Cesc Fàbregas


Active member
He is the quickest in the head of all the midfielders even Xavi. That matters more than pace in the middle of the park.
I dont know..he may work in the Xavi role im not sure,but the point for me is when he would go forward?he doesnt have good shot or good attacking insticts


I wouldnt like him as central midfielder,he is slow and he cant be moving quick or turn.

He isnt slow at all. Our play is based on quick minds, letting the ball do the work. And Busi is superior to any player in the world in that regard. His anticipation is second to none. He is two steps ahead of everyone and knows when and where to pass the ball, even before he has received it. He also used to be an attacking mid during his years in La Masia before Pep converted him.

The gradual phasing out of Xavi has to happen, playing Busi at CM and Song at DM, players who are basically never injured, tall and in their prime years, we can actually further develop our style and correct some of our weaknesses and at the same time the pain of Xavis absence will be less severe than other options. I certainly dont think Thiago is anywhere near Xavis level and wont ever be.


New member
It's a pointless discussion anyways. You'd take the best DM there is, take him out of the role he plays best, move him into a different role, and have someone inferior play the role Busquets used to play? What do you end up with? Someone at DM who's not as good as Busquets, and Busquets at CM, who's not as good there as he is at DM. Wouldn't it be better to just leave him be and find other players to play the CM role?


Wild Man of Borneo
Even if he can work in the Xavi role, he's more vital to us in his own. Why change one of the few things that's actually working for us?


Senior Member
Even if he can work in the Xavi role, he's more vital to us in his own. Why change one of the few things that's actually working for us?

Thats true but it all depends on what works best when Xavi goes.

It could be Busquets further forward and another DM or Busquets staying in DM.


Wild Man of Borneo
Hell one thing I'd be all up for trying in the future is Samper-Busquets double pivot (provided Samper progresses as planned)


Even if he can work in the Xavi role, he's more vital to us in his own. Why change one of the few things that's actually working for us?

Some changes have to actually be made to phase out Xavi. Xavis role is the most important in the team. I think Song has proven very adept in the DM role for us. Busi will actually get even more responsibility as the director of our play, and his young age belies his immense experience for both Spain and Barca and his composure is beyond comprehension. If anyone is capable of handling that increased responsibility, it is Busquets. I see him as our key man in midfield for the next 7-8 years at least.
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Wild Man of Borneo
Some changes have to actually be made to phase out Xavi. I think Song has proven very adept in the DM role for us. Busi will actually get even more responsibility as the director of our play, and his young age belies his immense experience for both Spain and Barca and his composure is beyond comprehension. If anyone is capable of handling that increased responsibility, it is Busquets. I see him as our key man in midfield for the next 7-8 years at least.

Agree that changes need to be made and that Busquets could handle more responsibility, but I don't think it's necessary for him to be pushed up forward. He could stay where he is, except take more responsibility in our passing play like a deep lying regista. He doesn't have to play in Xavi's exact spot to become one of the more important directors of our play.


Senior Member
Agree that changes need to be made and that Busquets could handle more responsibility, but I don't think it's necessary for him to be pushed up forward. He could stay where he is, except take more responsibility in our passing play like a deep lying regista. He doesn't have to play in Xavi's exact spot to become one of the more important directors of our play.

The team doesnt need another player to dictate play.

Pushing it a bit already with Messi, Iniesta and Xavi all looking to do it.


Agree that changes need to be made and that Busquets could handle more responsibility, but I don't think it's necessary for him to be pushed up forward. He could stay where he is, except take more responsibility in our passing play like a deep lying regista. He doesn't have to play in Xavi's exact spot to become one of the more important directors of our play.

I see your point, but I think we have much better cover for the DM than for Xavis position. Keep in mind, Busi used to be an attackin mid, while Xavi used to be a DM. Xavi was pushed forward and made the CM position his own. I think it is now Busi's turn to be our main man from the CM position.


Wild Man of Borneo
The team doesnt need another player to dictate play.

Pushing it a bit already with Messi, Iniesta and Xavi all looking to do it.

Well if this is all for the hypothetical situation for when Xavi is gone, then the roles would easily be more distributed. While Iniesta and Messi had a huge impact on dictating our play, Xavi is unbelievably involved and uses as much of the ball as he gives off. After he retires, player X who would take his position will likely not be as influential of a player and not spend as much time involved in our play, giving more opportunity for Busquets to see the ball and help get things going.


New member
Just watch some barca games

I've been a fan since 2003.

Oh and weren't you the one that said Alves is much, much better than Alba in his thread 2 days ago?

Yeah, so I suggest you take your own advice. Alves hasn't been good since 2011. Or at least, not as good as Alba (for both Valencia and us).

Busi will fail miserably in Xavi's role. He simply doesn't have the vision. No matter how many videos you post to ''prove he does'', you know he doesn't.

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