CL semis: Bayern - Barca 3-2 (3-5 agg.)


New member
I don't really see what is the problem with what he said. Luis Enrique recently said something along the lines of "Barca don't fear any draw. Any team who draws us is the unlucky one." It could similarly be interpreted as cocky but no one here said anything about that. I don't really see any problem with it either but it's easy to see it as cocky if I wanted to, too.
Ok, so I got the complete original sentence from L'équipe :

« Nous avons discuté quelques minutes à Zurich en janvier à l´occasion de la cérémonie du Ballon d´Or. C´est quelqu´un de très humble et de discret. Il réalise une carrière exceptionnelle. J´ai beaucoup de respect pour lui et pour tout ce qu´il réussit. Sur le terrain, le plus important si nous nous retrouvons face à face, c´est de faire preuve d´autorité et de montrer qui est le patron. C´est ce que j´avais fait en finale de la Coupe du monde et cela avait plutôt bien fonctionné (il sourit). C´est ce que je ferai mercredi soir. Il est capital d´avoir une position de dominant afin d´inspirer le respect à mon adversaire direct. Il faut savoir faire preuve de présence physique, de caractère et d´insouciance. »

"We talked a little bit in Zurich back in January in the BO ceremony. He's a discrete and humble person. He has an exceptionnal carreer. I have a lot of respect for what he's accomplished. On the field, the most important thing if we come face to face, is to have authority and show who's the boss. That's what I did in the WC final and it worked out pretty well (smiles). That's what i'll do on wednesday night. It is capital to have the dominant position to inspire respect to my direct opponent. I need to show physical presence, caracter and insouciance"

I hope it's clearer now, the cocky spirit is alive and well.

And now tell me - what is wrong with that?

If I would be you I would hope that MATS would say exactly the same about duels between him and Müller or Lewy.
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New member
So ? I don't know how often this has been repeated around these parts, yet people still don't seem able nor willing to grasp it: The issue with Bayern hasn't been buying players from the domestic league, but the deliberate and willful dismantling of competition, which Hoeneß at that time basically admitted himself of doing in an interview in connection to the Schlaudraff transfer.

The intent of these transfers was the actual issue and the unique feature, not the transfers themselves.

Bayern fans' attempt to defend Bayern has gotten out of reach, far beyond ridiculous. Just admit that Bayern is in a one team league(as the whole world know already, and certainly can't change what we think with those biased points) and all other teams in that league just bow down to Bayern without a fight by selling their best players to them, essentially killing the competition for a few years at least.


New member
Bayern fans' attempt to defend Bayern has gotten out of reach, far beyond ridiculous. Just admit that Bayern is in a one team league(as the whole world know already, and certainly can't change what we think with those biased points) and all other teams in that league just bow down to Bayern without a fight by selling their best players to them, essentially killing the competition for a few years at least.

You're actually one of the most clueless posters on here. At least with DennyCrane, I can follow their logic. You actually have none.


Culé de Celestial Empire
I don't really see what is the problem with what he said. Luis Enrique recently said something along the lines of "Barca don't fear any draw. Any team who draws us is the unlucky one." It could similarly be interpreted as cocky but no one here said anything about that. I don't really see any problem with it either but it's easy to see it as cocky if I wanted to, too.

Sure, what he said could come off cocky to some Bayern fans and even neutral fans, I would have totally understood that. Nobody is complaining here because after all this is Barca forum. You would not see any Bayern forum complaining about Bayern player's remarks, would you?


New member
Sure, what he said could come off cocky to some Bayern fans and even neutral fans, I would have totally understood that. Nobody is complaining here because after all this is Barca forum. You would not see any Bayern forum complaining about Bayern player's remarks, would you?

Yup, I totally would. I see people complaining about things that Kalle said all the time. In fact, there are posts made in the last few hours on Bayern forums complaining about this very Neuer quote, so it's not really out of the realm or anything.

Both of what Enrique and Neuer said just sound like normal pre-game stuff IMO.


