Cesc Fàbregas


Senior Member
The pass to Alexis was awesome but he pissed me off really bad when he had the chance to score but decided to stop the ball.


New member
Hes the gamechanger for barca at the moment. You can see he has worked hard during hoiydays he has gained some muscle and looks really sharp and fokused on the pitch.
His crosses/ deep balls are the best in the team imo.

If he get to play more he will get the confidence to shot in those situation !

Check out Cesc during Neys goal. First look goes to the ref =)


New member
Rotation? He played the most of Xavi, Iniesta and Fabregas. He's on a run, hope he keeps this up.

Xavi has played 90 + 90 = 180 minutes in 3 days. Cesc 90 + 45 = 135 min = Iniesta 90 + 20 = 110 min. Who the oldest of these 3 = Xavi. He needs to be benched more!


San Claudio Bravo
IMO it was a mistake to bring him as a false 9. Should have subbed Neymar for Iniesta and made Cesc that came in for injured Lio, play deeper.

His deep runs from midfield are exactly what it is needed to unsettle teams defending so tightly.


New member
Messi was incredibly poor too.
Out of Messi, Xavi, Iniesta and Cesc only Xavi did well.

I disagree with that. I feel Cesc came on and instantly improved our play. I thought he was a lot more dangerous going forward/attacking than Iniesta... if Pedro and Alexis didn't keep mishandling his passes he could have started a few potential plays. Xavi did play well, but I think Cesc did too for sure.


New member
Don't forget hat Atletico was incredible, I think most of us think of our team still as the golden age, please don't, it's better for your and our health. I thought he played well under the given circumstances.

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