Cesc Fàbregas


High Definition Member
Did you not notice the first half of the year where Cesc was essentially carrying our entire midfield in creating chances? He's the top assist man in Europe right now (or at least was a couple weeks ago).

To say he offers nothing and paint him like nothing but a whiny bitch is ridiculous. Cesc is a very good player, has amazing vision, makes good runs, gets in good positions and can finish better than all of our other midfielders.
What he doesn't offer in speed, ball control, and dribbling he offers in other areas. It is really just a matter of using him in the right times that utilize his merits and minimize his weaknesses.

well said. also to say he lacks leadership and fighting spirit is completley wrong. he's one of the few guys in the team thats motivated for every match. cesc problem is he can get ''lost' and is not quite as quick thinking or sharp in the build up play. so you need to use him in the right situations.

Haruko The Goon

<3 he'll always be a Gooner to me. Gwan Cesc, fire Barca to the league!


New member
He certainly has the attributes to be a decent captain but the problem, to me, is that he probably won't ever be a starter.


Barçapocalypse NOW!
Second half of the season sydrome strikes again! I hope he turns it around soon.

Pretty much... We need him at his best shape because the decisive games have started, and with Messi and Iniesta in top form, Cesc can take advantage of his direct play...


New member
He played deeper today and he did misplace some passes but he wasn't that bad. But he does need to do better if we're gonna do some damage in the CL and win this Liga.


New member
what exactly can he offer besides directness? tecnique? NO pace? NO Dribbling? NO Leadership skills? NO fighting spirit? NO whining about every ref decision like a 3year old? YES

To be fair I agree with you on all these points BUT he does offer:

- Great through balls
- Over the top break away passes
- Great finishing in the box
- Great heading abilities

All things Xavi doesn't do anymore.

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