Champions league 09-10



I was relishing the thought of finally being able to enjoy the CL in peace but then again, those British Rats never fail to contribute to the entertainment factor somehow.

If a Brit called people from another country "rats" we'd be in trouble on here.

Double standards.




New member
:icon_neutral: Um...I was merely concurring with dalitis8, dabbling in my usual sarcasm at that; if there's a fine I'd be more than happy to settle. :icon_confused:

Oh for the record I've got Lyon to edge past Munich into the Final: better defense, genuine keeper and such.
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Senior Member
What a night.

Close to the end of the first half I thought:"Man, Bayern are still as bad as last season against us".
Some seconds later they made the 1:3. :)

And in the second half Manchester disintegrated totally.
That Rafael being sent off is 100% correct should be out of discussion.
There are referees who would have sent him off on his first assault.
In addition Vidic was lucky, that the ref did not see his intentional kick into the balls.
On the other hand Badstuber was also lucky.

Anyway, while Bayern was far from playing good yesterday they clearly showed lots of fighting spirit after going down 3:0 and they fully deserve to advance to the semis.

And what about poor Bordeaux? Lyon and especially Cissokho were running around assaulting Bordeaux like rabid dogs and no referee was to be seen anywhere. Unbelievable.
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Cardenal de Catalunya
Reading past the last 10 odd pages made me feel sick.

First of all, I sincerely think we should lift the hurdle for joining this forum to keep it civilised. Seeing users like "arsenal r barca lite" gives you the shivers, because there is NO essence OR content in his / her posts. Posts full of hatred, depraved thoughts and sheer mockery are not something most of the users enjoy here.

People do not change in one week's time, thus I highly doubt his / her contribution would change to correspond to what we're normally accustomed to even after the ban.

I do have to admit that it's not that the Mancs are out, but the fact that there are no English teams in the last four, which gives me some pleasure. The aforementioned derives only out of the fact that English media acts so smug and treats any other league as an equivalent to a rubbish bin.

What comes to the final four - it will be highly interesting to see how Barça will fare against Inter, as these games are completely different in nature compared to the group stage games. Mourinho will try to come back with even stronger, and the pressure on him must be huge to show the rest of Europe that his team can now cut it at the top. I hope Pep studies Inter thoroughly inside out that leading to Blaugrana progess to Madrid.

Lyon and Bayern will be an interesting draw. As bad as Bayern's defence is, I still would fancy their wings to do a great deal of damage. However, I think Lyon might have a few aces up the sleeve and through a hard-fought two games they just might end up in the Final. As already mentioned, Bayern's defence is a huge liability, which might cost them their both legs.


High Definition Member
its great thing for football this english dominance (in terms of reaching this stage by 3 teams, not necessarily winning the tournament) is showing signs of coming to an end,

i mean how great is it be for football to see the likes of inter and bayern back in the big time and even a surprise like lyon? we could have another porto situation with them.


High Definition Member
If he continues playing like a rabid dog as he did yesterday someday a real referee will shove a red card in his face.

might have been more rabid because there is a bit of rivalry in the domestic league also, these games are more heated. but if he deserves a card then of course he should be booked or sent off.


New member
Man U's exit is just brilliant. Overrated bunch of """". 1 CL in 10 years with their style of play is enough.


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