Champions League 23/24

Who will win CL this season?

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Well-known member
This was the first CL final I missed in 31 years! I just couldn't be bothered to wake up and watch them win yet again.
This competition is almost like a showcase for Real ti strut their stuff. It doesn't help that when they're in trouble the refs bail them out or their players manage to find an extra gear.
They have won triple the CL we have. And we're supposed to be their greatest rivals 😆.
In the next five years they will probably win another two or three, at the bare minimum one.


Senior Member
It's weird that you're trying to impose your ideals into another fanbase. Madrid doesn't have a specific style but they play attractive football most of the season and only close shop when they need to get a result against a stacked team, usually in a second leg away from home. Just contrast the first and second legs against Man City this year, one was the former while the second was a perfect example of the latter. No reasonable fanbase is expecting their team to live and die by a "philosophy".

Capello's football was significantly less appealing than Ancelotti's and the results weren't even comparable. Ancelotti won the long-awaited Decima in his first season whereas Capello eked out a league title on goal difference against a lackluster Barcelona and got embarrassed in the round of 16 vs a trash Bayern Munich. Ancleotti would have met the same fate if that's what he served in his first season.

I am not imposing anything on anyone.
I gave you historical examples of how and WHEN mentality of Madrid fanbase changed.
I gave you REAL QUOTES that contradict what you write. Go READ
If you choose to ignore that, it is your problem

It is probably you, who are too young, and have watched Madrid only after 2009, and believe such stuff.


I am not imposing anything on anyone.
I gave you historical examples of how and WHEN mentality of Madrid fanbase changed.
I gave you REAL QUOTES that contradict what you write. Go READ
If you choose to ignore that, it is your problem

It is probably you, who are too young, and have watched Madrid only after 2009, and believe such stuff.
But you are. You pretty much unilaterally decided that Ancelotti's style is unappealing and that the fanbase somehow "changed" or were conditioned to put up with it when In reality, millions of fans enjoy the football their team plays and are completely fine with 2 or 3 PTB matches in the champions league. Most fans in the world would be. Nothing has changed really. You didn't give anything other than subjective opinions.

Ancelotti's football > Capello's football
Ancelotti's results > Capello's results

One plays football that the fans enjoy AND delivered the biggest trophy of them all, multiple times now. The other played terrible football AND failed in Europe. This comparison that you seem to think is a smoking gun argument only makes sense to you and you only.

Don Juan Laporta Estruch

Well-known member
I want to live in a world where a Barca player should have got sent off in the first half like Vinicius should have for his dive ( which is a clear second yellow ) and it is just glossed over as if nothing at all happened.

Not to mention the scandalous ending against Bayern, or the absolute robbery against Leipzig, where again Vini should have seen red for a throat grab.

Had Barca won the UCL with such scandals, they would be talking about it for the next 20 years. Hell, 1 game 15 years ago against Chelsea is bad enough to taint Barca for eternity. That also, after a 1st leg in the Camp Nou where Barca were equally robbed.

But instead the footballing world has planted it's face firmly between the butcheeks of Madrid tonight, not least on a Barca forum that knows full well the way Madrid wins.

What a time to be alive !


Senior Member
But you are. You pretty much unilaterally decided that Ancelotti's style is unappealing and that the fanbase somehow "changed" or were conditioned to put up with it when In reality, millions of fans enjoy the football their team plays and are completely fine with 2 or 3 PTB matches in the champions league. Most fans in the world would be. Nothing has changed really. You didn't give anything other than subjective opinions.

Ancelotti's football > Capello's football
Ancelotti's results > Capello's results

One plays football that the fans enjoy AND delivered the biggest trophy of them all, multiple times now. The other played terrible football AND failed in Europe. This comparison that you seem to think is a smoking gun argument only makes sense to you and you only.
You miss the point
The point was not what Ancelotti's style is, let alone direct comparison with Capello
The point was Madrid's fanbase mentality
The same fanbase that was happy with Mou's style also in 2010-13


Active member
I think you might have something there but they were not dominant in winning, even if some may argue that the results were good enough, again I think their goal then was to emulate the dream team. Real had over the years some problems in recreating the Franco era. But they play okish most of the gsmes but what stands out for their base is the Wikipedia record. Now they don't need to stress themselves too much with style since the media and internet base already took the bite and unified the two generations to create the narative that they are the biggest club.If we had 14 cups too. And that success impacts even our base to go silverware merchandise. For me is not really that important if the team plays good and has the most earnings to buy the best players. I will gladly prefer Real having another 20 catenaccios style UCL if we play Endrick or Mbappe. But again we f up financially too and mainly for two reasons plastic fans waiting FCB to win and pushing Bartomeu to do stupid stuff, the idea that stars are found in media newspapers since plastics are atracted by barrn stats not potential.
Imagine if we said we don't care let's transfer for the future. I think FCB will be a force today.


