Cesc Fàbregas


Senior Member
Keita, Pinto, Maxwell, Mascherano and Alexis...That's the beauty of developing the best players in your cantera, you can withstand mistakes in the market so long as they don't amount to the galactico ones of the capital club

Pinto was signed by Rijkaard


Senior Member
No, but his status did. 3 coaches tried to fit him at all costs. There was pressure to do it, as he was the prodigal son, and he had to succeed.

I'd say more because of 1) his endorsements, 2) his expense, 3) pressure to keep a "star" player happy with enough playing time.

We saw the same problem this year starting out-of-form Neymar over Pedro/Alexis. From a business POV, you can't easily bench such marquee players (unfortunately).


New member
Medias are reporting 33M here.

Seems kind of cheap for a player of that caliber o_O

Good job Mou if true. Fucking good deal.

Now if Nasser had a clue...


Barçapocalypse NOW!
One of the few teams you can actually milk money from and we sell on the cheap...

At least is one less thing at a time to deal with for the fans and club...


Senior Member

I fucking hate this board. I really don't understand why we keep selling our players markedly below their market price...

When will we learn?

I could care less if Cesc is gone, it was just a horrible transfer overall and I have always been a huge Cesc fan. But selling him to Chelsea with their first offer when we could have gotten so much more for him is just infuriating.

The worst part about it is that we lost literally the perfect replacement for Xavi because of all of this.

I still think he could have been a success here had we played him over Xavi more but the truth is that he did struggle at times to be what we needed in that department. Too anarchic in his positioning which is the exact opposite of how Xavi plays.

£30 million is a fucking joke though. And we need to be making moves here immediately. No more excuses, it's time for that world class center back we have been waiting 5 bloody seasons for....


What did the rest of the squad do for us in the last three seasons, except Messi, Iniesta, Xavi and Valdes? Sell them all?

Some of you guys are so harsh when it comes to Cesc and certain players you don't like, yet at the same time be so lenient on those players you like.

So much "objectivity".

Who said I dislike Cesc? I like him a lot, loved to see him playing for arsenal. But I never wanted him back, as it was clear he would have no place here. And when he got back, he didn't fit in. And I really don't get your question. Cesc was a problem from day 1. As I posted before, 3 coaches tried to fit him at all costs. There was pressure to do it, as he was the prodigal son, and he had to succeed. But he didn't. Barça's midfield was weaker with him on. I lost count how many times I saw people complaining about him during games. He didn't improve this team, never cemented his place. he probably wanted to leave as well, as he is very intelligent and must have noticed this too.

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