Cesc Fàbregas


Barçapocalypse NOW!
He didn't want to leave. The fans and the board wanted him out.

Come on, he knew his career here was stagnated, he even said he has unfinished business in the Premier League and wanted to be there before the WC so he could focus...

It is no secret he wasn't happy here...


The Observer
So gio, what do you think about the Rakitic signing? You are good at calling the fate of our new acquisitions. :p

I like Rakitic a lot actually ....I'm just baffled why he was bought if you are having Rafinha back unless Xavi leaves than that's ok but the midfield creator is a position you produce as much as the quality keepers we produce
Rakitic is a different fish ....ironically different as in Cesc different more direct than your typical tiki-taka midfielders you are so in love with... he also doesn't have the typical Arsenal DNA which makes the player disappear in the second half of the season & he is tall compared to your midgets... if you use him properly he will be a star but by that you are talking about doing a Tata ...it's hard to judge now until i see what Lucho tactical plans are which will appear in the pre-season
Overall this what will decide Rakitic future with you... the way you play under Lucho


Culé de Celestial Empire
No, he did. Slowed down the speed of the passing, disregarded positioning when he was playing, etc. Barça was a worse team with him.

What did the rest of the squad do for us in the last three seasons, except Messi, Iniesta, Xavi and Valdes? Sell them all?

Some of you guys are so harsh when it comes to Cesc and certain players you don't like, yet at the same time be so lenient on those players you like.

So much "objectivity".


San Claudio Bravo


Culé de Celestial Empire
Are we going to buy Rakitic for 20m plus Dennis Suarez and them sell him for 10m two years later?

We are always known for buying high and selling short.


New member
I say this whole Cesc saga was only 50% his fault. The other 50% goes to the club for getting him back at the first place. He never had his own place in the starting line-up, because as he's arrived all the positions he could play were preoccupied by bigger names than him. It was clear as the daylight. Only the club and his fanboys couldn't see that.

Yep say if Cesc was moving to Barca this season everybody would be creaming themselves and Cesc would have a more defined role given the need to tweak things since Xavi etc.. is getting old. But you can't blame him for moving at the time, given how things stood at the time.


The Observer
Keita, Pinto, Maxwell, Mascherano and Alexis...That's the beauty of developing the best players in your cantera, you can withstand mistakes in the market so long as they don't amount to the galactico ones of the capital club

Yep except when you buy for 60 Mil & sell for 1/3 or less ... which makes up for the small fuck ups we do .. for every Kaka you have a Zlatan & Villa... at the same time you don't have the Ozil or Higuain in your transfer activities to gain some money of it...
remember Michael your current remaining cantera is once is a lifetime generation... as you see most the upcoming graduates since than have been dudes after much hype from you lot.. ending up in Betis & other teams ;)


Senior Member
I like Rakitic a lot actually ....I'm just baffled why he was bought if you are having Rafinha back unless Xavi leaves than that's ok but the midfield creator is a position you produce as much as the quality keepers we produce
Rakitic is a different fish ....ironically different as in Cesc different more direct than your typical tiki-taka midfielders you are so in love with... he also doesn't have the typical Arsenal DNA which makes the player disappear in the second half of the season & he is tall compared to your midgets... if you use him properly he will be a star but by that you are talking about doing a Tata ...it's hard to judge now until i see what Lucho tactical plans are which will appear in the pre-season
Overall this what will decide Rakitic future with you... the way you play under Lucho


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