Cesc Fàbregas


Best midfielder around
It's strange how the player on our team that covered the most distance can be this invisible.
The second part of the season is obviously the most important, although yes Cesc was incremental in us still fighting for the title.

Cesc is a very talented player but his minimal performances in important games is becoming a reliable trend and that's a problem. Plus, even when he played very well it did not seem to me like it was due to him fitting in any kind of system, but more down to a few inspirational moves of his own. I am not saying he should be sold but I can see how other midfielders would work better for us


New member
So he's only gonna play well for half a season, and you're ok with that?
I know you're a big fan of his, but every season Cesc makes clear he has no place here. Or you think he'll accept a second fiddle row?
Playing him today meant playing Iniesta and Neymar out of position. He can't bench Xavi. Barça needs a better midfielder, someone who will make benching Xavi possible, and it isn't Fabregas.
I don't hate him, I actually like him a lot. But he hasn't played a big part in one single big game since returning. he has never been really important. I think it's time to part ways.

Xavi won't be benched regardless. Next year he'll be club captain starting 50 games even if we signed whoever the flavour of the month currently is. Unless he is injured he'll always get the nod, and even when injured too.
Xavi won't be benched regardless. Next year he'll be club captain starting 50 games even if we signed whoever the flavour of the month currently is. Unless he is injured he'll always get the nod, and even when injured too.
haha lol too true, although i Think he has been good and should start, it wouldent have matter to Tata if he was bad or´missing a leg he would have started anyway.


Xavi won't be benched regardless. Next year he'll be club captain starting 50 games even if we signed whoever the flavour of the month currently is. Unless he is injured he'll always get the nod, and even when injured too.

I don't think that's going to happen, not 50 games. Not if a proper cm is in the team. Xavi needs a lot of rest to play well.


Senior Member
What did Iniesta for most of the season?






There's a reason why Iniesta is in these pictures and not Fabregas. Everyone knows his potential and you got to play him constantly for that.

Fabregas is a flop in the second part of the season for the 3'rd time in a row while Iniesta was flawless in the last years. Up untill February , yes , Iniesta wasn't himself but with the performances he had last games , he made up big time for the ones untill February.


My god, how some people can actually keep defending him is absolutely mind boggling, I swear I am literally shocked when I keep reading this. Are these people defending him 13 year old boys? Or just general people who have no clue about soccer?
I said Cesc was a wrong transfer before he even came her, I was right. He does not fit here, when will you people get it through your thick skulls?
1.When he plays he pushes players out of position hence makes them play in weaker positions instead of playing where they are best suited, it HURTS our WHOLE team when that happens. Its the same story as Pep playing Iniesta out wide sometimes during his rain, everytime that happened our midfield quality droped significantly and we struggled until Iniesta occupied that spot of his again. Since when is one player bigger than the club? He doesn't fit and hurts the team = sell him... PERIOD.
2.He is simply not as good as some people make him out to be, look at Iniesta, what kind of stats does he have or had in the past? According to our fellow smart forum people he shouldn't be anywhere near the top 100 best players in the world, stats don't mean squat, you need to look at individual performances and how the player helps his team and dominates the game. Cesc is a good player but he is nowhere close Iniesta or Xavi's level and never will be. He only looks good against weak sides where he has TON of space and time on the ball, when he doesn't he struggles and missplaces many passes and doesn't do anything useful. He is slow as a snail, he thinks too slowly, his technique is lacking compared to the likes of Xavi and co, he isn't strong, he can't dribble.. honestly there are not so many good qualities he does have compared to the likes of Xavi or Iniesta.

Now you can keep defending him all you want, but if you seriously think Cesc has a spot here you are only hurting Barca's chances of winning trophies in the future, because he hurts our team. FC Barcelona is the most important thing, far greater than any player from the youth academy.


New member
Many overreactions here. I'll admit that Fabregas was notably better before Christmas, but he hasn't had a horrible entire second half of the season. In fact, he's been above average up until a few weeks ago. The last few games he really sucked, but not all of 2014. This is exaclty like Ronaldo winning the Ballon d'Or. Messi gets injured, Ronaldo reaches good form, and all of a sudden he's been better all along. I know it's difficult to be equally aware of the past and the present and make a fair judgement, but luckily we have the games and stats and whatever else to remind ourselves.


New member
People are overreacting indeed, he has been poor lately but he is being played in high intensity games with little space in midfield, and we all know those are his kryptonite, Tata should grow some balls and fucking stop with the "most expensive 11" !


Senior Member
Iniesta do not add anything in until February. Let´s sell him also?

Cesc is having a great season.

Comparing the value of Fabregas to Iniesta is like comparing a Hyundai to a Ferrari. It's pointless.

Also, this isn't an overreaction by any people on here. An overreaction would be if Fabregas was having his first season at Barca. An overreaction would be if Fabregas was youngster integrating into the team.

Cesc is 26 years old, has spent nearly 3 years here and has repeated the same negative trend over and over. He just doesn't fit and he certainly doesn't have the quality to match up to the rest of the midfield. He probably would do very well elsewhere, but its tiring to watch his typical cycle repeat over and over again. It's like we have a mini-Arsenal season type cycle going on at Barca through Fabregas, starts the season so well then complete collapse afterwards.


New member
Does Cesc fit in at Barca?

I for one, do like Cesc and I see what he brings to the team, however ....

I believe that Tata is as much to blame for his recent dip in performances due to trying to field the best XI players all into the same team, rather than selecting the team based on form and best balance.

Cesc cannot do what Iniesta does as well as Iniesta. And Cesc cannot do what Xavi does period. He is nowhere near as good them in tight spaces and when prohibited the luxury of time and space on the ball.

He is too slow and doesn't have the trickery to play out-wide, so the ONLY position he can play is in the Centre of Midfield. This wouldn't be a massive problem like I said if Tata set the rest of the team up correctly, but having Neymar and Iniesta out-of-position is not only effecting the team but Fabregas' influence as well.

I agree with many members that Cesc was the wrong signing at the time. And as the years go by, it is becoming more apparent that his game is not exactly suited to Barca's. It's not his fault, but FC Barcelona should not be expected to fit around Cesc, it is Cesc that should adapt to what Barca needs.

So what to do? :eusa_think:

- He either accepts that he is behind Xavi & Iniesta in the pecking order and acquires a squad role filling in for X&I and playing against the smaller teams.
- He works his ass off to try to become a better and more well-rounded player, more suited to our system. Or ....
- He plies his trade elsewhere.

Because changing our system and team-set-up to accommodate one player that has been "ineffective" in big games, just doesn't wash anymore.

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