I think he would really enjoy playing like this.

Just a thought, I know Tito would almost never even think of trying this but I think Cesc's problems have less to do with his deficiencies as player and more on him being miss-managed. Wenger gave him freedom to roam the midfield as long as he tracked back at Arsenal, and if Tito gave him the same sort of role here, he would finally have his own role at the club instead of trying to share a role with Messi and Xavi.

Go ahead Cesc haters, I know you will be up in arms with this one...

This is just a theory, I am not saying this right now would be better than Xavi-Busi-Iniesta, but so much of that relies on Xavi and since he is aging, we should start to play with alternatives. This should only be something that we try in La Liga games to see if it worked and let it develop before we even think of trying it in CL. But given time for Cesc-Song to start to rekindle their chemistry and I think it could work wonders.

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