Cesc Fàbregas


New member
Not sure of serious. He has 56 caps under del Bosque. Almost half of them (24) from the bench and 22 times subbed off. Which means he completed 10 games in 5 years. Cazorla has actually played more. Same amount of caps (56), almost same amount from the bench (26) but subbed off a lot less (17).

DAT staple. :VdB:

I guess only full games count as caps, then? :lol: Cazorla? :lol: Troll alert. Your 8-out-of-10-games argument is nonsense and you know it, ktxhbai.


World Champion
I guess only full games count as caps, then? :lol: Cazorla? :lol: Troll alert. Your 8-out-of-10-games argument is nonsense and you know it, ktxhbai.

Look, it's not my fault if you can't deal with facts.


And since when did the amount of caps alone matter? Albiol has 40 caps under del Bosque. Spain play shitloads of friendlies where del Bosque utilizes the entire squad.

Cesc has played 131 minutes out of 630 minutes in the World Cup and 316 out of 540 minutes in the Euros. Which means 447 out of 1170 minutes. Which means 38 % of the available minutes in official competitions. Most of them out of position because Villa broke his leg and Torres is crap. Has to be a pisstake to call him a "staple of the team".

Nor do I know why you take "8 out of 10" literally. It's obviously hyperbole like "player x is 100 times better than player y" without literally meaning "100 times better". The interesting point is that Fabregas is a bench warmer for Spain unless playing about 1/3 of the minutes in the last 2 major competitions is not benchwarming for you.


New member
I never said the number of caps alone matters, I never even said anything about how useful or not useful Cesc has been for the NT (that's a different story altogether). I just said that it's not true he's benched in 8 out of 10 games, because he isn't. At least not in recent years. But I'll agree, I'm taking it literally. And I'll also admit that I don't take the pre-2011 period much into account for some reason, the 2010 WC seems very far away now. What I'm saying is that he is featured in one way or another in the majority of games. And if you were to observe only important games and competitions, the comparison between him and the likes of Cazorla would be much different. In the latest major competition, the 2012 EC, he played the majority of minutes, too. Granted, Villa was out and Torres wasn't at his personal best, so he got some extra minutes based on that, as well, but he was still there and got his minutes, and he was fairly important to the team in that competition, as well. So you can't say he's mostly benched, because he isn't. At least not recently.


Active member
the board will never sell him, it will be like admitting that he failed, which he in fact did, but this board is too stubborn to admit it, even when fabregas will get publicly bashed by some spanish magazines, the board will still act as if nothing's wrong and keep him. only pep had enough balls to let players with huge price tag leave, players who were board's favorites, do you think that this board would admit that barca's prodigal son sucks?? they're shameless, they don't even name the actual price a player cost, what did fabregas cost? what did neymar cost? then they shamelessly hold press conferences and talk about how we don't need a cb. fabregas is not barca material, has never been. just like sanchez. i was against their transfers from the day one. they would've been good transfers had their price tag been 10 mil.

Juan Shoe

New member
Cesc hasn't failed or succeded. He's been pretty much right down the middle. The next season or two will define his Barca career. I don't think he's Xavi's heir. To be honest there is only one player in the world who could come close to being a direct replacement for Xavi of the last few years and that is Iniesta. Perhaps using Inesta in that way would free up Cesc?


Senior Member
Cesc hasn't failed or succeded. He's been pretty much right down the middle. The next season or two will define his Barca career. I don't think he's Xavi's heir. To be honest there is only one player in the world who could come close to being a direct replacement for Xavi of the last few years and that is Iniesta. Perhaps using Inesta in that way would free up Cesc?

So we've moved Iniesta to the LW before so that Cesc could be in the first 11 and it didn't work. We've moved Neymar on the right , that didn't work either. Messi on the right , neither. And now we should move Iniesta in Xavi's position.

Who the fuck is Cesc anyway that superb football players need to be moved in a different position just so that he could play ?

Just sell him already. Maybe United are dumb enough to pay 50 -55 M for him.


Cesc hasn't failed or succeded. He's been pretty much right down the middle. The next season or two will define his Barca career. I don't think he's Xavi's heir. To be honest there is only one player in the world who could come close to being a direct replacement for Xavi of the last few years and that is Iniesta. Perhaps using Inesta in that way would free up Cesc?

Been 3 poor seasons. . . In an exam you either pass or fail! Its that simple.

Juan Shoe

New member
So we've moved Iniesta to the LW before so that Cesc could be in the first 11 and it didn't work. We've moved Neymar on the right , that didn't work either. Messi on the right , neither. And now we should move Iniesta in Xavi's position.

Who the fuck is Cesc anyway that superb football players need to be moved in a different position just so that he could play ?

Just sell him already. Maybe United are dumb enough to pay 50 -55 M for him.

I'm not suggesting for one minute Iniesta be moved purely to accomadate Cesc. I have doubts about Cesc and not sure he will ever become a true Barca player. However the truth is that the only player who can come close to being a like for like swap with Xavi is Iniesta. If we want to keep that Xavi role in the team, he's the one who can make it happen.


Senior Member
Has never stepped up in the big games. Cesc is not suited for Barca. We could still get good money for.him cause Epl teams rate him. Please move on Cesc.


It is not an exam. And you also get different grades within exams too. Just a terrible analogy.

Yes different grades, bu if you don't make the cut of you fail. Life is the biggest exam ever. Hence the saying "go big or go home"! Stop being a Cesc apologist.

Juan Shoe

New member
Regardless of Cesc moving on or not, there is going to have to either be a cahnge in personel or a change in tactic. It doesn't have to be a revolution but a change none-the-less. I can't think of any other like for like change for Xavi so we either get a different player to fill Xavi's space whose role is different or we put Iniesta into his role and find a replacement for him. Whether that is Cesc, as I say, I have my doubts.

Juan Shoe

New member
Yes different grades, bu if you don't make the cut of you fail. Life is the biggest exam ever. Hence the saying "go big or go home"! Stop being a Cesc apologist.

I'm not an apologist for anybody. I'm pointing out your incredibly simplistic analogy is nothing more than clichéd tripe.


I'm not an apologist for anybody. I'm pointing out your incredibly simplistic analogy is nothing more than clichéd tripe.

A simple situation like Cesc's requires, or better yet deserves an absolutely simple approach so as to avoid overly complicating the issue. With that said I would agree with you, my analogy/suggestion was simplistic, yet very effective and realistic. He has failed to do any significant thing in 3 seasons, has been average, under-performing and is not the Xavi successor we thought him to be. This is quite alright is a sensitive issue, but you shouldn't let your "fanboyist" emotion precede reason. BTW I think you meant Cliched trope.
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