Cesc Fàbregas


Prediction champion 2012-2013
What part of "Cesc would never join another EPL team other than Arsenal" do people not understand?

Sorry to keep pointing it out but Cesc himself has stated in the past that the only club he'd leave Barcelona for is Arsenal.


New member
What part of "Cesc would never join another EPL team other than Arsenal" do people not understand?

Are you Cesc, or his agent, or a member of his family?

What part of 'how the hell would you know what Cesc would do' don't you get?

It's your opinion, guy, and like arseholes we all have one!


Prediction champion 2012-2013
It's not just opinion, he even stated it himself.

Cesc stated this before coming here: "Apart from Arsenal and Barcelona, I don’t see myself playing anywhere else. I will definitely be going back (to Arsenal) whenever I have time to watch games and to see the guys… and if there is one place to go back to (to play), it is Arsenal for sure"


Cruijff's Heir
I think getting very little playtime here and Arsenal not having the cash (I doubt it) or not willing to splash the cash on him, might persuade him to go to another club. Maybe the likes of PSG, Monaco etc. Although I believe it is best we part ways, I don't see it happen this year.


Professor Balthazar
Argued against signing Cesc with ferocity two summers ago. Mostly because I thought it was an un-needed signing and it would interfere with the development of Thiago. In my opinion, I was wrong about it interfering with Thiago's development, that lies solely on Tito's reluctance to rotate, and either way he's developed quite well so far. I really never thought about how much he just wouldn't fit, and I'm not sure many others did either. I just figured he'd quickly remember everything he learned at the academy. But you can't all of a sudden learn how to dribble, or all of a sudden gain pace. Just isn't very technical, not suited for tiki-taka.

That 3-4-3 Pep used was genius(Wasn't it Tito's idea?), as he realized Cesc really doesn't fit anywhere in our 4-3-3. But, it wasn't feasible with our type/ level of defenders. I think Pep quickly realized that Cesc was a bad signing. I'm sure of it. Not saying that's why he left, but he's no fool.

For the life of me though, I just can't resign myself to selling him. It'll just look like such a failure because it was supposed to be the "fairy-tale" signing. I want him to all of sudden have the skill set to work here, but I know it won't happen.

In a perfect world, we managed to win the CL this year, and sold Cesc back to England for 30 mil (where he could play behind a striker), gave Thiago the 4, and splashed on CB and GK......in a perfect world.

This my friend, is one of the best posts I've read on this forum :thumbsup2:


Don't Arsenal get like 40% of the next sale? I guess that's why we are so reluctant to sell and insist on giving him chance after chance to prove himself.


If Cesc was such a poor player, why is he consistently picked and played by forest? It's not him, it's our stale system.

We don't need to deviate much from the 4-3-3 but we need to just innovate how we play. The basis of our game, total football, consists of constantly changing positions, shifting, always moving.

This aspect of our game has been severely lacking recently and it's that spark that we need.

We revamped the system with the false 9 for Messi and look how it played out.

Cesc has just as much talent as anyone else on this team and him finding himself in this team could be an absolute game changer for this team

I very much agree with this. Cesc is one of the players that doesn't seem to fit the team and the gameplay Barca offers, but as much as it bothers so many people on here, it is a chance to try new things. We need tactical changes and a renewal of our gameplay. Even with slight changes. I could see him as a key player then.

And you guys expect Tito to come up with some kind of tatical revolution?

To be honest: not really. We desperately need it though to (at least) compete with Europe's top clubs. The whole tiki-taka thing is nice to watch, but was just party efficient this season. Plus the gameplay did become totally predictable - which also might be the case, because the wingers were kind of static. Tiki taka might be a good base, but need alternatives for certain matches and the team can profit from Cesc's EPL experience.

Rosell, if you are a true businessman , get that 29M from Manchester United and say goodbye to cesc. :rosell:
Just my two cents, but if Rosell was a true business man, he wouldn't have wasted tons of money for Neymar, who is a very good player indeed, but he's most likely unnecessary at the moment. I'd rather prefer not heaving him, but keeping Villa and give the young ones a chance. Also for that money you could get a CB that is capable of having the control over a 3-4-3 again. I'm excited for Neymar though and as I wanted alternatives, he might be one, but I see some problems on the horizon..


New member
Sell Fabregas? Please, don't make me laugh. If we sold him, we'd be left with Iniesta, Xavi and Thiago to cover two positions all season long. All three of them are injury-prone. What do you do when one of them gets injured? Have the other two play every single game, with no possibility of substituting either one with a player of the same type? Not to mention that Xavi is 33.


Prediction champion 2012-2013
I agree with Stric, and besides we need depth in midfield and there is no reason to sell or buy for our midfield this summer.


Senior Member
We would be left with three players for two points, does selling cesc stop us from getting another midfielder


If Tito rotated, no one would be upset about playing time. I wouldn't sell neither of cesc and thiago, depth is needed. And I can't see cesc going to utd. If one of them go, I bet another md will be brought, and it could be a even worse fit than cesc.

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