Cesc Fàbregas


Fàbregas in tight spaces has never worked and will never work. Unless we keep sucking like this for 2-3 more seasons and teams start to play more openly against us I don't see him fitting anytime soon.


Fab is sooooo slow. Just sell him, tata has used him way to much, it has brought us nothing. I think he playing because of his part in the group and his name.


High Definition Member
He played well in the last match, not his fault the others can't finish in that game. Against Atletico he suffered as he was out of position. The game where he was in midfield against Real was his only bad game where you can blame him. He can't play well all the time though. You guys standards are crazy where if player doesn't perform in every big match they are thrown out of the club.

He is a great player but not being used right at all. I know I said it might be a good idea to sell him but not because I think he's shit like everyone else here, but because managers are not finding a proper role for him.

If you think he's shit you need your head examined. Also the "slow" thing is the dumbest thing I ever heard. He's not even our slowest mid and mids aren't meant to be quick anyway. He's about positioning, vision and passing.
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I love Cesc and I think that he could be lethal if used correctly. He showed his brilliance in the 1st half of the season. I'm convinced that he should stay because he is one of the best midfielders in the world, he showed it enough times.


Active member
what brilliance are people talking about? i too, just like most of people here watch every single match barca plays but there is no brilliance in fabregas neither in the first half of the season nor in the second half. if there is a club stupid enough to pay 40 mil for that piece of trash we should sell him immediately.

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