Active member
You miss the point
The point was not what Ancelotti's style is, let alone direct comparison with Capello
The point was Madrid's fanbase mentality
The same fanbase that was happy with Mou's style also in 2010-13
At that time Mou was absolutely the most hyped coach in the world and Barcelona demolished open play teams like there was no tomorrow. So is a bit out off context. After Bayern did that trashing and BVB eliminate Real things were not sustainable anymore. Anyway it's a huge debate.


Senior Member
This was the first CL final I missed in 31 years! I just couldn't be bothered to wake up and watch them win yet again.
This competition is almost like a showcase for Real ti strut their stuff. It doesn't help that when they're in trouble the refs bail them out or their players manage to find an extra gear.
They have won triple the CL we have. And we're supposed to be their greatest rivals 😆.
In the next five years they will probably win another two or three, at the bare minimum one.
They have basically 3x the CL of Bayern too. And more than 2x Milan.

It's just the weight of history that other teams can't beat. If you're familiar with basketball, the Boston Celtics had an advantage like this in basketball for a long, long time.


Active member
They have basically 3x the CL of Bayern too. And more than 2x Milan.

It's just the weight of history that other teams can't beat. If you're familiar with basketball, the Boston Celtics had an advantage like this in basketball for a long, long time.
Or the lack of proper subtitutes for BVB.
I mean they totally outplayed them for 65 minutes..The legacy is presing only in the last 25? :)) What team collapsed against Real except Liverpool.
Why this nonsense is presented on a forum.This I will expect from clap trap tabloids


At that time Mou was absolutely the most hyped coach in the world and Barcelona demolished open play teams like there was no tomorrow. So is a bit out off context. After Bayern did that trashing and BVB eliminate Real things were not sustainable anymore. Anyway it's a huge debate.
Outside of the Classico games where they had to resort to terrorist ball, Mourinho's Madrid weren't even an ugly team to watch. Quite the opposite actually.

People seem to forget that team still holds the record for most goals scored in a single La Liga season ( 2011-2012)


Senior Member
Outside of the Classico games where they had to resort to terrorist ball, Mourinho's Madrid weren't even an ugly team to watch. Quite the opposite actually.

People seem to forget that team still holds the record for most goals scored in a single La Liga season ( 2011-2012)

Record was made through most direct counter-attack goals. Check it out

Of course against the Malagas and the Granadas, who were themselves parking the bus, they had to somehow attack. That was also done by the Capellos and any kind of defensive-oriented coach in the world against such minor opposition.


Active member
They have basically 3x the CL of Bayern too. And more than 2x Milan.

It's just the weight of history that other teams can't beat. If you're familiar with basketball, the Boston Celtics had an advantage like this in basketball for a long, long time.
By the way that's the reason Real can get away with robberies. Since there was a post on mediatic bias towards Real. Because afterall who will attack that dna and history if even the barca fans got trapped.


Active member
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="in" dir="ltr">FOOT ⚽️ <br><br>🚨 Penalty de Mendy sur Karim Adeyemi ?<br><br>👀<a href=";ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#UCL</a>     <a href=";ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#UCLfinal</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Special one (@Specialoneeno) <a href=" ">June 1, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Senior Member
Never a penalty.

Dortmund have themselves to blame for not finishing clear chances where they should have been up 3-4 goals in the first half.

But it's the history of the Dortmund.

Forever losers.


Active member
After playing Barca ball for first half and being wrecked by counters and fast break attacks, this team bounced back yet again. Still winning and writing history, even when at its lowest. Cant wait for the next chapter, with Mbappe and co.. What a night. What a club.

p.s: the coping mechanisms here are cherry on top. 🥰

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