Senior Member
I don't really see what is the problem with what he said. Luis Enrique recently said something along the lines of "Barca don't fear any draw. Any team who draws us is the unlucky one." It could similarly be interpreted as cocky but no one here said anything about that. I don't really see any problem with it either but it's easy to see it as cocky if I wanted to, too.

Pretty much. This sort of ambitious chit-chat is completely normal in teamsports. When I used to play football and we were in the cabin before the game and the team-captain or the coach was giving us instructions then they always ended their speech with the words "lets whoop some ass" and everyone was frenetically clapping their hands. This sort of interview-perfectionism standards nowadays is totally exagerated imo.


Culé de Celestial Empire
I do not see Bayern winning the Bundesliga in every season in the future. It will go back to the way it was before they had this "generation" of players.

Winning the league is not just about the strength of a team. Winning the Bundesliga is not even such an easy thing people seem to make it here - just because a Bayern team of the quality of today kept concentration and went nearly 100% every Saturday. If Bayern would not have they would not be in the position they are right now. We are talking of a team that probably (this season has not ended and they need another 2 wins in 3 matches to fulfill that) has played the best 3 seasons in a row a team has played in 52 years of the Bundesliga. And there has been other great teams before. I have told it before - if you look at the effort - and you see that in the running data of a team - Bayern needed to win their matches you will remark that this league is not really an easy one. They do not have a second big team in it - that is the only thing that is different.

The other teams will win if Bayern slips. And Bayern will. On the short run there will be no team that will be on the same financial level - but you never know how it will be on the long run. But the goal of this teams must not be to beat Bayern but to establish themselves in the top four first. And if you look into the tables of the league in the recent years even the top 4 are changing every season.

And the scare of Bayern buying at competitors...
The danger is not just Bayern but Bayern, Barca, Real and the EPL clubs. All the clubs with more money.

And as I said about the BVB - they do not need Bayern to destroy them. They did that on their own. Underdog tactics work when you are an underdog - but if "pressing" is still your only playmaker when you are the second most richest club in the league and the only important thing when you buy players is that they have speed...

I agree BVB's woes this season had nothing to do with Bayern, and largely I agree what Bayern is doing, eg. signing some of the best players and prospects from Bundesliga is not much different from what Barca, Real Madrid and many other elite teams are doing or have done.

Generally, I think the lack of competitors in Bundesliga for Bayern can not be blamed on Bayern these days, at least for the most part. Bayern is very well-run, extremely healthy financially and is the place many, if not most German players aspire to play. Other Buli clubs, perhaps partially thanks to 50+1, can not simply compete with Bayern both on and off the field. I don't see this trend changing any time soon. Sure Bayern probably won't win the Buli championship for the next 10 consecutive years, maybe there is slip here and there, but Bayern's overwhelming domination of the Bundesliga will continue for a long, long time. Bundesliga will remain a 1-horse race, and you can't really say it is Bayern's fault.


Senior Member

This a pin-point explanation on why the Rakitic transfer could be seen almost as controversial as the transfer from already "known threats". Barca would in that case keep Sevilla to the ground and eliminate them before it even becomes a "perceived threat". In their position as the "large firm" this can be easily executed.

And when it comes down to "known" threats, well i think noone in this forum actually thinks that if Ronaldo was suddenly a free-agent then Barca wouldnt be trying to sign him. Barca simply cant sign Madrid players, because Madrid is too strong on the market. If they werent, then Barca would go for it. It's not their noble intention preventing them from doing it, its just their inability.

I'm not going to restart the argument regarding Atletico, but I already proved to you that Barca didn't capitalize on weakening their known threats. Speculation about Real Madrid transfers are just that, speculation. I'm not going to argue if Barca would or would not sign Real Madrid players when I've already backed up my claims by using Atletico in a real world scenario. It's trivial.

That is a compliment I can give right back to you. Where did I claim that you said such a thing? Still you cannot prove what was the deciding factor for Bayern to make the respective move, most likely it was to strengthen oneself if the surrounding interviews are any indication, possibly it was even the sole motivator. That is what I said.

You think Bayern also happened to weaken their competitor yet you cannot field any proof that such thinking was even a factor for Uli, Killer-Kalle and Sammer. Mere speculation.


You're first post addressed to me was saying how Lewa is a striker and Gotze great talent and mocking me for implying it was anything else than a beneficial squad strengthening for Bayern.

You're missing the point though. I never once stated that Bayern took Gotze and Lewa because solely 1) They are amongst the world's best talents and Bayern would benefit from them OR 2) BvB was a great team that was competing wit Bayern on the forefront and wanted to take them out. I never said there was a DECIDING FACTOR like you mention, I said there was two factors, both of which benefitted Bayern. There is a big difference between the those two statements.

We're not going to get anywhere trying to PROVE Bayern's intent was sabotaging BvB. What I'm trying to say is that Bayern certainly had incentives to do so.

Honestly, I would have a very difficult time believing you if you said that Bayern's only incentive was getting great players while just coincidentally happening to hinder their only competitors for the league title.

I'll leave it at that.
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Ryu Hayabusa

Ok, so I got the complete original sentence from L'équipe :

« Nous avons discuté quelques minutes à Zurich en janvier à l´occasion de la cérémonie du Ballon d´Or. C´est quelqu´un de très humble et de discret. Il réalise une carrière exceptionnelle. J´ai beaucoup de respect pour lui et pour tout ce qu´il réussit. Sur le terrain, le plus important si nous nous retrouvons face à face, c´est de faire preuve d´autorité et de montrer qui est le patron. C´est ce que j´avais fait en finale de la Coupe du monde et cela avait plutôt bien fonctionné (il sourit). C´est ce que je ferai mercredi soir. Il est capital d´avoir une position de dominant afin d´inspirer le respect à mon adversaire direct. Il faut savoir faire preuve de présence physique, de caractère et d´insouciance. »

"We talked a little bit in Zurich back in January in the BO ceremony. He's a discrete and humble person. He has an exceptionnal carreer. I have a lot of respect for what he's accomplished. On the field, the most important thing if we come face to face, is to have authority and show who's the boss. That's what I did in the WC final and it worked out pretty well (smiles). That's what i'll do on wednesday night. It is capital to have the dominant position to inspire respect to my direct opponent. I need to show physical presence, caracter and insouciance"

I hope it's clearer now, the cocky spirit is alive and well.

And still there is nothing wrong with it, especially since that is confidence and not cockiness.


Senior Member
Bayern fans' attempt to defend Bayern has gotten out of reach, far beyond ridiculous.

there is a difference between debating/disagreeing (what We do, what DennyCrane does, what Devils does and what everyone else does) and provocating and always looking for fights (what you do).
Even your own cules on this forum told you that you are annoying. This is not about who supports which team, but about "how to behave on a forum".

Ryu Hayabusa

there is a difference between debating/disagreeing (what We do, what DennyCrane does, what Devils does and what everyone else does) and provocating and always looking for fights (what you do).
Even your own cules on this forum told you that you are annoying. This is not about who supports which team, but about "how to behave on a forum".

I find it amusing that he, together with StarLord, is the one being the most condecending forum user towards Bayern around here, belitteling Bayern and their supporters at every opportunity and if at least some of that flak is partially returned, he is the first to complain. And he wonders why I have a hard time taking him seriously. :lol:


Senior Member
I find it amusing that he, together with StarLord, is the one being the most condecending forum user towards Bayern around here, belitteling Bayern and their supporters at every opportunity and if at least some of that flak is partially returned, he is the first to complain. And he wonders why I have a hard time taking him seriously. :lol:

Im one of the most condecending towards Bayern as well, but dont worry, i will actually be cheering for you tomorrow :) Well, as much as it is possible to cheer for Bayern...

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